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General SPOILERS For Atlantis - Food for the Wraith

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    General SPOILERS For Atlantis - Food for the Wraith

    Spoilers From Rising

    This was a little off-topic in the other threads, so I decided to start a new one. So, most people familiar with Stargate Atlantis (herein reffered to as SG-A), are familiar with the Wraith. My question is, what kind of animals can the Wraith suck the life out of? So far, after reading lot's of posts in addition to the Sci-Fi's account of Rising from the Wraith's PoV, it seems like the Wraith fought the Ancients in batter more than they consumed their life force. Is it possible the Wraith could not eat the Ancient's life force/chi, but instead grew off of eating only the humans (who we think the Ancients "planted" on the worlds in Pegasus)?

    Another question, I believe the Ancient hollogram said they went to Pegasus to spread new life "...where there appeared to be none." Now in RL, Pegasus is a very old galaxy, much older than ours, I believe. As a result, it could be the same age in the SG universe. Is it posible the Wraith consumed most higher forms of throughout the entire galaxy earlier on, then went into a really deep hibernation for a while? Then the Ancients come along and start up life (i.e. human life) again in over a thousand worlds and then stumble on the sleeping Wraith. The Wraith wake-up, find new food to eat and start consuming the galaxy and fighting the Ancients. This time, however, the Wraith leave some humans alive to grow in numbers so the Wraith can feed every couple of centuries. It would be nteresting to find out how this all started and maybe where the Wraith originated.

    Yes it is interesting, it would be a logical assumption that they went into hibernating because they've already consumed all life previously occupied the Galaxy. This also leads me to believe Wraith does not have a very advanced Biotechnology. If they do, they would've just grow the humans like a farmer would to vegetable. Goa'uld can use nanobots to speed up the aging process, a full grown adult ony take less than a month. I just have a very hard time believing Wraith's technology rivals that of the Ancients.

    "ARRRG! My dry cleaning bill this month is over $10,000!"


      Originally posted by VirtualCLD
      Is it posible the Wraith consumed most higher forms of throughout the entire galaxy earlier on, then went into a really deep hibernation for a while? Then the Ancients come along and start up life (i.e. human life) again in over a thousand worlds and then stumble on the sleeping Wraith. The Wraith wake-up, find new food to eat and start consuming the galaxy and fighting the Ancients. This time, however, the Wraith leave some humans alive to grow in numbers so the Wraith can feed every couple of centuries.
      That's exactly what I think may have happened, more or less. They probably ate all other intelligent life (unknown quantity) before realizing that they needed to "farm" them. Some ate smaller animals/etc... while the rest went into hibernation (or they all did), then the ancients finally woke them up after populating much of the galaxy, and you know the rest... (and maybe the Keepers were a new idea to keep the human herds growing while the rest slept, and to make sure that the ancient enemies never returned to challenge them again)
      There is only one thing we can ever truly control: whether we are good, or evil.


        I dont think so... I thought that the ancients were the FIRST evolution of humans, and that humans, all humans are the second.


          Originally posted by Lel399
          I dont think so... I thought that the ancients were the FIRST evolution of humans, and that humans, all humans are the second.
          Yes but Ancient's were once like humans they just evolved all kind's of super powers. Humans that have the ancient gene are very close 2 becoming like them.
          Understanding is a three-edged sword.


            Wraith see humans as walking snack packs, and are often caught playing with their food. which in SGA' s case is what is currently happening. Unless we figure out a way to keep them busy doing something else. I would figure they can eat pretty much anything including each other which we have seen. But having human M.R.E's(meals ready to eat) make for a happy wraith.
            The enemy has spoken


              Originally posted by VirtualCLD
              Is it possible the Wraith could not eat the Ancient's life force/chi, but instead grew off of eating only the humans (who we think the Ancients "planted" on the worlds in Pegasus)?
              The Wriath in 'The Defiant One' said he had fed off of many Ancients.

              Another question, I believe the Ancient hollogram said they went to Pegasus to spread new life "...where there appeared to be none." Now in RL, Pegasus is a very old galaxy, much older than ours, I believe. As a result, it could be the same age in the SG universe.
              From what I can gather, the Pegasus Dwarf Irregular Galaxy should be relaively young. Dwarf Irregulars have a high concentration of interstellar matter, and show signs of recent star formation.

              Is it posible the Wraith consumed most higher forms of throughout the entire galaxy earlier on, then went into a really deep hibernation for a while? Then the Ancients come along and start up life (i.e. human life) again in over a thousand worlds and then stumble on the sleeping Wraith. The Wraith wake-up, find new food to eat and start consuming the galaxy and fighting the Ancients. This time, however, the Wraith leave some humans alive to grow in numbers so the Wraith can feed every couple of centuries. It would be nteresting to find out how this all started and maybe where the Wraith originated.
              That was my original thinking as well.
              However, the final episodes have cast serious doubt on that theory.

              a time to mourn


                How do the wraith replenish their ranks? can they somehow genetically alter humans to become wraith foot soldiers?
                Hitler, Stalin, and Mussolini => three of the world's worst dictators.

                Also failed artist, failed priest, and failed grade-school teacher.

                What we should learn: Don't trust artists, be wary of priests, and fear your teachers!


                  I am looking forward to SGA Seasib 2, as they apparently explains some background stuff behind the Wraith as a species' not to mention we get to see some 'nice' Wraith & some female Wraith (or so the producers are hinting at, but you never can tell; hence the reason they call them spoilers & rumors).

                  It is unclear how they reproduce at this stage, but if the popular theory I have read about the bugs from '38 minutes' & the Wraith possibly having a common ancestor (it is alleged by some the Ancients may havbe even created the Wraith by seeding Pegasus with life & the two DNA strands [Human & bug] mixed to form the Wraith); but all of this is pure spectulation at this point.

