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Ancients Home world

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    Originally posted by aschen
    And what evidence do you have? Any and all evidence points to the Ancients evolving on Earth. The fact that some modern day humans and the Ancients have a similar genetic mutation could in no way be just by coincidence.

    We might be a few steps down the evolutionary ladder from them, but we are in essence their kin.
    Is it possible that Ernest's planet with all that "Meaning of Life" stuff could have been the homeworld of the Ancients?

    "We'll keep the light on for you."


      Originally posted by Ancient 1
      Is it possible that Ernest's planet with all that "Meaning of Life" stuff could have been the homeworld of the Ancients?
      That place just appeared to be a neutral planet where the 4 races could meet.


        Originally posted by Zeus
        I was woundering are the ancients nomadic then or do they have a home world. I mean an alien race as advanced as the ancients are meant to be i think would have a home world or is that stupid or not reall a point. I mean some would say that the wraith could find it but whos to say the ancients cant cloak or displace an entire planet (aka andromeda episode). What are your views, also the technology ive seen of the ancients aint that impresive i mean the asguard seem to have better weaponry and teleporters if anyone knows otherwise please correct me. The 9th shevron could that lead them back to the homeworld i know it sounds silly but the amount of power needed etc would be great i dunno any toughts feel free to rip it apart.

        It was Earth.


          Originally posted by auir999
          and not to mention that the antartic gate far pre-dated any gate in our galaxy. Now why the hell would they need a gate that is possibly millions of years older than all the other ones, what did they use it as a show piece, probably not. my guess is it gaterd to the previous galaxy that they inhabited, possibly even thier home galaxy/homeworld.
          Why would you think this? The fact that the gate on Earth is the oldest, or among the oldest, leads me to believe they originated here on Earth. That's pretty obvious; it was the first or one of the first gates made.


            Originally posted by greytop
            Has any thought, they are us. The Ancients are the next step in our evolutionary process.


            Well, maybe not the next step maybe two or three steps up.
            I've been saying this for a long time!


              I tend to subscribe to the theory that the Ancients are from Earth (mostly because Earth has yet to demonstrate any other special quality that would make them hang out here if it wasn't home). This is not to say I don't understand the arguments against it (where are ruins, where are artificats?).

              The thing is, when it comes to Stargate, I sort of shut off my histrography part of my brain. The story is good, but I know if I look too hard at the archeological evdience I'd find holes. Now the show covers for this very well by using reasonable archeology, and proper archeological methods. Suspending my disbelief allows me to enjoy the show. I need to do it to enjoy the show, because in real life, I loath people who spout off theories like Dr. Jackson's. Loath isn't strong enough a word.

              And I'm a modern historian, I don't want to know what someone who actually specializes in ancient egypt things of the pryamids were built by aliens nuts. I think the reason I'm able to accept Dr. Jackson is that he doesn't seem to disrespect the people who were there during the time period. Often times these sorts fo theories are presented in a way that seems very condescending and racist.


                Just because the Original gate is the oldest we have found doesn't mean it's the first.

                1. When they found the gate orignial gate, the DHD had all the symbols for all the other planets. Why would all those symbols be there, unless there was already gates on the other planets?
                2. When did they say it was the oldest gate found? I though they just assumed it was the oldest because the power in the dhd was almost gone. For all we really know the DHD could be solar powered by the gate to recharge the "batteries".
                3. If it was really the first gate, then I would assume the 2nd and 3rd oldest gates would be on the planets closest to Earth. If they were going to travel to distance planets and install other gates, surely they would have installed on one the next closest planet which would be just as old (hences the rechareable dhd)
                4. If Earth was really the Ancients home world, I think we would see alot more of old ancient cities, statues, etc. The only thing we have really seen so far is an outpost station like we saw on the planet where Jack takes them to get the ZPM to save earth.
                5. I would guess the Ancients have a homeworld. I'm sure they evolved somewhere, prehaps there planet was destoried. I think scientist have said that some time in our long off future our sun will go nova and all life on earth will be gone . Prehaps their star went nova and they were advanced enough to move there civilization. Necessity is the mother of invention. If you know your planet is doomed, you start looking for ways to travel to other planets. (hence the need to build a star gate )


                  Originally posted by LordAnubis
                  I've been saying this for a long time!
                  Yes, this has been said many times on many threads by many people.

                  "We'll keep the light on for you."


                    Originally posted by Ancient 1
                    Is it possible that Ernest's planet with all that "Meaning of Life" stuff could have been the homeworld of the Ancients?
                    Doubtfully. That looked more like an early meeting place of some sort.

                    It was also totally trashed. Before you start getting into "Well maybe they destroyed it!" No. Just don't. Thank you.


                      Originally posted by thejayson
                      Just because the Original gate is the oldest we have found doesn't mean it's the first.

                      1. When they found the gate orignial gate, the DHD had all the symbols for all the other planets. Why would all those symbols be there, unless there was already gates on the other planets?
                      2. When did they say it was the oldest gate found? I though they just assumed it was the oldest because the power in the dhd was almost gone. For all we really know the DHD could be solar powered by the gate to recharge the "batteries".
                      3. If it was really the first gate, then I would assume the 2nd and 3rd oldest gates would be on the planets closest to Earth. If they were going to travel to distance planets and install other gates, surely they would have installed on one the next closest planet which would be just as old (hences the rechareable dhd)
                      4. If Earth was really the Ancients home world, I think we would see alot more of old ancient cities, statues, etc. The only thing we have really seen so far is an outpost station like we saw on the planet where Jack takes them to get the ZPM to save earth.
                      5. I would guess the Ancients have a homeworld. I'm sure they evolved somewhere, prehaps there planet was destoried. I think scientist have said that some time in our long off future our sun will go nova and all life on earth will be gone . Prehaps their star went nova and they were advanced enough to move there civilization. Necessity is the mother of invention. If you know your planet is doomed, you start looking for ways to travel to other planets. (hence the need to build a star gate )

                      In "Solitudes", Carter and O'Neill get stuck in Antarctica because of some gate gltch. I forgot what happened exactly, but later, during study of that gate, Carter told SGC that Earth's Antarctica gate was about 50-55 million years old, which made it the oldest gate they had encountered up that point. It's possible there are older gates out there, but Carter speculated that Earth's gate might have been the first gate built; however, she did not know for sure.

                      In "Frozen", where they found Ayiana, I think something was once again mentioned about the Gate being really old, plus Dr. Frazier clearly said that Ayiana was human, just like us, except for a few biochemical differences. There was comment in another episode, by Dr. Frasier and Dr. Jackson, about the Ancient humans and modern humans having similar body structures, biochemicals, hormones, and anatomical structural similarities in common, denoting a common evolution on Earth; or, the Ancients, humans, and all Earth animals evolved on an alien planet and were transported here and allowed to evolve further, which is unlikely.

                      Also, Atlantis was built and housed on Earth, so it seems, and Earth played a major role in the Ancients' Empire. It's logical to conclude that they did evolve here and that this was their home. They also came back here from Pegasus to escape the Wraith onslaught. If this was not their homeworld, why come back here of all places? Especially if it had gone "primitive"? If this weren't their homeworld, they wouldn't come back to a planet that had become primitive with no more advancements, unless this was truly their place of origin.

                      If they evolved here, how do we account for the lack of ruins and ancient findings? Here's some thoughts:

                      1) It was millions of years ago when they left and only about 11,000 when they returned. We know the Antarctic base was left in tact, but we haven't found much else of the Ancients on Earth. Over the millions of years since they originally left and moved on, Earth has undergone major climatic and geological changes, which might have eroded and destroyed cities, buried cities and ruins under lava/magma/ash or pushed the ruins/cities/buildings underwater after flooding and land movement. Some of the cities and ruins might have been lost in desert and jungle.

                      Also, since that time, the Goa'uld and Asgard came to Earth. It's possible that since Earth was the homeworld of the Ancients, the Asgard and Goa'uld, and possibly even Nem's peeps, the Oannes, who were also here at the time of the Goa'uld, picked the leftover Ancient tech and modified it for themselves. We know the Goa'uld are scavengers, and once they came to Earth, would have found lots of Ancient tech and structures. they would have either made them into their own temples to be worshipped by the primitive humans, destroyed them so humans won't be confused by advanced objects that were created by someone other than their gods, or the Asgard took some of the Ancient tech too; don't forget they were on Earth off and on for a long time too. Thor never said why they were on Earth exactly, other than some "genetic investigation" as described in "Fragile Balance", but we know they have been messin' around on Earth for thousands of years (see "Red Sky" and "Thor's Hammer"). If they knew this was the homeworld of the Ancients, with whom they once were allied, then once the Ancients disappeared, they may have come here looking for them, and once they discovered they were gone and had reverted to primitive humans, picked off the good tech for themselves...I mean, why not? Nem's people seemed pretty advcanced and some of that tech in "Fire and Water" seemed to be ancient or goa'uld-like, so maybe when the Oammes came to Earth to fight the Goa'uld, they took some tech too.

                      Time and garbage picking could explain for the lack of ruins on Earth.

                      2) Also, we have discovered a lot of alien objects on Earth so far. Most of it has been Goa'uld, but a few things have proven to be Asgard, Furling (see "Paradise Lost"), and of course, Ancient. Ancient objects have been found in Egypt, Central America, and even Europe I think. A lot of the alien artifacts found might be categorized as Goa'uld without knwoing for sure it was actually Ancient or Asgard or whatever. Hard to say for sure.

                      3) Like Major Fischer said: you have to suspend your disbelief and just enjoy the show wihtout thinking of technicalities like archaeological evidence of the Ancients on Earth.

                      4) In the movie, Abydos was in a different galaxy, but in the series, in "COTG", Carter said Abydos was the closest planet to Earth. She never mentioned how old the gate was, but I think I remember another Abydos episode when either Carter or Daniel said something about the Abydos gate being quite old too -- older than other gates in the galaxy. I don't remember specifics, but if it is closest to Earth, then it might have been the second gate seeded off Earth.

                      I think the hardest part for most of us to swallow is the millions of years thing; if it was hundreds of thousands, we would accept it better, but 50+ million years? I guess the writers wanted to justify the name "Ancients".


                        ok lets think here if the ancients have 1 flying city why can they not have another maybe lemuria, i dont no but maybe things were to dangerous on the surface ( constant changes geographicly ) we just dont know, maybe the flying city the nox have is ancients maybe the asgaurd have one to, even the nox.

                        and as for earth being the home world for the ancients...
                        i will say this " omg of course it is "

                        about the ZPM being found in egypt, maybe the ancients got rid of the gould for us, and led the revolt, and maybe this is just me but how in the hell did the ancients get from antartica/egypt via Ra`s gate to rome where there is evidence of ancient design.

                        please pick this apart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                          Originally posted by airfro
                          ok lets think here if the ancients have 1 flying city why can they not have another maybe lemuria, i dont no but maybe things were to dangerous on the surface ( constant changes geographicly ) we just dont know, maybe the flying city the nox have is ancients maybe the asgaurd have one to, even the nox.

                          and as for earth being the home world for the ancients...
                          i will say this " omg of course it is "

                          about the ZPM being found in egypt, maybe the ancients got rid of the gould for us, and led the revolt, and maybe this is just me but how in the hell did the ancients get from antartica/egypt via Ra`s gate to rome where there is evidence of ancient design.

                          please pick this apart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                          Lemuria was more of a spiritual place, while Atlantis was a technological center. Yes, these are both part of the traditional "mythology" of the two great "nations." Lemurians would probably just meditate their way to ascension.

                          The Nox are able to live for a very, very long time. This was proven in the ep "The Nox." It is therefore acceptable to postulate that they have had the time to make some sort of advanced technology. This was backed up by the episode "The Fifth Race" in which the Asgard listed the names of the 5 great civilizations in the alliance.

                          The Antartic gate might not have had a DHD, so the incoming wormhole went right to Ra's, that most definetely DID have a DHD.

