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Favorite SGA Quotes

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    Originally posted by kusanagi View Post

    How can you remember all that??
    I guess I watch too much TV...specifically...too much stargate! I've been called "The Repository for Useless Information."


      Neera: We had no means to fight the Wraith. We are a simple, peaceful people.

      Sheppard: We're peaceful too, but the good news is, we have the means to put up a helluva fight.

      Neera: You have fought the Wraith before?

      Sheppard: Lots of times. Won some battles; lost some. War's not over by a long shot, but we're managing to hold our own.

      Neera: And the clowns?

      Sheppard: 'The clowns'? Oh, yeah, the clowns. We fight them too — entire armies, spilling out of Volkswagons. We do our best to fight them off, but they keep sending 'em in!


        "i am your death that is all you need to know"
        "i prefer steve"
        R.I.P Stargate 1994-2009


          Letters from Pegasus:
          (McKay eats sandwich)
          "PPPHHH! What is this who made this you made this?"

          Rising Part 2:
          Carson-"Why can't I ever make friends like that"
          Rodney-"You just need to get out more"
          Carson-"Im in another bloody galaxy, how much more far out can you get?"

          Daedalus Variations:
          Sheppard (to Ronon)- "Easy, Chewie, those buttons are your friends!"

          Return Part 1:
          Carson- "Meh Turtles!"

          Letters from Pegasus:
          (Radek goes on and on in Czech about Atlantis rising.)
          Ford-Uhh, you didn't say anything that needed security clearance right?
          Radek-Security clearance?
          All good things must come to an end...


            First Contact:
            [Todd boards Daedalus for Keller's anti-feeding therapy]
            Woolsey: [clears throat] Today is an historic day. Robert Grosseteste once said...
            Todd: I would like to begin as soon as possib;e
            Woolsey: Y-y-yes but I wanted to recognize..
            Toss: I have my doubts that your plan will be effective, so shall we drop these unfounded pleasantries and get to work?
            [Todd and Wraith leave, leavind Woolsey and Caldwell]
            [Long Pause]
            Caldwell: Robert who?

            The Prodigal:
            [Ronon gives Woolsey his mission report]
            Mission Report: Michael invaded Atlantis. Tried to blow it up. We stopped him. End of report

            Carson: You have an arrow, Rodney, in your Gluteus Maximus
            Rodey: That sounds painful.
            Rodney: Gluteus...Maximus
            Rodney: Gluuteeuuuss Maaaxim....Oh my God! Thats my a** isn't it!
            All good things must come to an end...


              Weir: If the Wraith make it to Earth, then keeping my job will be the least of my concerns.

              Woolsey: And if your plan succeeds?

              Weir: Then I expect to keep my job, yes, because I did what they apparently are incapable of doing: I made a decision.
              Last edited by LtColCarter; 06 April 2010, 08:45 AM.



                Weir: I'm sorry to put you in this position, but you are the only person besides Col. Sheppard and Gen. O'Neill who's actually fired a drone from that Chair.
                Beckett: Ironically, they're the two people I nearly killed when I did that.


                  <capslock>LOL INNUENDO</capslock>
                  R.I.P Stargate 1994-2009


                    McKay: Why aren't you dead?

                    Sheppard: Ah, it's good to see you too, Rodney.


                      Sheppard: You know? This really isn't as strange as you made me believe.

                      McKay: Oh yeah? What about that?! [McKay points to a clown that appeared behind them]

                      Sheppard: ...I hate clowns.

                      "Look, you don't know me. This is when I'm at my best. This is when I shine: impossible deadlines."
                      Dr. Meredith Rodney McKay
                      "That doesn’t matter! You’re hostages! We’re your…we’re your captors! We’re heavily armed! There’s rules! There’s a whole school of etiquette to this!"
                      Dr. Daniel Jackson
                      "My name is Dean Winchester. I'm an Aquarius. I enjoy sunsets, long walks on the beach, and frisky women."
                      Dean Winchester


                        McKay (to his hallucination of Carter): You claim to be a creation of my mind and yet you are in no way dressed provocatively!


                          The Long Goodbye

                          McKay: You two need some very serious marriage counselling.
                          Weir/Phoebus: He’s not my husband, he is the enemy. Drop your weapon.
                          (McKay drops the sidearm)
                          Weir/Phoebus: Now radio security and tell them everything’s fine.
                          Beckett: Everything’s not fine.
                          (Weir stuns Beckett and aims the stunner at Rodney)
                          McKay: Security, this is Rodney McKay. Everything’s fine, never been better. Colonel Caldwell was kidding when he said, what he said...
                          Weir/Phoebus: Ah, forget it!
                          (Weir stuns McKay)


                            McKay: Their operating system is a mess. Thank goodness I remembered DOS... Trust me, that was hilarious.


                              The Siege 3

                              Weir: Ok, what are our options?
                              McKay: Let me see, we've got quick death, slow death, painful death, cold, lonely death...


                                Sheppard: These things happen once every 20 years? How far in advance can we book days off?

