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Rodney McKay Whumping!

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    Just whump.

    Bye, A.
    ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
    ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


      I just read a pretty good whump story. It's new to me so just in case it's new to any of you, here you go:

      There and Back Again

      Apologies if this has been rec'd before.

      Cheers all!
      "Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cake-hole!" - Dean Winchester, Supernatural


        Originally posted by JuneBug625
        I just read a pretty good whump story. It's new to me so just in case it's new to any of you, here you go:

        There and Back Again

        Apologies if this has been rec'd before.

        Cheers all!
        I had read this before but I had to read it again when you mentioned it. SO GOOD! The angst and the whump...makes you choke up a bit, especially the very end. Of course I'm also a huge LOTR fan, so it hit me more with that too.

        I think I need a twelve-step program. I like whump waaaay too much.


        photo manip by SGKawoosh, based on my crazy dream about the Earth being destroyed and the Asgard, wearing flannel and jeans, saving SG-1. Yah, my dreams are usually that messed up.


          Just read that for the first time myself. Not too bad, but some of the moments seemed kinda McShep. Not really into that myself. I life fic that I could see in my head like an actual episode of SGA, and it did have quite a bit of that despite the McShep. Like an episode is how I try to write my fic. (which I did update today, despite my writer's block)


   looks like that in next episode will be Shepp whumping again . No offense but I really want to see some McKay whumping.

            "No dictator, no invader, can hold an imprisoned population by the force of arms forever. There is no greater power in the universe than the need for freedom. Against that power governments, and tyrants, and armies can not stand." - G´Kar, Babylon 5


              Yeah, got enough Shep whumping already this season. I love McKay whumping as much as anybody, but I think Beckett deserves some too. *crosses fingers*


                Originally posted by Klenotka
       looks like that in next episode will be Shepp whumping again . No offense but I really want to see some McKay whumping.
                If you look at the preview clip for Phantoms, it does look for a second like something or someone's coming up behind Rodney to squish him. So don't give up hope.


                  Oooh, YES!!! What section of the promo is "that part" in?

                  Have a good time watching 'Phantoms' on Friday... How I wish I had cable!!!

                  Oh, and today I'm having a party (of the 'pity' variety) and EVERYONE'S invited!
                  RSVP not necessary.
                  "Okay, you know what, just stop it. Alright? Lucius is not a superhero--Batman, is a superhero..."


                    Originally posted by Cheerios
                    Oooh, YES!!! What section of the promo is "that part" in?

                    Have a good time watching 'Phantoms' on Friday... How I wish I had cable!!!

                    Oh, and today I'm having a party (of the 'pity' variety) and EVERYONE'S invited!
                    RSVP not necessary.
                    There's the part where Ronon comes roaring like a grizzly out from behind a tree (near the end of the preview), then right after that is a glimpse of the back of what looks like McKay, and then again after the glimpse of Sheppard with gun in hand and a flash of Ronon, there's another back-of-McKay going tumbling--at least it looked like McKay to me (far as I can tell without my glasses on). Maybe you guys can look at it and see if it does to you, too. You have to play it slow to see it and even then it goes by quick.

                    I'm sorry you don't have cable. Hope you will get to see Phantoms despite that. By, of course, having some friend mail you a vid or something.


                      Originally posted by smushybird
                      There's the part where Ronon comes roaring like a grizzly out from behind a tree ...
                      "Roaring like a grizzly" lol! That's so Ronon. Love it! Will have to watch the preview again.

                      sig by Pandora's_Box


                        *waves madly*


                        My goodness I have been a very bad whumper and have not posted for a few days Thank you for the fics - I am almost out of fics at the moment so getting new ones is ace!!!

                        I am hoping for lots of McKay whump in any and all eps!!! But I do enjoy whump in general so as long as there is someone getting whumped I am happy!! And as Shep is my second fave character I can happily enjoy him being whumped!! But I wholeheartedly agree - I would adore some Carson whump as he is my next fave character!!

                        Must go check that promo for Phantoms!!!!

                        From Allies!

                        BTW Arlessiar - I love how Carson looks after those in his care and I would love to have seen him taking Rodney's pulse!! Wish they did a deleted scenes in the dvd's!!!

                        sig by SheppyD
                        Whumpydoodlesquee and Frenxies a Speciality

                        I'm not crazy - I just have another consciousness in my brain
                        So he just looks crazy


                          Carson had his whump this year already Now it´s time for Rodney getting his part. I am not sure but I think we didn´t see any McKay whump this year.
                          I hope in Phantoms. But I also looking forward to this episode from another reason, too. We will maybe see finally some scenes where are Teyla and Rodney together.
                          And it would be fine to see even Rodney under the influence of the drug or whatever is it. But I think this won´t happen

                          "No dictator, no invader, can hold an imprisoned population by the force of arms forever. There is no greater power in the universe than the need for freedom. Against that power governments, and tyrants, and armies can not stand." - G´Kar, Babylon 5


                            are we all forgetting
                            the arrow in the butt? remember another of those things went right through a tree and Rodney said that his had gone through to the bone!
                            Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                              Originally posted by sueKay
                              are we all forgetting
                              the arrow in the butt? remember another of those things went right through a tree and Rodney said that his had gone through to the bone!
                              Sateda pic spam!!!!!!!!!


                              sig by SheppyD
                              Whumpydoodlesquee and Frenxies a Speciality

                              I'm not crazy - I just have another consciousness in my brain
                              So he just looks crazy


                                Carson had just a 2 or 3 minute scene before getting interrogated by Michael, and we didn't even get to see it. And yeah, McKay got the arrow in the butt.
                                I think we need a little more Carson whump, but McKay whump will satisfy me for now.

