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Atlantis Mythology?? Real World Atlantis...

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    Originally posted by Metonic
    It is possible that he knew of Atlantis but... I belive htis is what happened.

    Great plague, Ancients leave our galaxy to escape it.
    Thousands or millions of years later Ra found Earth.
    Hundreds or thousands of years later the Ancients returned to Earth after being forced into a corner by the Wraith, suprised that they werent where their stargate was they discovered Gou'alds and started the rebellion eventually they buried the gate but soon after the plague followed them and killed off many of them. Those who escaped the plague were most likely in the British Islands as some one else has stated the scottish Scienctist and Oniel being Irish or Scottish of some sort, in anycase the Asgaurd were the gods of the area I believe which is probably why the Ancients went to this area and the asgaurd assisted them and allowed them to live, then some decided to live out their lifes as "humans" and others acended. Thats my theory if I wasnt so tired Id right it better with mroe detail.
    When did they have that great alliance with nox, asgard and furlings?


      Originally posted by Metonic
      20,100 lol sound bout right lol Im guessing there were over a couple millionpossibly 10 or 15 mil at the VERY MAX 50 mil
      if you read the geneology of the bible the planet is not even 30,000 years old


        You also have to remember the Bible is writing from religious discourse not a Rankean "wie es eigentlich gewesen" approach. It is an interpretition not an account of history.

        The theory I find myself subscribing to the most is the fact Atlantis is exactly where it's etymology says it is, in the Atlantic Ocean.

        Now the best work in my opinion is the The Secret of Atlantis by Otto Muck. This guy was an engineer and much of the evidence he actually knows well. The only flaw is his calculation of Mayan calendar dates, which he infers begins at the destruction of Atlantis, but even then he's only off 200 years. The scientific evidence that he uses is the most compelling.

        Now there exists a meteorological phenonmenon know as "trade winds". It is caused by the Earth's rotation and how the atmosphere behaves in relation to it. When it rotates it transmits a greater part of this motion to the atmosphere surrounding it. Some of the momentum is lost, and the atmosphere lags a little behind in the equitorial belt, where the earth rotation is greatest. This causes a steady eastern wind to be produced, which is common on the equater. At higher latitudes the effect is reversed as the earth's rotational speed is lower in these areas.

        These trade winds also affect ocean currents. Gales and storms rage over the vast expanse of the Atlantic ocean, and create the rhythmic motion of the waves. The stronger the winds are the heavier the swell. In addition to these movements of the waves, caused by winds of varying direction and strength, there are the less frequent but constant currents caused by winds that blow steadily from the same direction as the trade winds. These currents are regular and are confined to the surface of the ocean.

        Now there trade winds come to form a closed circular system, which kind of looks like this (Northern Hemisphere:

        +>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +

        These regular current of air produce parrallel current on the surface of the ocean. The easterlies drive tropical waters steadily westward and in the higher altitudes an easterly current arises and both combine into a closed circulation system. This basic wind current dynamics forms on the Atlantic Ocean one it's most famous of it's type, the Gulf Stream Drift, or Gulf Stream. The effect of this stream is that is that it brings warm water and air to Western Europe, raising the temperature buy about 10C thus giving it a pleasant climate.

        With this in mind we can drawn up isotherms (lines of temperature in which the temperature is the same). When we do this we can see that although Canada and Norway are on the same latitude the latter experience a warmer climate all year around.

        However, this wasn't always the case. If one observes the isotherms during the late Quaternary Period of the Earth's geophysical life, that is the Ice Age, we get a discrepancy. Geological evidence shows us there was the same amount of ice sheet cover in Europe as in North America. This is evidence that the temperatures were the same in both continents. How is this possible if the Gulf Stream is there? The answer is it didn't affect Europe at this time.

        The absence of these advantages may provide us with evidence of the reason why the Gulf Stream failed to flow. It becomes a distinct possibility that there was a land mass blocking the Gulf Stream, somewhere in the Atlantic. But the question is where?

        According to the flow stream of the GS and oceanographic mapping we can strongly hypothesise it was the Azores. If they were 3000m of water level less, we would have a tall, steep cliffs, and high mountains. This then is where the waters would rage and break against the cliffs sending up a huge spray before retreating. They can go no further and this island reaps the benefits of a warm temperate climate, a climate conductive to human prosperity.

        As to the "sinking" of Atlantis, we'll leave that for another time...

        Quemadmoeum gladis nemeinum occidit, occidentis telum est - "A sword is never a killer, it's a tool in the killer's hands"
        - Lucius Annaeus Seneca (4BC-65AD)

        Why it's a "magazine" and not a "clip".


          why would higher elevations move slower in relationship to lowere elevations. the further out you are from the point of rotation ( that being the axis of the earth )the further you have to go. i would think you would have to be moving faster. i dont know i am asking


            I find Atlantis theories quite interesting. most recent one I've read would be that it's off the coast of Cyprus.

            BBC News article here

            Another article about it.

            Another article about Cyprus Atlantis with a link to Ireland as Atlantis?

            I find the 20 million people quite odd, could Plato have been mistaken about that? It is sometimes hard to tell how many people are in a crowd.

            Also interesting that on the show Atlantis is said to be the size of Manhattan - how many people live in Manhattan?

            This article (very short) was about cyprus AS Atlantis among other theories.

            Of course it doesn't seem too far fetched to consider Plato made up Atlantis, as a utopia where philosophers like himself and Socrates would be welcomed rather than persecuted.


              The way the story reads, Atlantis, while more advanced than its rivals by a good deal, wasn't a magical supersivilization. It was an agressive naval power, kind of like a boogieman, that was one of several fighting and conquering other nations. I picture atlantis as an advanced, bigger, and more agressive Troy.


                Perhaps it's a misinterpretation of the Greek in the text. If I recall correctly it's either there was no specific word for "million" in Greek as we know it today (a finite quantity) but rather it meant "myriads" (a non-finite quantity), or that it was often used as we use it today, replacing myriads and not literally meaning millions.

                As to the earth rotation imagine two 2d circles. One has circumference 10m one has 5m. Now they both rotate 360 degrees in one second. Therefore the speed of the first is 10m/s while the second smaller circle has speed 5m/s. Therefore the smaller circle moves slower.

                Quemadmoeum gladis nemeinum occidit, occidentis telum est - "A sword is never a killer, it's a tool in the killer's hands"
                - Lucius Annaeus Seneca (4BC-65AD)

                Why it's a "magazine" and not a "clip".


                  If anyone is interested in reading up on some of the thinking behind a few ancient theories then there is a very interesting book called 'Ancient Traces', whose author draws together arguements and differing theories and presents them in a very easy to read style.

                  There is discussion in that book on the most probable sites for Atlantis, including Antartica, and the possible time frame of its existence. At that time the main oceans and continents looked a little different and Antartica might just have fitted the description of Atlantis's location. Interestingly, it's also mentioned that there is a map, I think dating back to about the 1500's (been a while since I read the book) giving a detailed picture of the landscape of Antarctica as it would look without its covering of ice. Given that we're only now at the technological level that allows such investigation of the topography under so much ice then it rather begs the question of where the map came from...

                  Also, just a by-note on the 'great flood' that is believed to have prompted the story of Noah's Ark. There is some speculation that the flood was when the basin that is now the Black Sea was originally flooded, the inland lake becoming a sea when the sea broke through. So it's perhaps unlikely that that flood relates to the 'sinking' of Atlantis.

                  I'd recommend the book anyway, it mentions some really interesting theories about the pyramids of Egypt, and even about the possibility of a civilisation far pre-dating our own by a few million years... maybe the 'first generation' of Ancients from which we're descended...?
                  McKay, "I'm not sure I can fix this."
                  Grodin, "You can fix anything."
                  McKay, "Who told you that?"
                  Grodin, "You did. Several times."


                    Originally posted by Stargate Agent
                    It is obvious to most people who have seen Stargate: Atlantis' pilot episode that using Atlantis as a basis for a show this opens up a great wealth of mythology surrounding the Lost City of Atlantis...

                    According to Plato he described Atlantis as city of "enormous mineral wealth," going on to further describe Atlantis as a city that was ahead of its time in terms of technology and inventions. This tends to agree with Stargate: Atlantis in the fact that the Ancients were greatly advanced compared to the native humans on earth.

                    In Regards to the location of Atlantis speculation is around the South China Sea (at least from what I have read). Obviously not anywhere near Antartica. Although some people believe it was in Europe...However maybe continental shift could have played a role in moving the Ancient outpost in Stargate: Atlantis...

                    Oddly enough from what I have read on the subject so far is that Atlantis "sank" around the end of an Ice Age. Which means the when the Ice caps melted Atlantis was washed away by a flood. This is believed to have happened around 10,000 to 12,000 years ago.

                    Atlantis is often described as a sunken continent however not just as a city.

                    Plato refered in his works that Atlantis had around 20 million people and most of these people perished when the city sank. Quite a large city for that period in history. I find that to be quite impossible to have that many people in a city during those times because obviously the city's land area would have to have been massive.

                    Atlantis sank because of a great flood. Most religion and science confirms this happened many years ago. Many of you may know the story of Noah and the Ark.

                    I just started studying this so i probably made many mistakes here. Feel free to comment or add some observations of your own if you like history...
                    Actually, they are saying that it was somewhere in the Black Sea, which would correspond to why ship records in Egypt from that time period indicate Atlantis existed. Also, I can't imagine a ship 5000 years ago sailing to trade with Egypt by going around the Cape of Good Hope, towards the Azores, into the Mediterranean, and to the ports lying along the Nile all the way from the South China Sea. With disease, famine, and food supplies, no one would even attempt it.

                    As for population, Take the square mileage of Beijing or Hong Kong, and multiply it four times. That's all.

                    The reason you should vote Republican in 2010.


                      Originally posted by Purpleyin
                      I find Atlantis theories quite interesting. most recent one I've read would be that it's off the coast of Cyprus.

                      BBC News article here

                      Another article about it.

                      Another article about Cyprus Atlantis with a link to Ireland as Atlantis?

                      I find the 20 million people quite odd, could Plato have been mistaken about that? It is sometimes hard to tell how many people are in a crowd.

                      Also interesting that on the show Atlantis is said to be the size of Manhattan - how many people live in Manhattan?

                      This article (very short) was about cyprus AS Atlantis among other theories.

                      Of course it doesn't seem too far fetched to consider Plato made up Atlantis, as a utopia where philosophers like himself and Socrates would be welcomed rather than persecuted.
                      5 million people (thereabouts) But on the other hand, are their parts of the city that are underwater (as in are there actually sections of the city that sit below the water line). Not being that familiar with Atlantis I can't be sure.

                      The reason you should vote Republican in 2010.


                        There might be more than 1 lost city and people have been finding others


                          Originally posted by dirtymatt
                          All of these theories are interesting, but let's face it; there is no real world Atlantis. The only source of any information about Atlantis is Plato. He mentioned it once, as a small part of a morality play. Also, with regards to Lemuria, that's just plain fantasy. Lemuria was a concept invented to explain the existance of Lemurs on an island before the idea of plate techtonics was worked out. It was a rationalization for how Lemurs could exist in two separate areas that didn't fit well with evolution. Once plate techtonics were discovered the rationalization was no longer needed, and the idea was dropped...until someone dug the idea up again and invted some weird society with creatures that died out when they discovered sex.
                          You know for a long time everyone thought the city of Troy was just a myth until it was accidently stumbled upon. The earth is quite a big place and there are still places in the ocean that are left un-discovered because we lack the tech to go deep enough.

                          My fave thoery so far though is antartica because it fits very closely to what Plato discribed and the part of antartica with the most density has the least amount of snow fall where as the areas with the least amount of density have the most snow fall. This may imply that there is or could be something there that we have, for whatever reasons, yet to discover.
                          SHEPPARD: Eight hundred and four years.
                          McKAY: What?
                          SHEPPARD: That's how long it will take us to come get you by Puddlejumper.
                          McKAY: But you would do that, right?
                          SHEPPARD: Of course we would.


                            The evidence presented by Robert Sarmast & Co. , for Atlantis being under the ocean near Cyprus, is quite compelling and far from amateurish!

                            They, I think, are planning to go with a special video submarine thingy* as a their next step.....
                            I believe they're gonna do some TV specials - giving this exploration project the publicity it deserves..
                            It's a joke. My way of deflecting attention from my own obvious heroism. You'll get used to it.


                              Originally posted by jazz!
                              The evidence presented by Robert Sarmast & Co. , for Atlantis being under the ocean near Cyprus, is quite compelling and far from amateurish!

                              They, I think, are planning to go with a special video submarine thingy* as a their next step.....
                              I believe they're gonna do some TV specials - giving this exploration project the publicity it deserves..
                              That would be really cool to watch any idea when they will do this?
                              SHEPPARD: Eight hundred and four years.
                              McKAY: What?
                              SHEPPARD: That's how long it will take us to come get you by Puddlejumper.
                              McKAY: But you would do that, right?
                              SHEPPARD: Of course we would.


                                afraid not.....I remember hearing it on the recent audio press interview given by Robert Sarmast - i'd have to go and check.

                                But I think it's supposed to be sometime this year ( ) and is going to involve quite a publicity campaign.....

                                EDIT: ( 2006 )
                                It's a joke. My way of deflecting attention from my own obvious heroism. You'll get used to it.

