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SAVE Stargate Atlantis!

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    Originally posted by FightforAtlantis View Post
    Like I said on the STLC forum:

    There's no time to sit around complaining about this petition site. We need to focus on the campaign, on the letters, vlogs, emails, and all other forms of protest. When you complain about the petition site, you are showing weakness. We must not show weakness. We must be strong–like Ronon.

    Would Ronon ever submit to the Wraith? No. Neither shall we submit to MGM and Scifi! x<
    Well said, I am going to increase ur rep


      Originally posted by FightforAtlantis View Post
      Like I said on the STLC forum:

      Heck with the petition! Did the Jericho fans need a petition? No. They sent peanuts. And we're sending lemons! Online petitions hardly ever work! What works is our dedication, and our expression as a fan that counts. For all I care, a letter, an email, a video, or whatever, is a signature. That's our real petition.

      There's no time to sit around complaining about this petition site. We need to focus on the campaign, on the letters, vlogs, emails, and all other forms of protest. When you complain about the petition site, you are showing weakness. We must not show weakness. We must be strong–like Ronon.

      Would Ronon ever submit to the Wraith? No. Neither shall we submit to MGM and Scifi! x<
      Don't get me wrong, Im still doing as much as i can to help this campaign, everything you mentioned. But i really like to Quote from the petition so the letter/email/whatever will be more powerfull i hope you know what i mean.
      Btw: Another Petition (620 signatures currently)
      2nd Btw List of Newspapers emails addresses (taken from Sosga forum):

      [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected], [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]

      Just copy paste it.
      Last edited by Benja; 26 August 2008, 10:47 PM.
      : Darrell, Darrell The Dragon
      : How About Smokey?
      : Perhaps Puff


        Originally posted by Benja View Post
        Don't get me wrong, Im still doing as much as i can to help this campaign, everything you mentioned. But i really like to Quote from the petition so the letter/email/whatever will be more powerfull i hope you know what i mean.
        Btw: (620 signatures currently)
        Yes, I know what you mean. By complaining about the Petition site's down time you aren't helping our morale. There's no time to lower our confidence, worrying about the petition is a waste a time. I don't care what you've done, we don't have time to waste our energy on negative aspects that will slow us down.


          Originally posted by benja View Post
          btw: another petition (620 signatures currently)


          Plus sent them about 100 emails to MGM/Sci fi and the managing directors


            OK now i want to send them a lemon. But I can't find the address where to send it. I know it has been posted before several times - I must be blind. can please someone help me? *puppyeyes* I think I'll send them a fake lemon. I doubt that a real one would make it from Germany to them.


              I just made a video about my thoughts on the whole situation. If whoever is in charge of the sites wants to put it up then feel free :0)



                Originally posted by MyStargateLife View Post
                I just made a video about my thoughts on the whole situation. If whoever is in charge of the sites wants to put it up then feel free :0)


                Hey! Great vid What we are looking for!! Go to the following link, join the group and add your vid to the group.


                Same for all Vloggers and vidders out there, got to the group and JOIN the group then ADD your vid. Some GREAT vids out there not in the group as we can not add until you do.
                Save Our Stargate Atlantis!!




                  Originally posted by Fainne View Post
                  OK now i want to send them a lemon. But I can't find the address where to send it. I know it has been posted before several times - I must be blind. can please someone help me? *puppyeyes* I think I'll send them a fake lemon. I doubt that a real one would make it from Germany to them.
                  All the info for the lemon campaign is here:

                  Save Our Stargate Atlantis!!




                    Scifinut007 has came up with some great contacts for writing to papers and getting the word out there, and Benja has also put the links up for you all to email.
                    We also have a list of UK science fiction magazines that we are looking to contact, will let you know how that goes.

                    Currently looking into Science Fiction magazines in the US and worldwide. If anyone has this info, can you put it up or send us it please?

                    Thanks to all who are continuing to support the causes.

                    Also, the vlog vids are coming in and the group is growing.
                    One Idea you could do is have yourself or a group of friends stand in front of video camera and say/ shout "SAVE STARGATE ATLANTIS!!!"
                    As well as the Vlog edits, we would add these in to show extra support.
                    Last edited by fraggleD; 27 August 2008, 04:42 AM.
                    Save Our Stargate Atlantis!!




                      to let people know, i suggested that a text file be put into the torrent releases on stargate atlantis giving all the info about atlantis's cancellation, fanbases etc..., i spotted over 30,000 people downloading one point, so it is a heavily downloaded show, hopefully the fan bases i suggested this to have had some luck with contacting torrent uploader/site.


                        Its great to see the Campain still in full swing keep it up people!!!

                        i've just sent my six emails again for today i'm just sorry i can't do more i am thinking about doing a Vlog. But i'm not to sure about sticking my ugly mug out there for all to see i might do a Save Atlantis vid.

                        i'm putting it to you guys what would you rather see a Save atlantis Vid or my ugly mug?

                        (for all you guys in the US Mug is another word for face)
                        System Lord Remus


                          Originally posted by System_Lord_Remus View Post
                          Its great to see the Campain still in full swing keep it up people!!!

                          i've just sent my six emails again for today i'm just sorry i can't do more i am thinking about doing a Vlog. But i'm not to sure about sticking my ugly mug out there for all to see i might do a Save Atlantis vid.

                          i'm putting it to you guys what would you rather see a Save atlantis Vid or my ugly mug?

                          (for all you guys in the US Mug is another word for face)
                          who do you email i need to get into this spam action, and both your mug and vid should suffice


                            Originally posted by System_Lord_Remus View Post
                            Its great to see the Campain still in full swing keep it up people!!!

                            i've just sent my six emails again for today i'm just sorry i can't do more i am thinking about doing a Vlog. But i'm not to sure about sticking my ugly mug out there for all to see i might do a Save Atlantis vid.

                            i'm putting it to you guys what would you rather see a Save atlantis Vid or my ugly mug?

                            (for all you guys in the US Mug is another word for face)

                            No fan has an ugly mug! Not in my book!! But if you want to make a vid, use your own voice to tell us what your views are and perhaps at the end put a short of you, saying/shouting SAVE STARGATE ATLANTIS??

                            Anything with your own views and points regarding the subject.

                            Look forward to seeing it! Thanks!
                            Save Our Stargate Atlantis!!




                              Originally posted by Chevron Atlantis View Post
                              Just to let you know, that some people might have signed on a different petition and currently the main petition is going under maintenance. Ok I hope this clears this up for you.I think some people might think that its a fake. Just google it and you will find about a few I think.


                              We lost all our signatures?
                              Keep your eyes on the stars and your feet on the ground. - Roosevelt



                                Originally posted by rogue12 View Post
                                who do you email i need to get into this spam action, and both your mug and vid should suffice
                                [email protected]

                                [email protected]

                                [email protected]

                                [email protected]

                                [email protected]

                                [email protected]

                                Heres the Email address's i've been using i do have the MGM online email but i'm not qutie sure where or to who that goes to so i stopped using it
                                System Lord Remus

