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Teyla is the problem in Atlantis

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    Originally posted by waywardsage View Post

    It's not because she's a girl. I actually think she's incredibly hot. But, character wise, she was never really fleshed out. And she just seemed like dead weight all the way up until recently with her "pregnancy storyline." Now i know that the producers did this because the actress was pregnant. But lets be honest. Teyla was never a really useful character in Atlantis.

    I'd always wished they'd brought an actual Atlantean onto the cast. It would be interesting. Teal'c was the alien on SG-1. It just would have made more sense to have an Atlantean.

    But overall, I REALLY tried to like Teyla's character but she was just always written badly.

    I agree with you partly.
    We can't put the blame entirely on a character.She was a weak link, never really enjoyed or liked her character,BUT the show wasn't about her character. She wasn't badly written, imo, she was badly acted, she could kick ** , but she always looked like barbie to me!! I don't know how she managed that ;/
    An Atlantean would be great indeed!!!!
    (YEAR 0 - 100)
    "O thou Sun,
    send me as far over the earth
    as is my pleasure and thine,
    and may I make the acquaintance of good men,
    but never hear anything of bad ones,
    nor they of me."



      Originally posted by Bareassedmunky View Post
      Those of us who do not like her see what you see, but interpret it differently. She is actually a stereotype, but not always the same one, and that is the problem. In the early stages she was the jimminey cricket of the group, tempering shepard's aggression. She was the voice of reason. In later series, she grew into the warrior stereotype more. Natural character development involves people maturing and settling down, not the other way around. I don't know what motherhood does for her, season 5 has only just started in the UK, so I can't comment on that.

      And to those who describe ronan as nothing more than testosterone holding a gun - he was a disciplined military man who knew what it meant to be part of a team. He then when on the run and got so used to having to fend for himself that he lost all social skills. He now has conflict with the habits developed while running and his original military background. It is an interesting exploration of nature vrs nurture vrs nurture.
      How is Teyla any more of a stereotype than Ronon, who you praise?

      Teyla started out as the leader of her people, a guide for Sheppard's team and a warrior in her own right. She introduced them to the people of Pegasus, and found potential trading partners and allies.

      At some point TPTB decided they needed to replace Ford with an alien muscleman. Enter Ronon. TPTB didn't know what to do with one alien, now there are two. So the aliens get shuffled to the back, their experiences count for little (except for Ronon's fighting skills) and the focus goes on the military man and the geek.

      Teyla's character became diminished over time as TPTB lost interest in anything native to Pegasus except potential enemies. From what I can see TPTB never had any interest in Ronon other than using him as muscle.

      The problem, as others have said, is completely with the writing. Take one alien character, a group of disinterested writers, add yet another alien character and you get two aliens with half the character development for each.

      I've enjoyed Teyla's character despite her limited screen time up until season 4. I hated the pregnancy storyline and hoped things would get back to normal in season 5. I'm still hoping things will improve for her soon.


        Teyla screws up people with just sticks and knives, nuff said she rules!
        Ronon: "If you kill the wraith before i do, i kill you."
        Sheppard: "What if he kills you first?"
        Ronon: "Well then kill ya him..."


          Originally posted by Save Carson View Post
          Teyla screws up people with just sticks and knives, nuff said she rules!
          LOL, I love your username; but what you've said's not really a valid argument now is it?!?!!



            Teyla can't be the problem with Atlantis. If she doesn't do anything, then she is neither a help nor a hindrance. The problem is the writers' inability to write good story arcs. Most if not all of Atlantis's previous story arcs have ended poorly. They lack the ability to develop characters and plots. That is(was) the problem with Atlantis.
            Never, never, never believe any war will be smooth or easy...

            ... or that any man can measure the tides and hurricanes he will
            encounter on the strange journey.


            2 Cor. 10:3-5
            3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:
            4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; )
            5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;


              Originally posted by waywardsage View Post

              It's not because she's a girl. I actually think she's incredibly hot. But, character wise, she was never really fleshed out. And she just seemed like dead weight all the way up until recently with her "pregnancy storyline." Now i know that the producers did this because the actress was pregnant. But lets be honest. Teyla was never a really useful character in Atlantis.

              I'd always wished they'd brought an actual Atlantean onto the cast. It would be interesting. Teal'c was the alien on SG-1. It just would have made more sense to have an Atlantean.

              But overall, I REALLY tried to like Teyla's character but she was just always written badly.

              She was more or less good in Season 1, when her presence brought something significant to both the individual stories and the ongoing narrative. She was actually useful as a native of Pegasus (Underground, Letters, etc). Her presence in Atlantis meant something on a character level, as seen in her early relationships with Weir, Sheppard, and the Athosians. Most importantly her character itself caused drama and conflict in the city. Remember the Bates storyline throughout the first season? That was far better writing than anything you'll see today - the character actually driving the plot instead of simply filling a prescribed role to such an extent that there is almost no character at all, only the role itself.
              Last edited by AutumnDream; 31 August 2008, 12:19 PM.


                Originally posted by AutumnDream View Post
                . Most importantly her character itself caused drama and conflict in the city. Remember the Bates storyline throughout the first season? That was far better writing than anything you'll see today. The character actually driving the plot instead of simply filling a prescribed role to such an extent that there is almost no character at all, only the role itself.
                Very very good point. Look at how things happened with Woolsey, in comparison- so he makes comments in one episode about how they always break the rules and that they're there for a reason, and afterwards immediately takes the role TPTB insist the leader of the expedition take - agreeing with Sheppard and backing up his decision.
                I thought the Teyla/ Bates storyline was good - and it probably would have helped Teyla's character in the long run, had Bates been allowed to comeback - also, if we mentioned Letters from Pegasus, that was one of her best episodes, as she stood uo to Sheppard and insisted on syaing adn waiting for her friends when he wanted to leave, and challenged him when it seemed he wasn't going to wait. Likewise, the first episode I liked Weir in was Hot Zone, when she stood up to Sheppard instead of agreeing with him all the time - and, in the end, I started liking her on a regular basis, when animosity with the IOA helped showing her as a real backboned human being who is in her position for a reason, rather than someone who agrees all th time with others. Such a shame none of these conflict tend to last.
                Pinky, are you thinking what I'm thinking?
                Yes, I am!
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                Peter Pan R.I.P


                  I must disagree with the OP. Teyla has never been underused or useless IMO. In season 4 she was not not focused on as much but that was due to her pregnancy. I've always felt Teyla was a great character. IMO the only problem to Atlantis is the scifi channel.
                  Proud Sam/Jack and Daniel/Vala and John/Teyla Shipper!
                  "We're Americans! Shoot the guys following us!"
                  Don S. Davis 1942-2008 R.I.P. My Friend.


                    Originally posted by Pitry View Post
                    also, if we mentioned Letters from Pegasus, that was one of her best episodes, as she stood uo to Sheppard and insisted on syaing adn waiting for her friends when he wanted to leave, and challenged him when it seemed he wasn't going to wait. Likewise, the first episode I liked Weir in was Hot Zone, when she stood up to Sheppard instead of agreeing with him all the time - and, in the end, I started liking her on a regular basis, when animosity with the IOA helped showing her as a real backboned human being who is in her position for a reason, rather than someone who agrees all th time with others. Such a shame none of these conflict tend to last.
                    Yeah, that's completely correct, and those were good moments both in the show and for the characters. I've always attributed the fact that season one's writing was far better to Brad Wright having taken a year off to plan it, but the sheer extremity of the dive in quality afterwards is still a little puzzling.

                    The most character conflict we've seen since then was the argument in The Shrine, but even that was like... nothing.


                      I have no words for you, Mr. OP


                        I've enjoyed every single episode that has centered around Teyla. Her connection to the Wraith is something that I'm very interested in, which is why I can't wait for The Queen.

                        Turning the show into the Rodney Mckay hour every week, that was frustrating. Rodney McKay is not all that interesting, though he has had certainly quite a lot of character refinement. He's not nearly as annoying as he started out as. I actually, and I admit this here and now, like Dr. Mckay.

                        The problem is in the writing. There's only a few good episodes a season. And then the rest of the season is lackluster. I think a few movies would go a long way for the franchise.

                        The only thing I disliked was the Replicator story arch. I was expecting a more devious, incendious enemy the Lanteans created.

                        The reason you should vote Republican in 2010.


                          Originally posted by rarocks24 View Post
                          I've enjoyed every single episode that has centered around Teyla. Her connection to the Wraith is something that I'm very interested in, which is why I can't wait for The Queen.

                          Turning the show into the Rodney Mckay hour every week, that was frustrating. Rodney McKay is not all that interesting, though he has had certainly quite a lot of character refinement. He's not nearly as annoying as he started out as. I actually, and I admit this here and now, like Dr. Mckay.

                          The problem is in the writing. There's only a few good episodes a season. And then the rest of the season is lackluster. I think a few movies would go a long way for the franchise.

                          The only thing I disliked was the Replicator story arch. I was expecting a more devious, incendious enemy the Lanteans created.
                          Of course. When have TPTB ever written a good episode centered around a female character? Never......except for when it was Carl Binder. I liked the Gift too, by Gero and Cooper..but omg nothing after that.


                            I thought that the problem in Atlantis was a general lack of creativity and direction. All the characters have suffered from it, imo.


                              Im in the boat of people that have never really liked Teyla. I dont hate her with a passion but she never really satisfied me in terms of character the way that Mckay has.

                              And I think the main reason for this is that Teyla wasnt an original creation but was really a forced concept, a forced character. For me, Teyla is simply the Atlantis version of Teal'c. Both aliens taken onto the team, both odd in ways due to their culture, both leaders among thier respective peoples, both provide insights about various cultures on Pegasus Galaxy. Now teal'c is my favourite SG1 character but I dont think the idea can be reused as was done in Teyla's case

                              She was never really created with a true purpose, she was just a reincarnation of Teal'c. I also think she was cast as a woman to give Atlantis more of a stronger female presence. SG1 had Carter and Frasier. If Weir was the only regular female cast member I think some of the female viewing audience may be lost (maybe some of the super nerds who only see women on Tv may also have lost interest).

                              But I agree that a team of 4 men is not as interesting as a 3:1 or 2:2 combination, but Teyla wasnt well crafted. She is a warrior and leader but also the moral voice, and that mixture isnt the best one available. Having Ford as a female instead would prolly have been wiser than a female alien, I think a female version of Ronon (hardcore warrior but from earth) would have worked well too, even a female Zelenka could have been interesting (but I like the Zelenka-Mckay partnership as it is), but overall Teyla was a forced character rather than the fruit of creativity and inspiration.

                              SGA needed a contrasting character who is female and decided to recycle the Teal'c idea, but it didnt work. Now that Ronon has come aboard I see no real purpose for Teyla anymore. All of the alien contacts and storylines can be used with Ronon, and other than her alien status, she provided little else to the team.

                              As mentioned before, an Atlantean would be cool in place of Teyla. But may I also suggest a replicator too??? (I think it would be interesting if Fran were to join the team)


                                Originally posted by Brain_Child View Post
                                I also think she was cast as a woman to give Atlantis more of a stronger female presence. SG1 had Carter and Frasier. If Weir was the only regular female cast member I think some of the female viewing audience may be lost (maybe some of the super nerds who only see women on Tv may also have lost interest).
                                Have you seen what they've done with the female characters over the seasons? They died, disappeared, were forgotten, pushed to the background, used as shipping material... It's better to be a male character (even that is arguable) than to be a female one on Atlantis.
                                Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                                Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1

