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Atlantis F-302's

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    Atlantis F-302's

    I can't remember exactly when but I remember a momentary reference in Atlantis to the city having it's own squadron of F-302's, where are they though? I assume they're parked in the Jumper Bay but I don't ever remember seeing any!? And speaking of Jumper Bays, where is the SGC's Jumper Bay? In 'The Return - Part 1' we see Sheppard pilot a Jumper into and out of the SGC from somewhere above the Gateroom but they didn't really show the SGC's Jumper Bay except for when Sheppard, Weir, McKay and Beckett steal the jumper, and then we only see the one Jumper with Atlantis equipment inside it!?

    there are two jumper bays on atlantis and one has a crane that is used to get the f 302's out of the hanger.we know they have the crane because sheppard wanted to use it it to rescue mackay when he was trapped under water in a jumper.and there isnt a hanger at the sgc just a lab where they stored the jumper and examined it.and also in deadalus variations we see f 302's from atlantis helping the deadalus and at a guess they have 8.


      The F302s cant take off like a vtal (ex harrier) they need runways. they used the platform on atlantis were the deadlus landed in one of the earlier episodes were the city was under siege. the jumpers in the sgc are in the missle tube above the gate room which the gate was originaly lowered into the mountain through.


        1) Atlantis' F-302 fleet: This is honestly the first I've heard of something like it. I'm rewatching the series, so I'll keep an eye and ear out for it. If anyone has a specific reference(s), please post.

        2) SGC "Jumper Bay": There is no "Jumper Bay" so to speak at the SGC. The SGC is housed in an old missile complex. Cranes helped get the Stargate into and out of one of the old silos where the Gate Room is now. I'd assume that one of the labs is also in an old silo and that the Jumper would just fly out of the SGC "silo" and into a lab "silo" and vice-versa.


          Yeah, there's no SGC jumper bay...

          McKAY: The Jumper is in its storage area under guard. We need for one of us to be added to the authorised personnel list, and there’s only one guy who can do that.

          McKAY: No, sadly, Doctor Lee’s been the one heading up the Jumper research project, because they refused to send him to Area 51 for me. But I think I should be able to add one of our keycards to the authorised personnel list, but I have to do that from his office.

          The impression I got is that it was the only jumper they had in their possession after the Ancients asked them to leave Atlantis (it may have been the one Sheppard was in when they discovered the Ancient ship) and so they put it in a lab in the SGC. Once they got Atlantis back, they were able to do their jumper research in Atlantis, (total speculation) which would explain why there wasn't a jumper to help out in "Enemy at the Gate."


            Don't forget Earth still has one of those time-traveling puddle jumpers


              Many peapol have talked about that the Time Jumper, never exist in the curent timeline.
              And ATL must have a squad of 302s, other wise, if they where under attak, the would loose jumpers. And Jumpers can't be re-plased, 302s can.

              My fan-fic, swedish outpost


                Cheyenne Mountain mountain is part of norad and has no missle tubes dont know where that came from but its part of a radar and communications center as part of the sheild against the ussr in the cold war.

                and dedalus landed on the water next to a pier on atlantis watch and the landing again and you will see on seige part 3.


                  Originally posted by foofighter View Post
                  there are two jumper bays on atlantis and one has a crane that is used to get the f 302's out of the hanger.we know they have the crane because sheppard wanted to use it it to rescue mackay when he was trapped under water in a jumper.and there isnt a hanger at the sgc just a lab where they stored the jumper and examined it.and also in deadalus variations we see f 302's from atlantis helping the deadalus and at a guess they have 8.
                  Yeah I know's there's reference to them being there, I just don't ever remember seeing them.


                    Originally posted by foofighter View Post
                    Cheyenne Mountain mountain is part of norad and has no missle tubes dont know where that came from but its part of a radar and communications center as part of the sheild against the ussr in the cold war.

                    and dedalus landed on the water next to a pier on atlantis watch and the landing again and you will see on seige part 3.
                    we do see it used as a missile complex in 1969. I reckon TPTB took some liberties with it and went with the idea that it was a top secret facility so maybe it had missiles we didn't know about. I mean in the real chyenne mountain you wouldn't even have room for the SGC itself. the place is just a catacomb of man made caverns with free standing buildings built seperately on shock absorbing springs. The buildings themselves are only 4 or 5 levels up from the base of them.
                    Please do me a huge favour and help me be with the love of my life.


                      I still can't find the reference!
                      I think it was something Colonel Caldwell giving one of his excuses to stay on Atlantis for a while! Lol, something like:
                      'The Daedalus was delivering F-302's to Atlantis, so it meant he could stick around for a while.'
                      (something like that. Lol)
                      Last edited by bobsenior; 29 April 2009, 04:19 AM.


                        There's a reference in 'Grace Under Pressure' Sheppard mentions the clamp he's welding to bottom of the jumper was originally slated to lift 302s in the jumper bay.

                        Which is weird because 302s are not VTOL craft and need runways so one wonders how you'd launcher them from the jumper bay...
                        Banner By JME2


                          Originally posted by Crazedwraith View Post
                          There's a reference in 'Grace Under Pressure' Sheppard mentions the clamp he's welding to bottom of the jumper was originally slated to lift 302s in the jumper bay.

                          Which is weird because 302s are not VTOL craft and need runways so one wonders how you'd launcher them from the jumper bay...
                          I would guess that they'd use the main booster to get the extra thrust needed for a near instant take off.
                          Please do me a huge favour and help me be with the love of my life.


                            You'd have to store the 302 on its ass for that to work, otherwise it'd shoot through a wall. And I doubt they're built to do that. Or that there's room. 302s are a lot bigger than a jumper, I don't they could even fit on in the bay.
                            Banner By JME2


                              They probably stored 302s in the jumper bay but lifted them out to take off. If you were to try a super short take off you would have to pull tons of gs to turn around in the jumper bay.
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