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SGA Legacy Book Series

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    Originally posted by Artie View Post
    bright lure
    This is very true to life, too. A great many of cheating CEOs probably recite such mantras to themselves to help them fall asleep at night. They don't care about their stockholders or employees who are all interdependent. But, a good leader should care about stakeholders they may never even meet, the way both John and Guide do. A young doctor or a lone refugee has just as much potential, value, and worth.


      Originally posted by WraithTech View Post
      This is very true to life, too. A great many of cheating CEOs probably recite such mantras to themselves to help them fall asleep at night. They don't care about their stockholders or employees who are all interdependent. But, a good leader should care about stakeholders they may never even meet, the way both John and Guide do. A young doctor or a lone refugee has just as much potential, value, and worth.
      Well, we see it on the internet all the time, right? "I shouldn't have to be nice or kind or think of anyone else because I've been wronged." And when you get young and very impressionable people being told by people their parents' age that it's ok for them to demand whatever they want because it's justified, really bad things happen. And often they happen to the young people who buy in, and who act that way at school or in the workplace and then discover that they're blowing up their lives.

      I don't think Queen Death would have launched this war without the Old One telling her that she was justified in doing so, that it was fair and right for her to seek revenge on the Ancients. Only as Alabaster says, the Ancients are gone! She's not punishing the scientists who did this to the Old One. She's killing some random people years later who had nothing to do with it.
      sigpicsig by Isolde


        Originally posted by Artie View Post
        And often they happen to the young people who buy in, and who act that way at school or in the workplace and then discover that they're blowing up their lives.
        If they discover it in time, before they get pulled into criminal organizations which see them as expendable resources for dangerous tasks. The ones who buy in take the fall while the organizers themselves stay clear of police action, bodily harm, or punishment and are free to recruit replacements.


        I don't know hold old Ease was. I got the impression he was older than Ember. But, as Guide pointed out to Ease, the things Ease was promised were not Death's to give. Some people never learn this lesson at any age and get pulled into doing unethical things at all ages of their lives.


          Originally posted by WraithTech View Post
          If they discover it in time, before they get pulled into criminal organizations which see them as expendable resources for dangerous tasks. The ones who buy in take the fall while the organizers themselves stay clear of police action, bodily harm, or punishment and are free to recruit replacements.


          I don't know hold old Ease was. I got the impression he was older than Ember. But, as Guide pointed out to Ease, the things Ease was promised were not Death's to give. Some people never learn this lesson at any age and get pulled into doing unethical things at all ages of their lives.
          I had that happen all the time with interns -- they'd been told that anger was good and that refusal to cooperate was noble. And then they wondered why they got fired! Sorry, that's not how the workplace is! You can't yell at people and you can't refuse to do your work and you can't expect to be a special snowflake. And most of these were good kids. But someone had told them that they deserved to have everything without earning it, and that the proper answer to anyone with different opinions from theirs was to call them a bigot. Which is unacceptable. Out in the real world, all sorts have to live together. Honestly, whatever adults had told them this had done these kids terrible harm. And it was the kids who lost the jobs and tanked their references.

          I think Ease is older than Ember. But no, those weren't Death's to give. And you're right -- some people never learn!
          sigpicsig by Isolde


            Originally posted by Artie View Post
            And it was the kids who lost the jobs and tanked their references.
            I've seen things like this, too, and can only hope people learn from the mistakes. In the books, I also think of Sora. She has her father's good name carrying her only so far, but giving Ladon trouble will get you more to worry about than where to get job references!


              Originally posted by WraithTech View Post
              I've seen things like this, too, and can only hope people learn from the mistakes. In the books, I also think of Sora. She has her father's good name carrying her only so far, but giving Ladon trouble will get you more to worry about than where to get job references!
              Sora is a really good example of being consumed by the idea of revenge. Yes, what happened to her father was bad. Really, truly. It shouldn't be minimized. And even wanting to hurt Teyla makes sense. But where Sora goes wrong is collective guilt. She wants to punish the entire Atlantis expedition for at best John, Teyla and Ford's mistakes. Rodney had nothing in the world to do with the decision to leave her father or with her father being fed upon. But Sora would kill Rodney because he's "one of them." I think collective guilt is the most dangerous thing. "I was once hurt, or someone in my family was once hurt, by someone LIKE you, so I'm justified in hurting you."
              sigpicsig by Isolde


                Just finished the book and loved it!!

                Really angry with Ronon though...I think his actions showed a complete lack of trust in every member of the team, not just Rodney. His end visit to Sateda definitely seems to be hinting at a new storyline if the get a greenlight for season 7 though!
                Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                  Originally posted by sueKay View Post
                  I thought John was very forgiving of Ronon on that incident. I was hoping Ronon would have more of a peace with the Wraith in the end, but he and the planet of Sateda could serve as a counterweight to the Old One and any Wraith that would mistreat human worlds. All of the hives may not follow Alabaster's ways. At least Ronon doesn't have the blood of children on his hands.


                    Does anyone know what the outlook is for season 7?
                    Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                      does anyone know what happened to Elizabeth????

                      i read homecoming and the lost.


                        Originally posted by america126 View Post
                        does anyone know what happened to Elizabeth????

                        i read homecoming and the lost.
                        Hi, america126! Elizabeth is ascended.


                          Originally posted by sueKay View Post
                          Does anyone know what the outlook is for season 7?

                          Not heard anything yet, Sue, but I'm keeping everything crossed that there'll be one!!


                          ...with thanks to the wonderful Bay...


                            Only about 40per cent of the way through but I love ronon in fiction he's such a more rounded character. Want another book on him so they better write series seven.


                              We should still have the crossover "Ouroboros" coming, last I read on Melissa's blog:

                              My solo SG-1 novel, Ouroboros, in which SG-1 encounters one of Janus’s devices and is transported to Atlantis, is at Fandemonium for edits, and hopefully will be out sometime this summer.


                                I love SGA and read all the legacy books. Just left me this one. Someone can tell me where I can find his download? I tried in goolge but didn't find.

