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Atlantis StarGate and StarGates in the Pegasus Galaxy

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    They all look like a bunch of dots to me... except the one that looks like the earth PoO.


      I think it's harder to remember dots then solid symbols, so remembering addresses must be a pain, unless they learn where on the DHD they are.


        Originally posted by aAnubiSs
        I think it's harder to remember dots then solid symbols, so remembering addresses must be a pain, unless they learn where on the DHD they are.
        Euhm..Isn't each DHD different.

        SGU Continued....


          Then it would be very hard to get to a planet, since you could only go from A->B and not C->B. The only thing that's different is the PoO, and it's always on the same place.


            Okay, just checking.

            SGU Continued....


              Nothing wrong with checking out stuff


                Originally posted by Janus
                Euhm..Isn't each DHD different.
                No, all DHDs are the same except for the Point of Origin. That is the only unique symbol.


                  A little late there Jonas, aAnubiSs beat you to it.
                  *Peter turns on the energy based iris while Atlantis is very low on power*
                  McKay - "Using power, using power, using power..."


                    Originally posted by Jonas Quinn
                    No, all DHDs are the same except for the Point of Origin. That is the only unique symbol.
                    The PoO is one of those real wierd things (and I think its been discussed to death in other threads anyway). We got no idea why each planet (well, stargate) has a unique PoO symbol. You need to dial a 6 digit address (in correct order it seems) to specify the planet/gate you want to gate to, and then you need to specify your PoO? Why?

                    Why not just give every gate a unique symbol? Well, i guess you'd need 1000's of buttons on each DHD to specify each place you want to gate to... that would become unwieldy. And then you would need to go to each DHD and add extra buttons for each new gate you create so you can go to it... so i understand why we use this address system like dialing a phone number. But then why do we need a PoO, and a unique one at that??

                    And what of the tollans? They built their own stargate (out of different material even) on tollana... they just invented their own PoO symbol?

                    I guess there's alot we'll just never know.


                      Here's a repost of My Opinion™

                      The symbols are worthless. The glyphs are, imho, only used as a visual representation.

                      Every glyph is probably assigned a number. We do it, it would make sense for the ancients to do it, as the DHD program probably interprets numbers, not symbols. We use ASCII, the only ASCII code I can remember at the moment is 34, or: "

                      Of course, the ancients probably use Octal numbers (fifth race)...but that is irrelevent to my point.

                      Someone dials up 7 numbers, the DHD sees:

                      36, 28, 3, 12, 2, 7, 39

                      Ok, 39 is the PoO...(.and will ALWAYS be represented by 39.)...we dial

                      Someone dials 8, we see:

                      36, 28, 3, 12, 2, 7, 14, 39

                      Ok, We see 8. Let's check the built in database of Galaxies. Hmm, Galaxy 14 (symbol 7). Ok, so let's see what 36-28-3-12-2-7 in Galaxy 14 is....Kawoosh, open wormhole.


                        Hey... it just occured to me... all this talk of stargates...

                        It was mentioned in another thread somewhere that perhaps the city will have whatever equipment is required to build ZPM's. (Okay, so maybe that would be a little too convenient). But the fact remains, the Ancients could build ZPM's to power thier technology, and they could build Stargates.... perhaps... just perhaps... we could find where the Ancients built their stargates? It might not be on Atlantis, but it might be hidden away somewhere on a once Ancient inhabited planet (or it might be in the milkyway, who knows).

                        But i think it makes sense that the Version 1.0 stargates in the milkyway were built there, and once the Ancients went to inhabit the Pegasus galaxy they built another stargate assembly line there that built the newer Version 2.0 stargates in Pegasus. Perhaps that place still exists. Perhaps we could build figure out how their tech works and build a few of our own gates? Have some spares to stow away on earth, put on the Prometheus (another thread), etc.... I mean, why not?


                          Originally posted by Mio
                          Here's a repost of My Opinion™

                          The symbols are worthless. The glyphs are, imho, only used as a visual representation.

                          Every glyph is probably assigned a number. We do it, it would make sense for the ancients to do it, as the DHD program probably interprets numbers, not symbols. We use ASCII, the only ASCII code I can remember at the moment is 34, or: "

                          Of course, the ancients probably use Octal numbers (fifth race)...but that is irrelevent to my point.

                          Someone dials up 7 numbers, the DHD sees:

                          36, 28, 3, 12, 2, 7, 39

                          Ok, 39 is the PoO...(.and will ALWAYS be represented by 39.)...we dial

                          Someone dials 8, we see:

                          36, 28, 3, 12, 2, 7, 14, 39

                          Ok, We see 8. Let's check the built in database of Galaxies. Hmm, Galaxy 14 (symbol 7). Ok, so let's see what 36-28-3-12-2-7 in Galaxy 14 is....Kawoosh, open wormhole.
                          Perfect explanation! I think that is exactly how it works!

                          The whole 6 points in space mapping constalations where they intersect idea was only in the movie and pretty much ditched since then. It appears to work exactly the way you explained it these days.

                          Still doesn't explain the point of the PoO symbol tho. I guess its just number 39 always, but why even dial it... its superfluous... why always dial 39 as the last digit in the address. Is it like a "null terminator in C" (if you know programming) which signifies the end of the sequence and it is now time to open the wormhole? Perhaps a different number at the end could do something different, and we just do not know yet?


                            I guess the PoO tells when to actually begin connection with another gate, or how else would they dial 8 chevrons for Atlantis
                            *Peter turns on the energy based iris while Atlantis is very low on power*
                            McKay - "Using power, using power, using power..."


                              Why do the point of origion? It's like hitting the "enter" key when you input some data.

                              You're telling the computer "I'm done, now connect." Otherwise how the hell could the system know whether you're dialing a seven, eight or perhaps even nine symbol address?

                              The point of origion makes sense, but like you said, there is no point in making it unique.
                              We are the ori. You will be assymilated. Resistance is futile.


                                Originally posted by ToastBusters
                                Why do the point of origion? It's like hitting the "enter" key when you input some data.

                                You're telling the computer "I'm done, now connect." Otherwise how the hell could the system know whether you're dialing a seven, eight or perhaps even nine symbol address?

                                The point of origion makes sense, but like you said, there is no point in making it unique.
                                Thanks for restating my words, cuz I was at a lost for words when I posted.
                                *Peter turns on the energy based iris while Atlantis is very low on power*
                                McKay - "Using power, using power, using power..."

