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Consequences for Rodney

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    Myself, I'd like to see McKay gradually become a bit more considerate of the people around him. Certainly not all at once, and definitely not to the point where he's a complete... um, altruist, but just to the point where he mellows out a bit and learns to be slightly nicer.

    I certainly wouldn't want him to lose his snark - but I would like to see that snark better placed, y'know what I mean? I mean, there are plenty of things you can snark at - inanimate objects, situations, enemies - without snarking off at your friends (or the people you really should start considering to be your friends) all the time.
    Last edited by Syera; 16 February 2006, 03:01 PM.
    [center] - stuff for writers, roleplayers, and such creative people.


      Originally posted by Xanderic
      Yeah but he's so self-centered... he thinks Atlantis can't find him in Grace Under Pressure without his help. Idiotic.
      So? He's not trusting! It's part of what makes him so fun to watch: perhaps they will reveal the backstory to this or that. Watching character develop is, for me, entertaining. There has to be a reason he doesn't trust Zelenka to find him. What made him like this? I am incredibly curious.


        Originally posted by Xanderic
        imagine one flirting with a Wraith
        Well he DID say that Wraith on the Aurora was hot...not entirely out of the realm of possiblity!


          Originally posted by sci_fi_child
          So? He's not trusting! It's part of what makes him so fun to watch: perhaps they will reveal the backstory to this or that. Watching character develop is, for me, entertaining. There has to be a reason he doesn't trust Zelenka to find him. What made him like this? I am incredibly curious.
          Actually, he wasn't that far off when he accused Zelekna of not finding a plan to save him; Zelenka was always looking on the negative side, always reminding everyone of how small the odds of finding him, how improbable they would be able to get to him, how much he didn't want to go...


            Originally posted by Red Tigress
            Well he DID say that Wraith on the Aurora was hot...not entirely out of the realm of possiblity!
            for all we know that Wraith could have taken the physical appearance of the 1st officer. After all, the Wraith did take the 1st officer's statis pod.
            Hallowed are the Xander. Love, Worship, and Rep/Green your all-powerful, omniscient God!


              Originally posted by sci_fi_child
              So? He's not trusting! It's part of what makes him so fun to watch: perhaps they will reveal the backstory to this or that. Watching character develop is, for me, entertaining. There has to be a reason he doesn't trust Zelenka to find him. What made him like this? I am incredibly curious.
              Plus it was all Zelenka's fault
              He failed to repair the PJ properly and then asked McKay to test fly it instead,

              this coupled with his constant negativity about finding McKay could suggest... A Conspiracy!!! jk


                Originally posted by Cory Holmes
                Actually, he wasn't that far off when he accused Zelekna of not finding a plan to save him; Zelenka was always looking on the negative side, always reminding everyone of how small the odds of finding him, how improbable they would be able to get to him, how much he didn't want to go...

                But... they're freinds!

                *erases all doubt planted in head*


                  Originally posted by Steve_the_Wraith
                  Plus it was all Zelenka's fault
                  He failed to repair the PJ properly and then asked McKay to test fly it instead,

                  this coupled with his constant negativity about finding McKay could suggest... A Conspiracy!!! jk
                  Thing is the Ancients didn't leave behind any instruction manuals for the next generation of their kind (aka us)... Back then, they didn't write "How to Fix a Puddle Jumper properly for Dummies", now did they? If they did, maybe Grace Under Pressure wouldn't have happened.
                  Hallowed are the Xander. Love, Worship, and Rep/Green your all-powerful, omniscient God!


                    What people don't seem to notice about McKay is that he's tactless generally, but he's mean on purpose. And the reason for that is that he's insecure. He's obviously a terribly lonely individual (his gushing out-pouring with Carter back at the SGC for example) but he's afraid of being hurt, so he's hostile to keep people at arm's length to stop them hurting him.

                    If you think about it - the few people who ***** back at him, like Sheppard and Zelenka, are the one's he's most continually mean to and also, probably the closest to in the Atlantis family. John, even though Rodney would probably be reluctant to admit it - but which is surely apparent to all from his reactions in Siege II and Trinity - is someone who means a hell of a lot to him. I'd go so far as to say that John and Rodney are some fashion of 'best friends' (if I take off my slashgoggles for a few minutes).

                    Radek is his closest working partner - the nearest he has to an intellectual equal in Pegasus, and Carson seems to be the closest Rodney has to a sympathetic ear, or confidante.

                    But because they're so close to him, and mean so much to him, they have the power to hurt him - so he pushes them away (at least outwardly) and gets in the mean-ness before they can and it in someway justifies it to him. It's okay if they're nasty because he was mean first and instigated it.

                    What Rodney doesn't necessarily realise is that they know this just as well, if not better than he does - and that's why he gets away with it. It's because he's Rodney and it's just his way. His arrogance is as much to convince himself of his abilities as it is everyone else, and they've come to realise this. Just as they know they really would be lost without him.

                    Rodney doesn't need punishing, because it would make him more paranoid and insecure and ruin all the effort he has made to look after himself and protect those around him, rather than just himself - it would make him worse. What Rodney needs is to be shown that others know how important he is to the existence and continued survival of the expedition and city of Atlantis so he doesn't feel the need to prove himself all the time.

                    Official Member of the Fellowship of Rainbow Defenders
                    ...and the Lord said, 'Let there be F.O.R.D.' and there was, and it was good...


                      Originally posted by alfirin_kirinki
                      What people don't seem to notice about McKay is that he's tactless generally, but he's mean on purpose. And the reason for that is that he's insecure. He's obviously a terribly lonely individual (his gushing out-pouring with Carter back at the SGC for example) but he's afraid of being hurt, so he's hostile to keep people at arm's length to stop them hurting him.

                      If you think about it - the few people who ***** back at him, like Sheppard and Zelenka, are the one's he's most continually mean to and also, probably the closest to in the Atlantis family. John, even though Rodney would probably be reluctant to admit it - but which is surely apparent to all from his reactions in Siege II and Trinity - is someone who means a hell of a lot to him. I'd go so far as to say that John and Rodney are some fashion of 'best friends' (if I take off my slashgoggles for a few minutes).

                      Radek is his closest working partner - the nearest he has to an intellectual equal in Pegasus, and Carson seems to be the closest Rodney has to a sympathetic ear, or confidante.

                      But because they're so close to him, and mean so much to him, they have the power to hurt him - so he pushes them away (at least outwardly) and gets in the mean-ness before they can and it in someway justifies it to him. It's okay if they're nasty because he was mean first and instigated it.

                      What Rodney doesn't necessarily realise is that they know this just as well, if not better than he does - and that's why he gets away with it. It's because he's Rodney and it's just his way. His arrogance is as much to convince himself of his abilities as it is everyone else, and they've come to realise this. Just as they know they really would be lost without him.

                      Rodney doesn't need punishing, because it would make him more paranoid and insecure and ruin all the effort he has made to look after himself and protect those around him, rather than just himself - it would make him worse. What Rodney needs is to be shown that others know how important he is to the existence and continued survival of the expedition and city of Atlantis so he doesn't feel the need to prove himself all the time.
                      Great summation of Rodney's character and motivation. Also, what Rodney needs is to be better able to share the burden he puts on himself. He really does feel like he *personally* needs to save the team and the day when something bad happens. He needs to learn to also trust the rest of the team more, as was brought up in GUP.


                        Originally posted by NotAscended
                        He really does feel like he *personally* needs to save the team and the day when something bad happens. He needs to learn to also trust the rest of the team more, as was brought up in GUP.
                        Agreed. Rodney is the most sad and needy character in the series.

                        Official Member of the Fellowship of Rainbow Defenders
                        ...and the Lord said, 'Let there be F.O.R.D.' and there was, and it was good...


                          Originally posted by alfirin_kirinki
                          Agreed. Rodney is the most sad and needy character in the series.
                          In both shows.




                              Originally posted by DrMongol
                              No way, that is what McKay does. Without his cocky over-arrogant attitude, then he would be just another scientist. Besides, the show would be alot more boring without his mistakes (which I remind you, he also fixes alot of other mistakes not caused by him, and saves the day on quite a few occasions.
                              Agreed, McKay just wouldn't be, er... McKay if he wasn't cocky. That's why I like him. I probably wouldn't even watch the show if he wasn't there.

                              Off topic: Hey Mongol, didn't know you came here too.


                                He doesn't need to be put in his place because he's already there. McKay belongs at the top of the scienctist-chain, being an arrogant a**. There's nothing wrong with being a jerk sometimes. If you dislike McKay, too bad. He's the kind of character you either love or hate, take or leave. Dislike him if you will, but taking away the snark and arrogance and better-than-thou would detract from the character so much. He's not supposed to be humble and charming; making him such would detract from the very essence of his character.

                                (and now I'm having visions of yet another quantum mirror AU where they have meek!McKay and people realise how much they need the snark and how his overpowering personality has actually helped them)

                                Also, a fact some people tend to forget: he really is that good. He wouldn't have been placed in charge of the scientists if he weren't. And when you're that good, other people are annoying as hell. Because they're struggling but you're there already, and you don't want to wait for them to hurry up. Plus, in a crisis situation you can't afford to be nice and wait for people to catch up; you just have to do whatever needs to be done, and if peoples' feelings are hurt, well, they're adults and they need to get over it. Besides, I'm assuming no one was ever able to give Rodney a logical reason to be less abrasive and more...nice. Why would he bother?

                                Besides, he's a scientist. You have to scream and be overly confident in the academic community if you want your point heard.

                                just my two cents
                                They say the geek never gets the girl...what about the girl getting the geek?

                                Rodney/ could happen

                                spoilers for "200"
                                Gen. Hammond: It has to spin, it's round! Spinning is so much cooler than not spinning. I'm the general, and I want it to spin!

                                Vala: Are you saying that General O'Neill is...

                                Cam: My daddy?

