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Why Stargate: Atlantis is cooler than Battlestar Galactica...

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    Originally posted by X-3-0-2 View Post
    With the Battlestar rapes and Battlestar suicide bomber stuff, very often David Eick and Ron Moore just come across as shock-jocks
    but SGA crew were the ones who got their show axed


      Originally posted by Bey0nd View Post
      but SGA crew were the ones who got their show axed
      Who says BSG wouldn't have gotten the same treatment if they hadn't preempted it? I don't think either one is getting a end that reflects badly on the show, and considering that the comparison is without evidence to make equal footing, don't see anything but childishness in this attack, a sort of "Well, yours did too, neener neener neener!"

      ~Friendshipping (among others) the two most awesome women of Stargate.
      ~My Stargate fanfic can be found on my Livejournal


        Originally posted by MerryK View Post
        Who says BSG wouldn't have gotten the same treatment if they hadn't preempted it? I don't think either one is getting a end that reflects badly on the show, and considering that the comparison is without evidence to make equal footing, don't see anything but childishness in this attack, a sort of "Well, yours did too, neener neener neener!"
        There's been extreme childishness from both sides on the BSG versus SGA phallus measuring contest. Don't let the fact that this is primarily a Stargate site blind you to this fact.
        Forum insight in 1 click!


          In his own way, both shows are good scifi.
          Imo I think the difference is the kind of exploration of the human nature the do. In SG*, the exploration is mostly in a soft and sometimes deeper level, and in SGA is the opposite. So, IMO, they are quite different and because of that is not easy to compare them.
          We have a saying: "Every author with his own book"
          "Understanding is a three-edged sword." - An old Vorlon saying.


            Originally posted by soultaker View Post
            We have a saying: "Every author with his own book"
            I'm saying I enjoyed both books, SGA season 1 versus Battlestar season 1 then I think the battlestar was the better story.

            However as the story grew I founded myself enjoying SGA more and more and disliking BSG since the battlestar author started to make a mess of the BSG story. SGA ended on a high note, BSG will end with a plop.


              Never liked BSG at all, and Atlantis dropped off once season 4 kicked in. I will say that i was sick of the Stargate predictability. I wish they didnt always pull rabbit out of their butt in the last five minutes. It takes almost a whole hour to create a predicament and a whole 2 minutes to solve it. Better luck with the next series, for those who watch it


                Originally posted by McSwift View Post
                Man, as I watch this season, I find that Stargate Atlantis to be just as crappy as Season 10 of SG1.

                I watched all of Season 1, 2, 3 of BSG, and find myself enjoying every episode. Not one episode made me lose attention from the episode. Plot lines are fluid and theres no plot holes in the storylines.

                What about Stargate series?
                - Plot holes
                - No fluditiy between episodes
                - Storyline blows

                Even the good storylines like "The Travellers" could have been done much better.

                What about Adrift and Lifeline? Good ops episodes, but could have used more action and plot.

                It seems to be the same stuff over and over again.

                1) Bad problem
                2) We're screwed
                3) Op mission, or fight
                4) Get objective completed
                5) Friend or someone gets left behind, or something screws up a bit
                6) The end, problem solved.

                I love Stargate. I watched Stargate since Season 2 of SG1, and Season 1 of SGA.

                But this is just putrid.

                If I had the power, I would definitely give up both stargate series (if SG1 was still airing) for Battlestar Galactica.

                I am just vexxed that SGA continues to go, and BSG is gone by 2009.
                No way!!!
                From the few episodes of BSG that i managed to see, in order to decide if i was going to watch it... i realized that it's a totally different show.
                Darker , but it's ok if you like dark themes..., more mature, but it's ok if you like mature themes(sex scenes, bad language etc).
                What i couldn't cope with is the fact that they used Greek myths and Greek names, to describe SICK philosophical/political situations/stories. As a Greek that got into my nerves,Really bad.
                Greek Gods were the representations of nature's forces,there is nothing "Dark" in nature. They weren't some sick space guys or whatever,and "writer's licence" doesn't justify what they did.
                It got into my nerves also, that while their entire political suggestion was based on Judaic/Asiatic influences they still kept giving them Greek names. Nothing in common.Actually, Greek philosophy and Judaism(and all the religion/philosophical believes that derive from it) are completely opposites.
                APOLLONIUS OF TYANA
                (YEAR 0 - 100)
                "O thou Sun,
                send me as far over the earth
                as is my pleasure and thine,
                and may I make the acquaintance of good men,
                but never hear anything of bad ones,
                nor they of me."



                  Hmm well ive got to watch BSG first before i can say anything about it but i think it will be a close run.


                    Originally posted by Ikaros View Post
                    What i couldn't cope with is the fact that they used Greek myths and Greek names, to describe SICK philosophical/political situations/stories. As a Greek that got into my nerves,Really bad.
                    Greek Gods were the representations of nature's forces,there is nothing "Dark" in nature. They weren't some sick space guys or whatever,and "writer's licence" doesn't justify what they did.
                    In Stargate some of the Greek gods were Goa'uld - little wriggly, parasitic aliens.


                      Kronos was eating his own children, he was bad anyway. It was the mixing of Greek names with the totally wrong political and philosophical attitudes that bothered me. It was like calling an Englishman Xiao Ming.
                      APOLLONIUS OF TYANA
                      (YEAR 0 - 100)
                      "O thou Sun,
                      send me as far over the earth
                      as is my pleasure and thine,
                      and may I make the acquaintance of good men,
                      but never hear anything of bad ones,
                      nor they of me."



                        thank Lords of kobol, that we don't have any egyptian here on GW...
                        Stolen Kosovo


                          He could be useful....
                          APOLLONIUS OF TYANA
                          (YEAR 0 - 100)
                          "O thou Sun,
                          send me as far over the earth
                          as is my pleasure and thine,
                          and may I make the acquaintance of good men,
                          but never hear anything of bad ones,
                          nor they of me."



                            Originally posted by Bey0nd View Post
                            but SGA crew were the ones who got their show axed
                            Maybe I missed something but I don't see how the crew got SGA canned. Could you enlighten me?
                            "Embress your life, find what it is that you love, and pursue it with all your soul. For if you do not, when you come to die, you will find that you have not lived."

                            A character from the novel "Chindi" by Jack McDevitt

                            Remember always that you not only have the right to be an individual, you have an obligation to be one.
                            'Eleanor Roosevelt'
                            Individuality is freedom lived.
                            'Janis Joplin'


                              I think he means that the cast and crew of Atlantis were the ones that lost their show.
                              APOLLONIUS OF TYANA
                              (YEAR 0 - 100)
                              "O thou Sun,
                              send me as far over the earth
                              as is my pleasure and thine,
                              and may I make the acquaintance of good men,
                              but never hear anything of bad ones,
                              nor they of me."



                                No point in trying to debate this because at the end of the day it is all about personal preference.

                                I think BSG is a better written and better acted show overall. The intense nature of the show and its dark theme really make it an interesting watch. So from this point of view I would label it "cooler" or "better".

                                Atlantis has the easy-going nature of the Stargate series. You can pick up any episode and watch and not be lost (assuming you have watched SG before). It has a really formulaic structure to it, but that's what Stargate is all about and why its enjoyable.

                                Both shows are "cool" in their own way.

