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what happened to the underwater jumper bay?

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    what happened to the underwater jumper bay?

    Stargabb here
    Im just wondering what happened to the underwater jumper bay?
    They showed it in a couple of episodes and then basically forgot about it..

    Another example of the writers adding something in last minute to fill a story and then leave it alone. Just like the hyperdrive on the puddle jumper in lifeline, the ark of truth, and the wormhole drive in EATG. Seriously all series there was never even a mention of the wormhole drive and in the last 15 minutes of the show..."oh btw, we've got this new form of space travel we've been looking into, only just now we brought it to your attention."

    But back to your question, after they used it in the return part 2 they used it again in the prodigal but mentioned most of the jumpers down there were damaged. Even though they worked fine in adrift.

    Sorry about that rant I just don't like when the writers throw in this ancient piece of tech that saves the day all of the sudden even though there was no mention of it beforehand. It wasn't like the ancient weapons platform or merlin's weapon where the team was hunting for it or they followed a logical path for them to get to it.


      you have a point


        actually they never used any of the jumpers down there in adrift. All of them came out of the tower jumper bay, which we can assume was rebuilt to hold a larger contingent of jumpers when the replicators rebuilt it

        They dont use it because its underwater and they have no need to go underwater) and all the puddle jumpers were removed (except the two seen in the prodigal)


          The underwater jumper bay is still not underwater. Nothing happened to it. General Jack O'neill drained the water. What was supposed to happen to it?

          The other jumper bay is a level up from the control room so that's why they use that one all the time. I think they mentioned a lot of damage was done to those lower sections because of the flooding so I don't think they make it to that part of the city much or care to do so.


            there left atlantis's original homeworld when the replicators attacked with that satelite, so they can't access it unless they go back which they won't do because all the wraith know where that is


              Originally posted by scotty32 View Post
              there left atlantis's original homeworld when the replicators attacked with that satelite, so they can't access it unless they go back which they won't do because all the wraith know where that is
              Dont want to stomp on somebody new but, your wrong. The jumper bay located on the underside of Atlantis ( not the mining platform) is still there. The jumpers that remained in it were still damaged due to the hanger being flooded for many, many years previous. McKay had yet to repair them or move them.

              Perhaps it will be seen in a future movie!



                they did forget bout it but it really didn't have that big of use except for in a couple situations than it came in real handy

                ATLANTIS FOREVER




                    They referenced it in 'The Prodigal'. They'd moved most of the jumpers to the top for easier access to the gate. There was just a couple of broken jumpers down there they hadn't bothered to fix or move. Of course McKay was able to fix one right away when the plot required it.
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                      Originally posted by Arrakis2013 View Post
                      The underwater jumper bay is still not underwater. Nothing happened to it. General Jack O'neill drained the water.
                      Yeah O'Neill drained the jumper bay in The Return Part 2. And any of the PJ's that still worked were moved to the jumper bay above the control room. After that I don't think we've heard about it.

