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Infinite Puddle Jumpers??

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    Infinite Puddle Jumpers??

    How many Puddle jumpers are in Atlantis??
    I mean , have they ever said it?? , becouse it looks like they have a lot ,I have seen in many episodes they have lost puddle jumpers , but it looks like they still have ships in the hangar.

    So... Does anybody know??

    Ronon looses his temper over the weapons console and starts punching it
    Sheppard: Easy, Chewie! Those buttons are your friends! Just keep trying!
    Ronon: I'M TRYING!!!!

    Indeed. Another consideration, is in The Return Pt2*, where the hell did the Jumper come from that enabled them to...

    Take it back to Atlantis and (obviously)** save Atlantis from the Replicators?

    * I think that's what it was called, offhand.
    ** Because that's what they do
    Mongoletsi is bigger than hip...hop...


      well once they had a connection with earth again, theyd of course send through at least the one puddle jumper back to earth for other people to study


        Atlantis has what I call "The Voyager Syndrom" - infinite resources because it would be an annoyance if the writers had to say "okay, they have X amount of puddle jumpers and they've lost X amount so far" On the other hand, if you go back and watch the scene where the Jumper bay is revealed in Rising, there are several rows of multiple puddle jumpers. There's also the second jumper bay, which we've only seen a little bit, and we don't know how many jumpers were in that bay. Its also possible that in they're travels they came across other Jumpers.

        It would still be nice, however, to see more concern by the IOA/whoever over the constant disregard of Jumpers that we've seen recently. A Jumper gets left behind and everyone just shrugs it off as if its not important...I would have at least appreciated just a line that went something like "wtf, you lost a jumper AGAIN?! Those things don't grow on trees!"

        Even given the fact that Earth has Jumpers that they can study, I have a feeling that it would be years before they could back-engineer Ancient technology.
        That is just my two cents.


          I think Atlantis had at least a dozen jumpers, plus we got another few of them from the the city ship in episode The Tower. It's a plothole. also just remembered there was another few of them in the underwater jumper bay.

          Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity


            I think at the start of season 4 they had like 20 Puddle Jumpers, but maybe less now.

            The issue of infinite Puddle Jumpers can also be applied to other resources. I will give some examples.

            1. The Storm/ The Eye we lost all those medical supplies/ other items to the Genni raid, yet that was never addressed in the 2nd half of the season. I also didn't understand why Kolya and his men didn't grap a few grendaes, M-16's or P-90's. They looted the med supplies, yet didn't steel weapons that are far superior to their own? A P-90 or M-16, heck even an AK-47 is better then whatever the Genni have.

            2. The Brotherhood- They bring all the equipment to help dig/ search for the ZPM then elave it all behind? Once the Genni were dealt with surely, they could have gathered up there stuff rather than leave it for someone else to find? Seems a little reckless given the fact they were cut off from Earth.

            It just seems in season 1 they had an abundence of supplies, more than they should have and that they didn't seem to mind losing it. They always seemed to have what they needed like space suits, tazers, emp device, etc.

            3. Trinnity- We haul all that tech to the Ancient weapons lab, then leave it behind? That stuff is expensive, and they had time to remove it before they activated the weapon one last time. The IOA must not mind spending millions on supplies that are carelessly lost after only 1 mission.

            4. I will ignore all the supplies we lose when a jumper goes down, but you could make an argument for that as well.

            5. We lost a lot of weapons tech seasons 1-2 whenever the team got captured, so thats numerous vests/ radios/ Barretas/ P-90s etc that are floating around out there.

            6. Misbegotten- a whole bunch of med supplies/ other supplies lost when we set up that camp of Wraith we had used the retro virus on.


              Ok i the jumper from return prt2 was from the previous episode i believe it to be. When they were trying the mckay/carter gateway bridge. On about resources, the deadalus comes to atlanis every so often so thts one way of bringin extra resources also when atlantis had a zpm as well as stargate command tht would allow thm to connect with each otherand send resources


                yes it is a plot hole, u are all babbling. There are as many as the writers want

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                  They've not really lost that many jumpers of the course of the series. And they have been finding more jumpers; specifically they've been refilling the top jumper bay with jumpes from the under water bay. So that's why it still has a full complement.
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                    sheppard went halfway back with the jumper from the return pt1 and then did the last half to atlantis with the deadalus.

                    in the return pt 2 they used the jumper SG1 once used: the jumper that had the time travel device. They went back to Ra's age and hid a ZPM and the jumper. In the future (wich is actually the present for us) both the ZPM and the jumper were found and the jumper then stayed at the SGC for research. McKay says in the return pt. 1 that "they refused to move the jumper to area 51 for him but left it at the SGC for Dr. Lee to do research"

                    The may have lost quite some jumpers in the 5 seasons, but from the looks of the jumper bay and the underwater bay they had quite a few jumpers, they also got some from "the tower" and probably also from the ancient warship. So my guess is that they haven't lost that many jumpers to be short on them.

                    It is however quite a plothole that they seem to have infinite resources.
                    E.g. Atlantis has been shot to pieces quite a few times (Wraith attacks, Replicators attack, Asteroids during space flight, etc.) yet Atlantis seems to be fully repaired the next episode (e.g. during the space flight, we see that an asteroid completely destroyed a building and made a huge gap, yet now, there is no sign of that).

                    The expedition also didn't start with that many resources, so where they got all the earth equipement from in the first season is still a mystery. The other seasons could be explained by the Deadalus and the Apollo dropping of some goods.

                    I guess you can't explain everything when you want to make exciting television. for example, the plothole of all plotholes: in all scifi shows, there is a lot of sound in space, while there can't be any sound in a vacuum


                      They'll run out when the TPTB decide they will.


                        There's no plothole; we originally had a dozen or so from the jumper bay in the control tower. Then we added some more from the people from "The Tower," and another one we stole from the Asurans in "Progeny" (that, by the way, is the jumper that is given to Earth and later used to retake Atlantis from the Asurans in "The Return, Part 1" and its second half). Add in the jumpers from the underwater bay, and you can see why we have quite a few now. We've just been adding and adding from offworld and unknown sources without really losing that many in the process.
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                          If there's that many Jumpers, a few per 304 would have been really useful me thinks.
                          Mongoletsi is bigger than hip...hop...


                            Originally posted by Browncoat1984 View Post
                            Atlantis has what I call "The Voyager Syndrom".
                            I agree with this. As with Voyager, Atlantis had loads of people working there though we didn't see much of them. This is because they were all building more jumpers. lol.


                              Originally posted by Mongoletsi View Post
                              If there's that many Jumpers, a few per 304 would have been really useful me thinks.
                              I've always thought that, too. Maybe they could launch missions from the 304s, instead of relying on beaming tech and 302s for everything.

