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Awaken Your Inner Ancient

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    Awaken Your Inner Ancient

    I want to see a few of the Atlantis personnel develop their hidden ancient talents. I want their genes to get fully activated and I want them to get better control of the city.

    Also I loved that holographic message in Rising and I think it’d be cool if the ascended ancients took notice of their fledgling descendants and tried to steer them in the right direction. I know this goes against their “laws” but still, they’ve got to see a bit of themselves in this crew… this should be like déjà vu for them. It’s not like I want them to come down and fight their battles for them, just act a little like The Powers That Be and subtly guide them.

    Besides, the existence of the Wraith is their fault.

    I think saying that it’s the ancients fault the Wraith exist is a bit harsh, they only tried to seed worlds with life and have thriving worlds in the Pegasus galaxy like they did in the Milky Way galaxy. It’s not their fault that there where bugs that feed on anything that had a life force and then ended up creating the Wraith. Coming to your first point it would be nice to see the Atlantis team do it all on their own instead of the ancients telling them how to do it.
    There is no spoon

    Free your mind


      Originally posted by Adam628749
      I think saying that it’s the ancients fault the Wraith exist is a bit harsh, they only tried to seed worlds with life and have thriving worlds in the Pegasus galaxy like they did in the Milky Way galaxy. It’s not their fault that there where bugs that feed on anything that had a life force and then ended up creating the Wraith. Coming to your first point it would be nice to see the Atlantis team do it all on their own instead of the ancients telling them how to do it.
      Well, it seems that TPTB are planning to have at least part of the Wraith threat be caused by the ancients:
      We're actually just in the process of developing some back-story for the Wraith that kind of has them evolving as a result of the Ancients, and their presence in the galaxy, and to a certain extent having the Ancients having brought some of the doom down on themselves
      from Gateworld News
      Nevertheless, I agree with you that the ancients shouldn't be interfering and the team should do it on its own...
      Still, it's always nice to see the ancients - but not too often (apart from the priestess from "Sanctuary" )


        Yeah, I meant on rare occasions. I don't want to see them in every other episode either... but it'd be a nice contrast to see them placed in perspective to the crew, after all they've got the potential to become ascended as and the danger of becoming just as aloof. It's nice for them to keep that in mind.


          When I say its not there fault, I mean that something happened in the evolution ladder that they had no control over. The ancients tried to do a good thing which backfired and the result was the creation of the Wraith which ended in there demise. As for having them in a couple of episodes I don’t mind at all. I think the whole point of Atlantis is to explore the ancients more. So if the whole season does not have any ancients in it I will be very disappointed. Thanks for the link.
          There is no spoon

          Free your mind


            I've been waiting...not so patiently really....for the show to do something with Shep's ancient gene. I want an EP that revolves around that. He's done nothing with it since Rising really. The Jumpers. What else? Nothing and THAT is why he's in ATLANTIS so it should mean something. Especially having the one guy who came along knowing NOTHING about the STARGATE or other worlds to be the key to the city. *sigh*


              lets revisit the sanctuary planet
              gumboYaYa: you are all beautiful, your words and openness are what make that shine. don't forget how much talent love and beauty you all have.
              so for now, peace love love love more love and happy, and thank you, thank you, thank you
              love Torri


                While I'm not the eternal optimist, I believe that TPTB will eventually deal with Ancient thread in greater depth...
                how that will link up with SG-1 remains to be seen (my only beef with Season 9)
                . Right now, it seems that Season 1 of SGA is largely focused on the Wraith threat and perhaps when Atlantis has dealt with this immediate problem they will turn to exploring more of the city and various members with the ATA gene. Like Merlin, I think the focus needs to be on Sheppard and his natural ability to manipulate Ancient tech.

                As for the Ancients themselves, I'm really pleased with the direction that the writers have taken. It's nice to know that the Ancients were flawed human beings afterall in spite of all their technological prowess.
                Whether they accidentally or purposely awakened the Wraith seems to me superfluous... the fact is they did... and that has led to serious repercussions.
                "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


                  Originally posted by impulsivelad
                  Yeah, I meant on rare occasions. I don't want to see them in every other episode either... but it'd be a nice contrast to see them placed in perspective to the crew, after all they've got the potential to become ascended as and the danger of becoming just as aloof. It's nice for them to keep that in mind.
                  I would like to see the ancients being not so powerless like we saw them before i sleep, they seemed sort of not to far well earth people to be honest.
                  i would like to hear something about the ancients that left atlantis not being the original all powerful ancients.
                  All im sayin is that i expected the ancients to be better and if they are going to bring them back for a couple of episodes then bring em back good and proper!!!!!!


                    The ascended are very arrogant and couldn't care less about the goings-on anywhere.

                    They coudl have killed the wraith years ago, but just couldn't be bothered because they can't "interfere".


                      I think this law that they cannot interfere is a load of crap. If they are so divine why should they not help the weak and helpless? Especially in the case of the Wraith as they are apparently involved in their creation.
                      There is no spoon

                      Free your mind


                        Originally posted by Adam628749
                        I think this law that they cannot interfere is a load of crap. If they are so divine why should they not help the weak and helpless? Especially in the case of the Wraith as they are apparently involved in their creation.
                        Because maybe they are not as good as we think they are...


                          Yeah, being ascended doesn't mean you're all good. Remember, Anubis ascended and he's a right prick. I think the fact of the matter is that they're extremely selfish and only care about their own personal growth. They couldn't really be arsed when it comes to the little people. I wish Weir or Sheppard could call them on this if they ever meet.
                          Last edited by impulsivelad; 23 January 2005, 07:15 AM.


                            Originally posted by Adam628749
                            I think this law that they cannot interfere is a load of crap. If they are so divine why should they not help the weak and helpless? Especially in the case of the Wraith as they are apparently involved in their creation.
                            Some of us were engaged in a somewhat heated discussion of this very issue not that long ago... it may be of interest to you...

                            Don't forget people that there is a distinction between the Ascended and the Ancients... not all who Ascended are/were Ancients...
                            "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


                              Thank u 4 the link. I do know the difference but thanks for pointing it out. I think that the ancients who ascended are in fact the people that created these laws and that they are the first to ascend and established this non corporeal world. I also think that orlin Chia and Oma Desala are from the ancient race. Even Daniel said that the ascended are the ancients. What do you think?
                              There is no spoon

                              Free your mind

