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Anyone thought the Hive Queen in "Allies" was hot?

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    yeah the wraith queen was hot. So was the one from the Rising.
    Teal'c "I killed you"
    Daniel "Why?"
    Teal'c "You were a Go'uld spy"
    Daniel "a good reason"


      Originally posted by silverdamascus
      P.S. I think the more human skin tone kinda detracted from that but being female and straight, you guys may be a better judge.
      I'd agree with that and I'm a guy.

      The blue one from rising and the really pale white one from hive had that sort of weird alien sensuality to them, the rising one more so. The one in Allies just looked like a human woman with a messed up face to me and never really came across as overly sensual either. The cloths also looked too humanish and familiar for an alien as well.

      I hope this "domestication" of the Wraith doesn't continue. I've noticed that as time has went on they've dropped some of the more alien features fromt he queens like the really pronounced fangs, the viciously clawed hands and the odd skin/hair tones. I'd hate to think they're doing it in an effort to actually make the Wraith women "hotter" to the average male viewer. If they end up hot when the day is done it shouldn't be something that comes at the cost of proper alieness.

      The Rising Keeper struck the perfect balence for me. In some scenes she seemed almost alluring and beautiful but then the lighting or angle would change and you'd notice things like the fangs when she smiled or the talons that gave subtle and sinister hints to a more vicious nature, even before she got angry.

      That's the way a Wraith queen should be. It shows off the duality of their human/insect origens. They shouldn't be full stop beautiful and they shouldn't be full stop hideous either, they should hover right in that narrow squirmy discomfort zone in between.


        Originally posted by Nintendos-neutrinos
        I dunno if you would call a white-haired, hissing, voice-flanged, soul-sucking Hive keeper hot
        So you've met my ex then...?

        But the wraith females do have that "something" to them, they're alluring in some way, maybe its just because i like powerful women...
        Don't put jam on a magnet

        my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle


          Originally posted by Ouroboros
          The Rising Keeper struck the perfect balence for me. In some scenes she seemed almost alluring and beautiful but then the lighting or angle would change and you'd notice things like the fangs when she smiled or the talons that gave subtle and sinister hints to a more vicious nature, even before she got angry.

          That's the way a Wraith queen should be. It shows off the duality of their human/insect origens. They shouldn't be full stop beautiful and they shouldn't be full stop hideous either, they should hover right in that narrow squirmy discomfort zone in between.
          I completley agree with you on that one.

          The sensuality to the Wraith Queens are very sinister, part of their appeal lies, and should firmly stay in that "narrow squirmy discomfort zone" in what we feel for and towards them. As soon as you start detracting the alien essence by fleshing up the skin tone you loose some of the ambiguity.

          The lighting, the atmosphere and the context should be what should be allowed to humanise or alien-up the wraith, not messing about with skin colours.

          In a sense the Wraith Queen from Rising is the perfect balance because they used those tricks to keep the viewer so off-balance.

          And to put it plainly, it looks less cool.

          Will green intelligent debates, not just those who share my views. Challenge - always.


            Originally posted by donniepw
            yeah the wraith queen was hot. So was the one from the Rising.
            Same actress


              I thought she was hot, purposely hot (what are TPTB thinking?). Then I saw her teeth and they looked decayed. Was that just my TV because I thought Wraith had silvery teeth, but intact ones? Although it makes sense that they'd have little decayed stumps of teeth since they don't eat and why brush if there's no food caught in there, right?
              my blog, now with more randomness


                Should of just gone for the micheal jackson look


                  I must also admit that she looked quite different from what i expected though did not feel any dissappointment over the issue. I did find her having a nice different character from the other queen so thats kind of ok. This one seemed a bit....classy? posh like? aristocratic? I mean she tended to speak in a low calm tone most of the time and i think the white clothes just gave off that impression.

                  'Hallowed are the children of the Ori. CROWD: Hallowed are we. Hallowed are the Ori.' -

                  'Great holy armies shall be gathered and trained to fight all who embrace evil. In the name of the Gods, ships shall be built to carry the warriors out among the stars and we will spread Origin to all the unbelievers. The power of the Ori will be felt far and wide and the wicked shall be vanquished' -

                  Contribute to the Stargate Wiki a source for any information on the Stargate universe from the books, RPG to games and comics.


                    she played ALL THE QUEENS!

                    The reason you should vote Republican in 2010.


                      Hey, I stated a long time back I'd do a Cardassian woman and I think they're hot. So I think I'd definetely give a Wraith chick a whirl


                        I reckon she looks more like Pete Burns!
                        Mrs Tapping

                        MSN: [email protected]
                        feel free to add me on either


                          I guess if you are into the goth thing you could say she's hot.
                          WHAT DO YOU MEAN, NO BLUE JELLO?


                            Do a Wraith Queen? ... hmm yeah probably, esspecially if I'd been down the pub. Although I'd be uncomfortable with where she might be putting those life sucking hands of hers.
                            "I don't care if I fall as long as someone picks up my gun and keeps on shooting"


                              its threads like this that scare me. A LOT
                              Executive 1:Uh O! Our ratings are -9
                              Executive 2:What could be so bad to do that to the greatest network in the universe?
                              Executive1:It's gotta be that dang star-fence show
                              Executive2: I say we cancel it!
                              Executive1:OR we could make a movie so awsome, everyone will love it!
                              Executive 2: but what about what happend last time sir?
                              Executive 1: O yes,NOTE TO SELF never make a movie that has somone with a lawyer...damn vampires
                              Executive 2: How about walrus's?
                              Executive 1:GENIUS!, but for extra zing will make it possed by alien ghost cowboys. It could be in Las Vegas, with zombies
                              Executive 2:Lawyers Sir
                              Executive 1: DAMN
                              Executive 2: stereo-type canadians?
                              Executive 1: PERFECT! but were gonna need a star.
                              Executive 2: let's use an actor from Sungate
                              Executive 1:Id use the guy with bling on his head but his last name is judge, they scare me
                              Executive 2:Will just kidnap and brainwash a model..again
                              Executive 1: WE ARE GODS!


                                Hehe dude, I think the whole wraith sexy idea is meant to be.

                                Will green intelligent debates, not just those who share my views. Challenge - always.

