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If you could rewrite the Asuran Weir storyline...

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    If you could rewrite the Asuran Weir storyline...

    I enjoyed Elizabeth Weir's character arc right up to the climactic ending in Season 4's "Lifeline." She returned for three more episodes after this, all of which were a bit of a let down. If you could rewrite these three episodes, how would you change her storyline? Try and structure it the same in that there'd be two more Season 4 episodes and then a final appearance in Season 5.

    I'd have dumped the clone from "This Mortal Coil" in favor of AsurWeir and reveal that the nanites are slowly replacing her organic body with nanites. There's no going back to humanity, no going back to Atlantis. I'd have the episode deal with her escape from Asuras and mighty return to Atlantis. Rather than be welcomed home, she's treated as the enemy and flees through the stargate. Where did she go? No one knows.

    For her next and final appearance for the season, I'd deal with Weir as the leader of the rebel Asurans trying to ascend. The plan is to build organic bodies, download themselves into them, then use the organic bodies to ascend. However, there's a problem... once ascended, they have defied the others. A small war is about to break out between the ascended Asurans and the others. Weir, finally back in the flesh and ready to return home to Atlantis, must ascend herself to join the others and stop her brethren. The episode's ending would be reminiscent of Jackson's ascension in SG-1's "Meridian."

    In the fifth season, Weir would return one last time as an ascended being. The ascended Asurans have been dealt with, thanks to her help. The others have bestowed her a gift... she may return home in ascended form, but she cannot use her powers on the mortal plane. The "First Contact" / "Lost Tribe" two-parter would play out the same, but it would continue into a third episode with Weir's return. The Asgard come gunning for Atlantis to take revenge upon them for destroying the... "stargate exploder" device (name???). Weir must use all of her ascended might to save the day, sacrificing herself in the process. I'm not sure what the sacrifice would be, but... that's how I'd end her story.

    Can anyone think of a better storyline? Remember, you've got three episodes to work with.

    Weir is a Replicator/human hybrid who sparks a cold war between the two Asuran sides. those seeking ascension see her as a potential key, the other side sees her as the greatest danger.

    Weir becomes the Rebel Asuran leader, believing that helping these asurans will open the door to a peaceful end to the Asurans.

    the story ends with Weir risking it all to end the Asurans once and for all, using her power within the collective to thwart the Asurans' defenses in BAMSR


      If to rewrite story... I would begin not from Asuran Weir! It's necessery to rewrite Asurans' story generally - then it'll be possible to amend anything for Weir.


        BAMSR could have been the start of a great storyline.


          How would you rewrite "Ghost in the Machine?"


            If about "Ghost of machine"... I can can propose one idea!
            So well, atlantians allow replicators to make bodies - full-blown bodies, without any limits - and allows them to stay in Atlantis for any time - not under lock and key, mabe it's necessery to watch on them - but imperceptibly for them, and let them recover after all they've survive, let atlantian psychologist work with them, let at least someone'll be kind for them (Teyla is able, we know!) - and to suggest them unobtrusively that they don't need the ascension. Then atlantians'll help them to find aniother planet with neutronium where the'll can recreate their race - and will help them if necessery.
            As a result - any time in future, when people from Earth'll return to Pegasus - they'll meet there friendly civilization, and new generation of replicators'll remember compassion and helpness by atlantians for the same long time how they remebered cruelty and betrayal by Aincients. And if to remember that replicators make all very quickly - maybe they'll help them by any way alreay at time of "Enymy at the gate".
            As about Weir... of course it was necesssery to make for her human body (they coul make it) - and she'll return for her natural condition.


              Punctuation is your friend.


                Originally posted by Snowman37 View Post
                Punctuation is your friend.
                How about you provide a lengthy response in Russian and we'll judge your punctuation?


                  Sorry, I had't practice in English for a long time...


                    I didn't realize Mirelinde was from Russia.


                      Originally posted by Mirelinde View Post
                      Sorry, I had't practice in English for a long time...
                      Apologies are unnecessary, there are many from other countries and you are all welcome.


                        Originally posted by Snowman37 View Post
                        I didn't realize Mirelinde was from Russia.
                        Perhaps next time you'll check before someone gets their feelings hurt?


                          But let's return to our Asurans.
                          My husband, for example, proposed such rewriting: probably they can programm thechnic directly, so well they can open Gate without console... So well, Asuran who went through Gate the last, return to Gate before he "freezed", open Gate to another planet, then return with a rope, bind it to Gate so he'll can move (approach Gate and away of it) and drag his brethrens to Gate... and they all'll "unfreeze" in another planet.
                          Will they take Weir in such case? I hope they'll take her... Collectivist values are in their blood.
                          Maybe this idea more realistic that my one: the sky'll fall to the earth when atlantians'll begin to compassionate Asurans...

