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Consequences for Rodney

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    Consequences for Rodney

    Theres been far too many occasions where Mckay has ignored other people and made massive mistakes the most obvious being Trinity, and his attitude to Zelenka is shocking.

    Despite all his mistake he has never learnt his lesson because ultimatly nothing has been lost because of it(despite the fact that their could have been billions in that galaxy he blew up)

    So in Season 3 he needs to cause a big mistake with some implications ideally someone dying. This could coincide with Carter being in Atlantis taking over his slot in the team while he is punished.

    Eventually he will be needed and redeem himself, but his attitude would be totally changed as he would now be worried to do things and Shepperd and co will have to encourage him.

    No way, that is what McKay does. Without his cocky over-arrogant attitude, then he would be just another scientist. Besides, the show would be alot more boring without his mistakes (which I remind you, he also fixes alot of other mistakes not caused by him, and saves the day on quite a few occasions.

    Uber Hax does Stargate (YTMND)


      Originally posted by Juice
      and his attitude to Zelenka is shocking.

      Really?......shocking?.........why? is the same attitude he has toward just about all, why is it shocking that he is like that with Zelenka as well.

      McKay is who he is. To me, he is much better than when he was first introduced in SG-1. I wouldn't expect McKay to step too far out character and start being nice to all because of a single humbling incident. Any change would be gradual, but he will still be the same quintessential McKay, love him or hate has served him well so far.


        Originally posted by Juice
        Theres been far too many occasions where Mckay has ignored other people and made massive mistakes the most obvious being Trinity, and his attitude to Zelenka is shocking.

        Despite all his mistake he has never learnt his lesson because ultimatly nothing has been lost because of it(despite the fact that their could have been billions in that galaxy he blew up)

        So in Season 3 he needs to cause a big mistake with some implications ideally someone dying. This could coincide with Carter being in Atlantis taking over his slot in the team while he is punished.

        Eventually he will be needed and redeem himself, but his attitude would be totally changed as he would now be worried to do things and Shepperd and co will have to encourage him.
        Well first off it was a solar system he blew up, not a galaxy lol j/k Second i don't believe he'll ever learn his lesson unless he makes a mistake and it kills Zelanka, which considering The Zelanka character is just a guest star is a definate possibility.
        Christopher H.
        Stargate Atlantis Fan
        WebSite Owner: Excellent Credit Cards


          Originally posted by DrMongol
          No way, that is what McKay does. Without his cocky over-arrogant attitude, then he would be just another scientist. Besides, the show would be alot more boring without his mistakes (which I remind you, he also fixes alot of other mistakes not caused by him, and saves the day on quite a few occasions.

          And besides I love Mckays personality
          The doctor told me Im insane, thank God! its so much better then being outsane!


            Well...seeing humble McKay (let say due to some mind altering accident) would be a great fun! LOL Imagine how all other ppl in atlantis would react- they would think he's makein fun of them and that could get him into some nice trouble But siriously...I wouldn't like to watch "permanently changed/enlighten" McKay- it would be boring.


              Originally posted by DrMongol
              No way, that is what McKay does. Without his cocky over-arrogant attitude, then he would be just another scientist. Besides, the show would be alot more boring without his mistakes (which I remind you, he also fixes alot of other mistakes not caused by him, and saves the day on quite a few occasions.
              True, but it's great to see him get knocked down a peg sometimes.


                I think McKay has developed over season two, but you really have to look for the changes. There are little things like in Epiphany when
                he openly admitted that they needed a pilot because his flying was crap, and how he gave credit to Zelenka for the plan. So he was slightly less arrogant there.

                Trinity was a great opportunity for
                McKay to feel the full wrath of his mistakes. The problem is that the writers never really touched on those events in later episodes. We could have had the SGC go nuts and try to have him removed. We could have had Shep and Weir talk to McKay about trust issues and his overconfidence. We could have had some nice introspection from McKay over what he had done. But the events were never mentioned again. It was a casuality of the Big Reset Button that Atlantis likes to push, and I'm particularly disappointed that it was pushed in this case.

                I hope that McKay continues to develop and trust others more in season three, but I NEVER want to lose snarky!McKay. Ever. He's the reason I watch.


                  I agree and I think that since Trinity he has calm down abit.
                  He tries to change !
                  Lord Zedd


                    The problem is the writers confuse people, one minute it looks like he is getting some kind of empathy for others and then the next he is back to the usual snark with looks that could kill.

                    Atlantis is not the kind of show that really deals with consequences, look at Sheppard and all those Genii, right or wrong he just shrugs that kind of death toll off? How believable is that? Zelenka made mistakes in 'Duet', Beckett has made bad judgement calls, not to mention Weir and Ronon. SGA just does not do consequences, unless it is within an episode and then forgotten by the next.

                    As for the Trinity thing, I was disappointed TPTB didn't keep that story line going, not just for McKay but for the interaction with Sheppard, we were shown virtually nothing about the impact on that relationship an given how closely they rely on each other that was a wasted opportunity.

                    All in all, McKay is meant to be the one that is arrogant, unlikable and annoying and I wouldn't have him any other way, he is by far a more interesting character then the others.


                      Originally posted by Juice
                      Theres been far too many occasions where Mckay has ignored other people and made massive mistakes the most obvious being Trinity, and his attitude to Zelenka is shocking.

                      Despite all his mistake he has never learnt his lesson because ultimatly nothing has been lost because of it(despite the fact that their could have been billions in that galaxy he blew up)

                      So in Season 3 he needs to cause a big mistake with some implications ideally someone dying. This could coincide with Carter being in Atlantis taking over his slot in the team while he is punished.

                      Eventually he will be needed and redeem himself, but his attitude would be totally changed as he would now be worried to do things and Shepperd and co will have to encourage him.
                      Dude, Mckay builds most of the show's popularity.
                      He's a good guy.
                      Maybe you need to be put in your place.


                        The "Reset Button" is huge for both Stargates. Let's face it, the show is action/adventure, not a drama. Personally, I would love to see them dive into the emotions of people like Rodney to see how he really deals with hsi own mistakes, and find out what John has to do every night in order to wake up cheery with all those deaths on his conscience. Unfortunately, this just really isn't the show for it. Still, I would love to see an epi that really dives into the emotions. Something that forced all the leads fears into the open in front of everybody and made them deal with them before the end. Of course, I'm sure that's been done on a Star Trek epi somewhere, so the second they announced it all we would hear was how DS 9 did it better.

                        *~S.T.A.K.S.~*~LiveJournal Leik Woah~*

                        "Dosmrti, dosmrti na to nezapomenu."


                          Originally posted by Drwho'srose
                          The problem is the writers confuse people, one minute it looks like he is getting some kind of empathy for others and then the next he is back to the usual snark with looks that could kill.

                          Atlantis is not the kind of show that really deals with consequences, look at Sheppard and all those Genii, right or wrong he just shrugs that kind of death toll off? How believable is that? Zelenka made mistakes in 'Duet', Beckett has made bad judgement calls, not to mention Weir and Ronon. SGA just does not do consequences, unless it is within an episode and then forgotten by the next.

                          As for the Trinity thing, I was disappointed TPTB didn't keep that story line going, not just for McKay but for the interaction with Sheppard, we were shown virtually nothing about the impact on that relationship an given how closely they rely on each other that was a wasted opportunity.

                          All in all, McKay is meant to be the one that is arrogant, unlikable and annoying and I wouldn't have him any other way, he is by far a more interesting character then the others.
                          Yes I totally agree with you ! I expected also that there were going to be consequenses about it but nothing !
                          Lord Zedd


                            You know I was thinking of a funny comparisont in my oppinion, for example if you remember the start two years of the simpsons the directors were trying to make Bart the cool character he was suppost to be the dude that would take the popularity but instead in later years Homer gained huge popularity and easily surpassed Bart because of his likeable charater and how much people could relate to him. I think this is a similar case with Atlantis I think McKay is stealing the show which I dont think was entirely planned. I cant speak for everyone but all my friends love him and is mainly the reason they still follow the show. I think the actor plays McKay amasingly well and is 100% beleiveable I know so many people like him is crazy but I think an arogant character is necessary..... as long as its not Cavenar lol oh and for some bizare reason David Hewlett reminds me of Robin Williams :/In conclusion I think it doesnt matter if he is wrong again or not as long as he stays his good old cheeky way


                              Personalities like Rodney's typically don't recognize when they have been put in their place and if they do recognize they sure won't want to admit it. He most likely would consider it a weakness something Rodney rarely is willing to admit.
                              If the right script comes along I am sure the writers or Hewitt would find a way to put it in subtly. They just can't lose the essence of Rodney, he is fun to watch and David does a fantastic job bring Rodney to life!


