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atlantis beams

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    Originally posted by morrismike View Post
    In what universe are weapons (drones) so slow the enemy has time to jump to hyperspace superior to weapons (uber beams) which travel at nearly the speed of light capable of one or two shot kills?
    we were unable to hit Michael's cruiser in The Kindred Part 1.

    Anyway, it wouldn't be bad to have some alternative choice when defending Atlantis. However, I doubt these Asgard beams would be effective against orbital targets, even if they had separated generators.


      Firstly the Beam Weapons where hooked up into the Asgard Main core which was designed for the use of the weapons. If however they were used on Atlantis you would only be able to use them when the shield is down as the energy produced would collide with the Inner shield and basically cook everything around it. The beam weapons should reach the other limits of the planet and then on ward as it is energy and i don't think it was dissipate that much being of such a high intensity.

      Having 30 beams around the Atlantis for me would be major overkill and i doubt there are enough scientists to man all of them and take care of any technical difficulties. I think beam weapons on all outer peers would be the Limit for me and raised to high enough and restricted from going to close the surrounding buildings. With 5-6 beam weapons all focused on 1 target or multiple it would make sure work of any attack made against Atlantis.

      While thinking about it, putting them on the outer peers could also be a blessing as they could limit the shield to not cover the beam weapons allowing them full access to fire by an automated system targeting whoever they wish.

      Don S. Davis: 1942-2008
      He will be missed.


        I prefer the Ancient beam (it requires minimal power compared to the Asgard beam) from the defense satellite found in "The Defiant One" and used in "The Siege". Too bad Ancient weapons weren't explored more.
        Last edited by h22chen; 28 October 2008, 07:01 PM.


          The drones are no where near fast enough to have hit michaels cruiser before it made that hyperspace jump.


            Originally posted by h22chen
            I prefer the Ancient beam (it requires minimal power compared to the Asgard beam) from the defense satellite found in "The Defiant One" and used in "The Siege". Too bad Ancient weapons weren't explored more.
            It also makes more sense to equip Atlantis with this kind of beam weapon, because it is prabably more compatible with Atlantis then the Asgard beam weapon. It is also more powerful. But if they can build this beam weapon, they might as well build them in the form of Satellites.

            It is indeed a bit of a shame that they have not build more Ancient weapons. They should have the instructions on how to build these weapons in the Atlantis database, just as they have the instructions on how to build Asgard weapons in the Asgard database on the Odyssey.

            The Asgard only equipped the Odyssey with their weapons themselves, the other ships were equipped with Asgard weapons by human engineers. If they can build Asgard weapons from blue prints and an example, why can't they do the same for Ancient tech? This makes me think that the Ancient drones and beam weapons are more complex than the Asgard weapons. Otherwise they would probably have equipped their space ships with the even more powerful Ancient beam weapon, and the drones.


              Is it me or was the development of the Asgard beam weapons a bit rushed. I don't remember an episode where they are explained. One minute we didn't have them, next minute we're making ships "go away". How long have the asgard had the technology? They didn't have them in Beachhead, so was it adopted later on from observing the Ori ship's weaponry? If that's the case what else could the Asgard have ascertained about the Ori tech that they didn't get the chance to share?


                It's a beam of plasma, right?
                ie: gas.
                1 - As people have said, it would smack into the shield. Having the beams fired from the outer edges could work, like someone said.

                2 - IT'S A BEAM OF GAS. It would dissipate in the journey up into space. It would be refracted by the atmosphere. Blown by the wind. It would be a near useless beam.
                What's the deal with the retardedly huge sigs?!
                Spelling correction by Gen Blue


                  Originally posted by Voxyn View Post
                  It's a beam of plasma, right?
                  ie: gas.
                  1 - As people have said, it would smack into the shield. Having the beams fired from the outer edges could work, like someone said.

                  2 - IT'S A BEAM OF GAS. It would dissipate in the journey up into space. It would be refracted by the atmosphere. Blown by the wind. It would be a near useless beam.
                  actually, plasma isn't gas, it's plasma, a different physical state entirely.

                  Solid, liquid, gas, plasma


                    You're right, it is a fourth state of matter, separate from gas.
                    But the fact remains that a plasma is a partially ionised gas.

                    So outside the magnetic field that contains it it should dissipate.

                    Come to think of it, I don't understand why a plasma beam like in Stargate can even exist.
                    Once it leaves the gun firing it it should just fizzle out into space.
                    Or something.

                    Where're the Asgard when you need them?
                    What's the deal with the retardedly huge sigs?!
                    Spelling correction by Gen Blue


                      --Someone please delete this post. I double posted by accident.--
                      What's the deal with the retardedly huge sigs?!
                      Spelling correction by Gen Blue


                        Originally posted by Voxyn View Post
                        You're right, it is a fourth state of matter, separate from gas.
                        But the fact remains that a plasma is a partially ionised gas.

                        So outside the magnetic field that contains it it should dissipate.

                        Come to think of it, I don't understand why a plasma beam like in Stargate can even exist.
                        Once it leaves the gun firing it it should just fizzle out into space.
                        Or something.

                        Where're the Asgard when you need them?
                        It may be a focused beam, like how ordinarily a beam or light will dissipate, but a laser is focused enough to stay in a beam


                          That makes sense.
                          What's the deal with the retardedly huge sigs?!
                          Spelling correction by Gen Blue

