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Rodney McKay Whumping!

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    Hi folks!
    I'm only here for a moment, have to go to bed soon, but I had to see what's new in whump-land! Seems it was rather quiet, but some really nice whump pics have been posted!

    Originally posted by kaspa
    I'm all alone
    all by myself
    there is no one here beside me
    im all alone
    quite, all alone
    no one to comfort me or guide me
    why is there no one here with me
    on the long and winding road
    to lift my heavy load
    if there were someone here with me
    how happy i would be
    but im alone
    quite all alone
    all by myself im all alone
    That was sad, but it's very lovely done! Thanks for posting it!

    A pic:

    Bye, A.
    ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
    ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


      Originally posted by pavaneofstars
      hey Kaspa, I'm here! It's been a slow weekend all around gateworld seems like. Must be the holiday. Happy Memorial Day!

      Anyhow, here's some whump...

      Nice whump! It's good to see some more whumpers!

      Originally posted by McKayRocks!

      Hi! I'm around for a bit now! We have a bank holiday here today so get the day off work and the children have half term holiday (a week off) so we have had a busy weekend. Just been to see X Men 3 and enjoyed it very much! Haven't had time to read all the fic recs yet but have a hour or so to myself now so just might get round to it!

      Have been reading this though More Than Just Pretty Faces by Tipper and have nearly finished it. It is very good!
      *waves back* I want to see that! Of course, I want to watch the first two first. Ha - hope you have a great holiday!!

      Originally posted by Commander Ivanova
      Don't be sad, sometimes real life just gets in the way and we can't be where we want to be.
      Here now though

      I'm not sad anymore!! That's life I guess.

      Originally posted by Arlessiar
      Hi folks!
      I'm only here for a moment, have to go to bed soon, but I had to see what's new in whump-land! Seems it was rather quiet, but some really nice whump pics have been posted!

      Originally Posted by kaspa
      I'm all alone
      all by myself
      there is no one here beside me
      im all alone
      quite, all alone
      no one to comfort me or guide me
      why is there no one here with me
      on the long and winding road
      to lift my heavy load
      if there were someone here with me
      how happy i would be
      but im alone
      quite all alone
      all by myself im all alone

      That was sad, but it's very lovely done! Thanks for posting it!
      Thanks!! I didn't actually write it though. It's the lyrics from some musical thing - I think Monty Python. I just remember Zazu on The Lion King singing it - that's what I was thinking about when posted. Next time I'll put something there that says that I didn't write it or where it's from or something.

      Nice pics everybody!! They made my day a little better.


        Right - when I checked out The Next Event I realised I had read it!! I am terrible for remembering the titles of fics I have read

        Still have to read June's rec but it is a long one and I like to finish them in one go so won't have time to start it tonight as I cannot stay up too late either. Did read this one though The Trench again this is by Tipper and has some nice McKay whump. She has written some real biggies too but need a free afternoon to get started on them!

        Hello Arlessiar! Thanks for the pic!

        And don't be sad Kaspa - you are never alone when you are a whumper! You will always find a kindred spirit here - even if we can't post everyday we are around!!

        No apologies for this pic being posted again! I have to stop myself posting it everyday!!

        Sad old whumper that I am

        Last edited by McKayRocks!; 08 June 2006, 10:43 AM.
        sig by SheppyD
        Whumpydoodlesquee and Frenxies a Speciality

        I'm not crazy - I just have another consciousness in my brain
        So he just looks crazy


          Last edited by McKayRocks!; 08 June 2006, 10:45 AM.
          sig by SheppyD
          Whumpydoodlesquee and Frenxies a Speciality

          I'm not crazy - I just have another consciousness in my brain
          So he just looks crazy


            Random whumpage before I go to bed! It is so late here I will have such trouble getting up tomorrow!!


            Last edited by McKayRocks!; 08 June 2006, 10:47 AM.
            sig by SheppyD
            Whumpydoodlesquee and Frenxies a Speciality

            I'm not crazy - I just have another consciousness in my brain
            So he just looks crazy


              Lovely pics Mx! I wish the new season would hurry up and get here! We need new whump!

              sig by Pandora's_Box


                Just popping to to say HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO and..

                oh lookit:




                  *waves to everyone*


                  I love whumpers to post here - poor little Rodney does his very best to get whumped for our enjoyment and we so need to show we appreciate his efforts!!

                  Thanks for all the wonderful caps posted - I love to see the new ones people have done for themselves!!

                  A little bit of GUP - gotta love that ep so much!!


                  Last edited by McKayRocks!; 08 June 2006, 10:48 AM.
                  sig by SheppyD
                  Whumpydoodlesquee and Frenxies a Speciality

                  I'm not crazy - I just have another consciousness in my brain
                  So he just looks crazy


                    Hey Everyone!!

                    Originally posted by McKayRocks!
                    And don't be sad Kaspa - you are never alone when you are a whumper! You will always find a kindred spirit here - even if we can't post everyday we are around!!
                    Awww... thanks!! I love this thread!!

                    Great caps everybody!! I don't know how to cap. Is there like a "how to" somewhere on the forum? Or is it really simple and I'm just ignorant?

                    I miss watching Stargate!! I don't have SciFi anymore and I missed the marathon Monday!! Didn't they show The Hive? That's one I haven't seen and I really reallly really really really want to. Does anybody in the USA know of any other channels it plays on? Anyway... I've got a huge major party going on right now so I'm going to go and dance! DDR anyone? Oooh, another EXCELLENT fic. I don't know if this one has been rec'd here before...


                    Just to make it clear - I don't enjoy deathfics and I love this fic.

                    Happy whumping!!!


                      Originally posted by kaspa
                      Great caps everybody!! I don't know how to cap. Is there like a "how to" somewhere on the forum? Or is it really simple and I'm just ignorant?
                      Hey Kaspa!!

                      I can't do my own caps as my pc is too old so I use this site as a source for my caps.

                      You need some software on your pc like adobe photo deluxe or similar and I save them on my pc in a folder I call Atlantis. You use the software to change them to the correct size. They must be no more than 700 pixels so I always save the photo size to be 500 pixels wide (nice and easy round number to remember!!)

                      Then you need to open a photobucket account. They are free and you get a web album in which to upload the caps that are now the correct size. You then copy and paste them into your post using the little yellow button on the toolbar above where you reply to the thread (looks like it has a mountain and stamp on it!) and hey presto!!

                      Any probs PM me and I will be pleased to help! Really I am a techno dinosaur and not very good with this sort of thing so if I can do it I am sure a young thing like you will have no problems at all!

                      And thanks for the fic rec - I don't read deathfic but if you have recommended this I will look at it and decide if I will read it! Depends who dies I suppose!

                      sig by SheppyD
                      Whumpydoodlesquee and Frenxies a Speciality

                      I'm not crazy - I just have another consciousness in my brain
                      So he just looks crazy


                        Originally posted by kaspa
                        Oooh, another EXCELLENT fic. I don't know if this one has been rec'd here before...


                        Just to make it clear - I don't enjoy deathfics and I love this fic.

                        Happy whumping!!!

                        Ooo, excellent choice! I really enjoyed this one as well. I feel like I've been so out of touch. Crazy work and real life! It's a full time job taking care of all those sick kitties and doggies out there! Anyway, just wanted to drop in and say hi all! Keep up the whumping! I'm tapping my foot impatiently for season 3...

                        I'm off to continue my search for more good fics to rec.

                        "Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cake-hole!" - Dean Winchester, Supernatural


                          Originally posted by McKayRocks!
                          Hey Kaspa!!

                          I can't do my own caps as my pc is too old so I use this site as a source for my caps.

                          You need some software on your pc like adobe photo deluxe or similar and I save them on my pc in a folder I call Atlantis. You use the software to change them to the correct size. They must be no more than 700 pixels so I always save the photo size to be 500 pixels wide (nice and easy round number to remember!!)

                          Then you need to open a photobucket account. They are free and you get a web album in which to upload the caps that are now the correct size. You then copy and paste them into your post using the little yellow button on the toolbar above where you reply to the thread (looks like it has a mountain and stamp on it!) and hey presto!!

                          Any probs PM me and I will be pleased to help! Really I am a techno dinosaur and not very good with this sort of thing so if I can do it I am sure a young thing like you will have no problems at all!
                          Thanks for the info!! Really appreciate it.

                          And thanks for the fic rec - I don't read deathfic but if you have recommended this I will look at it and decide if I will read it! Depends who dies I suppose!

                          Sorry, I was unclear. It's not a deathfic although the summary makes it sound like one. I was trying to be crafty and subtle - hahaha - maybe I should just stick to straightforward . It's a great fic with some awesome awesome McKay whump and it's even got a bit of Shep whump with some angst thrown in for good measure. Heck - even Teyla and Ronon have a rough go of it but the story focuses mainly on McKay and Sheppard. It's another really good author. I've read a lot of her work. Hope you enjoy!

                          I'm off to continue my search for more good fics to rec.
                          I'm waiting with baited breath!! No, seriously, I'm holding my breath until you rec a new whump fic!! I mean, look at my face! It's completely red!! You better hurry!!

                          - Wow, it's very late and it's been a really loooong day - a very good day - but very long. Good night all!! Happy whumping!!


                            Originally posted by kaspa
                            Sorry, I was unclear. It's not a deathfic although the summary makes it sound like one. I was trying to be crafty and subtle - hahaha - maybe I should just stick to straightforward .
                            You are very sneaky!!!

                            I read it and first off got all sad and then I realised it wasn't a deathfic and then everything was alright!!

                            I thought it was good of you not to say it wasn't a deathfic cos it made it a big surprise when I realised it wasn't!! Trouble is we have now given it away to anyone who hasn't read it!!

                            Am off work today so will try to pop on between chores and kids!

                            June - RL and work sure gets in the way of Gateworld!! I know that feelling.

                            Have a whumpy day everyone!!


                            Last edited by McKayRocks!; 08 June 2006, 10:50 AM.
                            sig by SheppyD
                            Whumpydoodlesquee and Frenxies a Speciality

                            I'm not crazy - I just have another consciousness in my brain
                            So he just looks crazy


                              OMG!!! Whump pics!!! I'm loving the whumpy pics!!!


                                Originally posted by Allestian
                                OMG!!! Whump pics!!! I'm loving the whumpy pics!!!

                                Me too!!!!

                                My mate SLC from the Shep whump makes my sigs and wallpapers for me! She is a treasure!

                                sig by SheppyD
                                Whumpydoodlesquee and Frenxies a Speciality

                                I'm not crazy - I just have another consciousness in my brain
                                So he just looks crazy

