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How many people in the Atlantis team?

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    How many people in the Atlantis team?

    So far I haven't heard a definite number. (Maybe too ignorant)
    From what I see in Ep. 1, there seemed to be about 60, maybe more, but less than 100.
    Every episode, one or two earth guys die. Sometimes more.
    My problem is, sooner or later there won't be enough staff, either science or security. They will have to train more oboriginals or contact earth right away.

    After watching rising I thought there were around 50 people who went through the gate, but in later episodes it looks like there are a whole lot more, maybe even a couple hundered. Nobody knows for sure.
    My non-stargate related site: The Rabbit Archive


      i thought i heard 150 in one ep, but i can't remember where i heard it


        The number must between 150 to 200 and it's big city.
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          They'll never give an exact figure because than fans will start counting the extras, just like people started counting the Voyager crew and photon torpedos.

          I seem to get the feeling it's between 80 and 130.


            Originally posted by busuan
            Every episode, one or two earth guys die. Sometimes more.
            Hardly. The body count has been surprisingly low for most of the series thus far.
            One dead in 'Rising'. Two dead in 'The Storm'. Two dead in 'The Defiant One'. I don't remember how many died in 'Hot Zone', but I think it was around four or five people. So all in all, ca. ten people have died so far.
            Last edited by Ugly Pig; 29 November 2004, 05:14 AM. Reason: Spoiler.
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