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Atlantis;Good Premise Poor Acting?

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    Originally posted by Teal'c
    When will you learn that certain people actually aren't entitled to opinions?
    I am being a good girl and rising above the pettiness, Snake Boy. Don't goad me into saying something I'll enjoy far too much.


      Originally posted by BigRed
      I stand by my comments, the Canadians are like wood in this series, and totally unbelievable as Americans.
      So, by "Canadians" you mean every single cast and extra member on the screen except for Joe Flanigan? You may not like the performances of Higginson, Franks, Hewlett and Lutrell, but that hardly has anything to do with the fact that they are Canadian citizens (and I'm not even sure of that.). Lutrell isn't even playing an Earthling!

      Anyhow...if it's poor characterizations you're looking for, I refer you to Captain Carter's "reproductive organs" line in COTG. It wasn't AT's performance that made that line such a groaner for me. It was the line itself. If they had continued writing on that level, I would have dropped the show long ago.
      Urgo: I wanna live, I wanna experience the universe and I wanna eat pie!
      O'Neill: Who doesn't?
      - Urgo, Stargate: SG-1, Episode 3.16

      "Let's be real here. It should be fun. We're not saving lives, we're entertaining them."
      - RDA, Stargate SG-1: The Lowdown

      some assembly required, batteries not included, action figures sold seperately
      once done, cannot be undone...
      brought to you by Anthro Girl, Grand Pooh-Bah of the SFA


        Originally posted by Beatrice
        Beatrice sig line: "War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things: the decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feelings which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. A man who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing he cares about more than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature who has no chance of being free, unless made and kept so by the exertions and blood of better men than himself."
        -John Stuart Mill
        This is a great sig quote!

        I think one of the things that makes SG-1 so good is that the show recognizes this reality. Earth is worth protecting from the System Lords and the SGC is willing to take that fight to them rather than sit around and wait to be conquered.

        It remains to be seen if this strong Millian world view is taken into SG-A



          Originally posted by BigRed
          If SG-1 didn't have RDA how successful would it have been? Atlantis needs a known actor to lead this ragtag bunch of TV amateurs.
          Um... yeah. The ratings 'Rising' got certainly proved that.
          Originally posted by Anthro Girl
          Anyhow...if it's poor characterizations you're looking for, I refer you to Captain Carter's "reproductive organs" line in COTG.
          Gaaaaahhh!! Don't you know that if that particular line is ever referenced, then Piggy's... head... will..... explo---


          Twitter / YouTube / Twitch


            Originally posted by ShadowMaat
            Sorry, but dumping on someone's acting skills based solely on their country of origin is the most arrogantly enthocentric thing I can imagine. Acting comes from a PERSON, not a country.
            I think it's refreshing to see some Canadian actors doing something other than comedy. Some of the funniest people on the planet are Canadian and Stargate allows us to see their dramatic talents. I say "Go Canada"!

            P.S. I'm a Californian so no axe to grind here.


              Originally posted by Beeblebrox
              I think it's refreshing to see some Canadian actors doing something other than comedy. Some of the funniest people on the planet are Canadian and Stargate allows us to see their dramatic talents. I say "Go Canada"!

              P.S. I'm a Californian so no axe to grind here.
              Other than comedy? Have you not been watching Atlantis? "Dead man talking"


                I don't think that you can judge a persons acting skills on their nationality. That seems the worst type of stereotyping to me. And as Shadow pointed out MS and AT seem to have done a good job. Weir's character bugs me because it's something about the way she's written. Maybe something in the dialogue. As I said I can't quite put my finger on it. But there have only been a couple of episodes of Atlantis and I'm not prepared to write a character off based on such a limited amount of screen time. Although I did like Shepard within 5 minutes of him coming on screen. And I've liked McKay since Redemption. I didn't really care for him much in 48 hours at first viewing but when I go back and rewatch it I love him even more.

                Edited to replace ethnicity for nationality as it is the wrong term and apparently gets on some people's nerves.
                Last edited by Shipperahoy; 25 July 2004, 05:28 PM.

                It was, is, and always will be GREEN


                  Technically, Hewlett was born in England. If we're gonna nitpick.

                  Oh, and Reddy? Insulting the mods? Bad, bad idea.


                    I agree. Almost all of the SG1 cast is from Canada. You'd think that in a genre with a large diversity of cultures (although they're fictional,) one would learn to have a broader appreciate on different cultures and the positive aspects of them.


                      Originally posted by ShadowMaat
                      Oh, and Reddy? Insulting the mods? Bad, bad idea.
                      Too late, his post "mysteriously" disappeared already. Actually, I couldn't figure out just who it was referring to. The way it was written it almost sounded like he was talking about himself.
                      Twitter / YouTube / Twitch


                        Well, that clears it up...

                        EDIT: Except that his new post disappeared as well. I don't think I'll try to reply to this guy again for a while...
                        Twitter / YouTube / Twitch


                          Originally posted by Teal'c
                          When will you learn that certain people actually aren't entitled to opinions?

                          I see that the Mental Midgets are well represented here by that comment. So if anyone disagrees with you, they aren't entitled to an opinion. Very enlightened. And arrogant by the way.


                            Originally posted by Ugly Pig
                            EDIT: Except that his new post disappeared as well. I don't think I'll try to reply to this guy again for a while...
                            Dunno why I was worried, this guy is digging his hole deeper with every post.

                            Anyone got popcorn? This could be fun.

                            Oh, and I still think that being produced in Canada is one of the best things about both SG-1 AND Atlantis.


                              I think that this thread is starting to get out of control. Everyone is entitled to their opinions no matter how unpopular they may be, but I must stress that name calling and insults are very much against forum rules.

                              It was, is, and always will be GREEN


                                Originally posted by Ugly Pig
                                Gaaaaahhh!! Don't you know that if that particular line is ever referenced, then Piggy's... head... will..... explo---


                                Oh! Sorry Piggy! I didn't know!!

                                I was originally going to quote the entire disgusting load of <insert colorful word of choice here>, but it turned out that I couldn't stomach even that, so we're both safer now.
                                Urgo: I wanna live, I wanna experience the universe and I wanna eat pie!
                                O'Neill: Who doesn't?
                                - Urgo, Stargate: SG-1, Episode 3.16

                                "Let's be real here. It should be fun. We're not saving lives, we're entertaining them."
                                - RDA, Stargate SG-1: The Lowdown

                                some assembly required, batteries not included, action figures sold seperately
                                once done, cannot be undone...
                                brought to you by Anthro Girl, Grand Pooh-Bah of the SFA

