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Plotlines that could have been Season 6? (Season 5 spoilers)

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    Plotlines that could have been Season 6? (Season 5 spoilers)

    Was just thinking how one of the great things about SG-1 running so long was they had the opportunity to revisit the events of many episodes down the road and give some further resolution (or show the consequences of actions taken) to those stories. With SGA ending as it is, it doesn't feel quite as complete to me.

    So I skimmed through a few episodes and came up with a list of a few plotlines that could make for good ground for a follow-up episode and arranged them in a rough Hypothetical Season 6 outline for fun, which i figured I'd share here. Obviously some of these may be addressed in the episodes and movie yet to air, but it's impossible to predict that yet. Anything strike you that I may have missed?

    (also, note there may be minor SPOILERS for Season 5 here)

    601: SGA Finale Movie, Part 1
    602: SGA Finale Movie, Part 2
    603: Return of Larrin and the Travelers
    604: Genii/Kolya episode
    605: Follow-up to "The Game" factions
    606: Final Replicator/ascension/Weir redemption episode
    607: FrankenBorg enemy episode (presuming they are not fully defeated in the "finale movie")
    608: Sateda/Ronon-centric episode
    609: Bola Kai-centric episode (possibly Teyla/Keller-focused again)
    610: Discovery of another Ancient Defense Satilite, which leads to...
    611: Discovery of another Ancient Cityship ala The Tower
    612: Follow-up to Shadow Creature from "Hide and Seek" (gets off planet or world isn't a wasteland as originally thought)
    613: Pegasus Human Coalition episode
    614: Discovery of a remaining Michael Lab
    615: City-based "bottle" episode
    616: Alternate Universe episode (the episode number demands it! )
    617: Earth-bound episode (possibly involving Mckay's sister)
    618: New Midway Station episode
    619: The return and redemption of Ford
    620: Rediscovery (perhaps thanks to Ford's actions) of the critical weakness in Wraith technology that the Aurora crew discovered. / Start of, or actually showing, the defeat of the Wraith

    That would have been very satisfying. A shame half those ideas will never happen now because they couldn't sustain a movie.

    Those sound like pretty good ideas for episodes

    I thought Kolya was dead (irresponsible)
    What would be a "Bottle Episode"


      The movie
      isn't a continuation from Enemy At The Gate, it's completely stand alone. No ties to EatG whatsoever.

      In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

      I wish I got to know you better.


        601: SGA Finale Movie, Part 1 - It's not a continuation.
        602: SGA Finale Movie, Part 2 - It's not a continuation.
        603: Return of Larrin and the Travelers - Why? Boring.
        604: Genii/Kolya episode - He's dead and will only return in Shep's mind.
        605: Follow-up to "The Game" factions - The Game? Useless revisit.
        606: Final Replicator/ascension/Weir redemption episode - she's dead/inactive, get over it.
        607: FrankenBorg enemy episode (presuming they are not fully defeated in the "finale movie") - It's not a finale. But they might not be defeated.
        608: Sateda/Ronon-centric episode - Not another Sateda ep. Boring. Not Ronon's fault.
        609: Bola Kai-centric episode (possibly Teyla/Keller-focused again) - Is that really necessary?
        610: Discovery of another Ancient Defense Satilite, which leads to... - Already?!?
        611: Discovery of another Ancient Cityship ala The Tower - Whatever for? They don't have the power to do something with it!
        612: Follow-up to Shadow Creature from "Hide and Seek" (gets off planet or world isn't a wasteland as originally thought) - Boring.
        613: Pegasus Human Coalition episode - Pfft.
        614: Discovery of a remaining Michael Lab - See Vengeance and Whispers. Two is enough. They weren't original in it the second time, I doubt they will find something the third time.
        615: City-based "bottle" episode -
        616: Alternate Universe episode (the episode number demands it! ) - Yay! But not so quickly, again?
        617: Earth-bound episode (possibly involving Mckay's sister) - Kate Hewlett = LOVE!
        618: New Midway Station episode - The IOA won't finance it. Drop it.
        619: The return and redemption of Ford - He's dead. Get over it.
        620: Rediscovery (perhaps thanks to Ford's actions) of the critical weakness in Wraith technology that the Aurora crew discovered. / Start of, or actually showing, the defeat of the Wraith - He's dead, and the Wraith aren't gonna get 'defeated'. They'll get the gene therapy. We're not powerful enough to take them out. If they simultaneously attack Atlantis the ZPM will drain and they're sitting ducks again.

        In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

        I wish I got to know you better.


          Sorry- by "bottle episode" I was referring to an episode that's set entirely within Atlantis or a jumper or the Daelaus (a cost-saving episode). Usually these are virus-outbreak, quarantine procedures or some other danger or mystery discovered/unleashed within the city.

          And I didn't mean to imply the movie is a "finale", but wasn't sure what else to refer to it as.

          -The Travelers are a significant faction, and can be useful, so why not? Get their place in the galaxy resolved.
          -Doesn't have to be Kolya, but it could be related to his actions in the past. Being Genii-centric is what I meant to primarily convey.
          -On the surface, Tegalus would seem to have been a useless revisit, but Ethon still ended up being a great episode. I think there's potential to go into the repercussions of Shep & McKay's actions there, especially in the context of making the Atlanteans more responsible for their actions in the Pegasus galaxy.
          -Bola Kai could make for a good wild card or third faction within a particular situation. And they were made out to be this big thing for natives- seems logical they'd be encountered again or be a threat to other populations.
          -Not sure what you mean by "already?" regarding the defense satilite- I don't think they've found one since the end of the first season.
          -Depends on what condition the ship is in- at the very least, it could make for the source of another ZPM.
          -Shadow creature isn't at the top of my list, either, but it's a pretty dceent thing to work with for a creature episode.
          -Actually, it was Whispers that started this whole train of thought, as it struck me that finding various Michael labs would likely have been the most prominent element to be used in future seasons as a starting point in a story. Also echoes finding Nirti and Anubis labs in SG-1.
          -Maybe the IOA would change their mind
          -I'd like to think there's still a chance for Ford to have his story resolved. I really liked Ford and I hated the Lost Boys 2-parter, mainly because Ford and his boys were so annoying and their fuction didn't play to Rainbow's acting strengths. The dreamflash this season at least shows they haven't forgotten about him. And to tie him into the season/series finale would only be fitting in bringing the show full circle to closure.
          -Regardless of Ford's presence or not, the Aurora's intel suggests we could possibly defeat the Wraith even if we're not normally strong enough to do so (though three Asgard weapon-equipped earth ships combined with an extra ZPM in Atlantis and maybe some Traveler assistance could possibly fend off an attack the size we saw at the end of Season 1/start of 2). At the very least, discovering it would tip the Pegasus balance of power so that most planets wouldn't be under constant fear of cullings and there'd be less instances of societies having to bow to the Wraith, which would make for a happy enough ending to the series ala Season 8 of SG-1 with the Goa'uld not longer in control, even if Baal and a few others are still alive out there.


            Joe Mallozzi has promised to give a rundown in his blog of some potential episodes that never made it. We should see them in the next few days, with any luck.

            On Kolya, I can't speak for what will happen in Remnants, but
            my suspicion is that that is not Kolya, and what captures Sheppard is some manifestation of his memories/subconscious. Kolya is dead and done for. It's a shame really, because he was the only really interesting thing about the Genii.

            It is very frustrating that the Ford storyline was never resolved though. It's a long shot, but it would be amazing if he was featured in the movie. If viewers are supposed to assume he's dead, they really shouldn't have included Sheppard saying he didn't think it was the last we'd seen of him at the end of The Hive.

            More Bola-Kai would have been good. They were awesome, and a bit comical.

            I don't want them to suddenly discover some tech that is supposed to be a fatal blow to the wraith though. The best battle eps with the wraith were a case of the humans having to use every bit of ingenuity at their disposal to fight them off, with each side repeatedly outsmarting the other. When you have some magical bit of tech that just has to be delivered it all just becomes so predictable. I'd definitely prefer to see the wraith outwitted by humans than just to tediously watch the team bandwagonning on a bit of ancient tech that they conveniently found out about in the nick of time. Because in those cases, no matter how explosive the battle scenes are, the final blow on the enemy is always still some event that the humans basically have to stand back and let happen. Isn't that what Raiders of the Lost Ark was making fun of all that time ago?
            Last edited by topaz_bean; 08 September 2008, 04:50 PM.
            Science fiction movies are weak just where the science fiction novels are strong - on science. But they can supply something the novels can never provide - sensuous elaboration by means of images and sounds. Science fiction films are not about science. They are about disaster.

            The Imagination of Disaster, Susan Sontag

            This sig is sponsored by Pegasus Fried Human - The Todd's Choice


              Cool to hear we'll get some hints of what might have been.

              Originally posted by topaz_bean View Post
              I don't want them to suddenly discover some tech that is supposed to be a fatal blow to the wraith though. The best battle eps with the wraith were a case of the humans having to use every bit of ingenuity at their disposal to fight them off, with each side repeatedly outsmarting the other.
              Well, they did establish such a weakness in Wraith technology exists- and it's a big enough of a threat for the Wraith to go to such elaborate means to discover it as they did on the Aurora.

              It doesn't necessarily have to be the killing blow, but it could give the Atlanteans enough of an edge long enough to knock down the Wraith dominance before the Wraith counter it. And that big enough of a blow could provide a sense of closure and "things are looking up for the future" that would be appropriate to concluding the main stretch of the series.


                Originally posted by The2ndQuest View Post
                601: SGA Finale Movie, Part 1
                602: SGA Finale Movie, Part 2
                603: Return of Larrin and the Travelers==I never realized why they didn't do more "travelers" stories
                604: Genii/Kolya episode==I wish not, i can't even stant their costumes any more
                605: Follow-up to "The Game" factions==No reason to
                606: Final Replicator/ascension/Weir redemption episode==I'd love to see more of FRAN, she was great at GitM
                607: FrankenBorg enemy episode (presuming they are not fully defeated in the "finale movie")==new enemies FTW
                608: Sateda/Ronon-centric episode==not again, one is enough
                609: Bola Kai-centric episode (possibly Teyla/Keller-focused again)==With all the team , yes.
                610: Discovery of another Ancient Defense Satilite, which leads to...==Nice
                611: Discovery of another Ancient Cityship ala The Tower==One the can use, at last..
                612: Follow-up to Shadow Creature from "Hide and Seek" (gets off planet or world isn't a wasteland as originally thought)==They are on another planet now...
                613: Pegasus Human Coalition episode==Cool
                614: Discovery of a remaining Michael Lab==Another one???
                615: City-based "bottle" episode==What is bottle episode? they all get drunk?
                616: Alternate Universe episode (the episode number demands it! ==not again ;(
                617: Earth-bound episode (possibly involving Mckay's sister)==Not again, one is ok.
                618: New Midway Station episode==YES another Midway, one they can Keep.
                619: The return and redemption of Ford==Not bad..
                620: Rediscovery (perhaps thanks to Ford's actions) of the critical weakness in Wraith technology that the Aurora crew discovered. / Start of, or actually showing, the defeat of the Wraith

                That would have been very satisfying. A shame half those ideas will never happen now because they couldn't sustain a movie.
                I would 've loved to see all those people that are "hidding" from the Wraith, as Weir/Fran said in Git M.Maybe not all of them humans.
                I would have loved to see new technologies, new energy sources, new ships.
                That powerfull enemy from DV coming to threat the city, with a vast fleet.Real WAR.
                And off course the Asgards coming out of their hiding place....
                APOLLONIUS OF TYANA
                (YEAR 0 - 100)
                "O thou Sun,
                send me as far over the earth
                as is my pleasure and thine,
                and may I make the acquaintance of good men,
                but never hear anything of bad ones,
                nor they of me."



                  i would have liked to see a couple exploration of atlantis episodes. i mean atlantis to me is the most intresting piece of technology ive seen in the stargate universe. not to mention the fact that the exploration of the "lost city"
                  was why they went there in the first place. i mean i would love to see certin parts of the city like the kitchen for example. i would love to know what their version of a microwave looks like. or if it was completely stripped down because it was filled with replicator type machines that they took with them back to earth to make food with. its the simple things that would really be a treat to see. like maybe a holo deck type room. or would that be going way too far into star trek territory?
                  STARGATE ROCKS

                  THERE IS NO BETTER SHOW


                    Originally posted by stargater1990 View Post
                    i would have liked to see a couple exploration of atlantis episodes. i mean atlantis to me is the most intresting piece of technology ive seen in the stargate universe.
                    Totally agree. I think the setting makes it all feel a bit more colourful than SG-1. Also I like the spirit of co-operation in the city. It always feels very clear that Mckay, Zelenka, even Kavanaugh, everyone has a 'team' working with them and helping them along. At SGC it's basically just Carter and Dr Lee, who I can't stand. The leads 'represent' the whole of the military/administrative/scientific contingent of Atlantis, rather than just appearing to be the only people of any consequence there. Gives every scene in Atlantis a feeling of buzzing activity.
                    Science fiction movies are weak just where the science fiction novels are strong - on science. But they can supply something the novels can never provide - sensuous elaboration by means of images and sounds. Science fiction films are not about science. They are about disaster.

                    The Imagination of Disaster, Susan Sontag

                    This sig is sponsored by Pegasus Fried Human - The Todd's Choice


                      Thinking it over...... Who said they run out off plotlines?
                      Actually they had many ways to go, if they where given the green light.
                      APOLLONIUS OF TYANA
                      (YEAR 0 - 100)
                      "O thou Sun,
                      send me as far over the earth
                      as is my pleasure and thine,
                      and may I make the acquaintance of good men,
                      but never hear anything of bad ones,
                      nor they of me."


