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Get rid of Ronon?

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    Originally posted by nccjones
    I apologize for calling you a he, don't take it personally since nothing on this board tells us your gender.

    Originally posted by nccjones
    And that is twice you personnaly offended me...first by calling me immature and second by saying that my not defending myself speaks volumes.
    As I'd said before, I speak as I find. If you behave in a way that makes me think you're immature, I'll tell you so in order to give you the opportunity to explain yourself, and potentially show me where I'm misinterpreting what you're saying. Letting people like Wolf Eire stir things up doesn't help anyone; instead of discussing things, some people just want to cause fights. I'm not one of them - I'm just passionate about my opinions, as you'll see a lot of people are on here. Especially when it comes to favourite characters, and actors that they view as being done a disservice.

    Not defending yourself does speak volumes to me. It says that you've drawn your conclusions rashly, and are standing by them on stubborn principle, or that you haven't thought them through enough to articulate them. If you wanted to defend your position, as you've said a couple of times that you'll stick to it, why not go ahead and explain it? I'm not the only one who suggested that, so please don't follow certain others' lead by trying to make out it's all about my opinion, because it's simply not. I even (rather tritely, granted) suggested some points you might like to give your opinion on, and you ignored it.

    Let's be honest, would you walk into a pub when a sports game is on and say, "I love this team, but that bloke - he can't kick for toffee!" without expecting to have other people argue in his favour or ask you to explain yourself (you'd be lucky if you weren't laid flat out, actually)? You wouldn't. Because fans are fans. They'll defend their interests/heroes/etc and they do have a right to; just as you have a right to defend your issues, if you'd only take the time to instead of making sweeping comments and then calling 'foul'.

    Originally posted by nccjones
    Who is attacking who now? You need to practice what you preach. I have done nothing to you personally so I ask that you not say anything against me personally. Just because you do not agree with my position does not give you the right to insult me. You do not know me, so do not judge me by the few posts on this board as I will not judge you.
    My dear, you already have. Aided by the prompting of another, no less.

    Originally posted by nccjones

    As for me not defending myself to you? I learned along time ago when to fight battle worth fighting. This isn't a battle worth fighting because you will always come back to say the same thing. I've said my can take it or leave it.
    Likewise, I've learned to identify a cop out when I see one.

    Official Member of the Fellowship of Rainbow Defenders
    ...and the Lord said, 'Let there be F.O.R.D.' and there was, and it was good...


      i think weve gotin a little off topic here, lay down your wepons
      and get back to the insulting/defending of the character ronon dex
      heres what i have to say.
      the thread starter stated that he showed overly agressive feelings toward
      michael who was part wraith
      but, lets put it this way, how about i kill your entire family, destroy your home, and instead of eating you, i plant a chip in your back, and hunt you so i can eat you later. i think his
      naturel agression is undenibly understandable.
      anyone up for some Armageddon?


        Originally posted by alfirin_kirinki
        Well, actually - it's fact that they were brought in to replace the characters in the roles of Ford and O'Neill. They needed n00bs to fill the gaps, where actors wanted to leave or were written out, and so they created characters to fill those gaps - in most cases literally their roles within the team or facility in which they are based.

        But in the defense of us FORDies and Ford fans in general - don't let it be mistakenly thought that a love of Ford immediately means we hate Ronon, because a lot of us are fans, and many others are just indifferent. I find it hard to believe that a real FORDie would take issue with Jason or Ronon specifically for being in the role Rainbow/Aiden had in season one.
        *Applause and thankies* I was thinking the exact same thing. And it takes a while to get used to one character when some of you had spent a year with the first...I wouldn't say peole would NEVER like JM's portrayal of Ronon or Ronon the character itself, it just takes time.

        Way too many sweeping generalizations....Anyway I maybe one of the few Fordies who really likes this direction of Ford, gives him more depth!! And I like Ronon....they both have a lot to my opinion...

        Click statement above to read article.


          Originally posted by Ragnarok13
          i think weve gotin a little off topic here, lay down your wepons
          and get back to the insulting/defending of the character ronon dex
          heres what i have to say.
          the thread starter stated that he showed overly agressive feelings toward
          michael who was part wraith
          but, lets put it this way, how about i kill your entire family, destroy your home, and instead of eating you, i plant a chip in your back, and hunt you so i can eat you later. i think his
          naturel agression is undenibly understandable.
          Too true.that's why I didn't fault him those reactions at all..and none of that would have happened if
          Michael wasn't brought back to home base, mistake from day 1.

          ot: Ragnorak did I tell you how much I love your of my fave RGB eps...especially since the guy sounded like Elvis Presley!! *Follows ragnorak around the board because of his cool name!*
          Click statement above to read article.


            Originally posted by Ragnarok13
            i think weve gotin a little off topic here, lay down your wepons
            and get back to the insulting/defending of the character ronon dex
            heres what i have to say.
            Yes, you are right and I apologize to everyone on this board for this. I would like to debate with posters who are not obsessed with a character.

            With that said, back on topic. I find the character Ronan to be very dull and no personality. I would rather that TPTB would have put another technical or maybe even a Marine if they wanted someone tough to be on the team. I feel like Epiphany is a good example. When McKay was running around trying to get Shepard back Ronan was absolutely useless. At least Teyla was of some help to Rodney. I found it very amusing when Rodney called them Conan and Xena.
            Last edited by nccjones; 21 February 2006, 05:37 PM.


              Originally posted by nccjones
              Yes, you are right and I apologize to everyone on this board for this. I would like to debate with posters who are not obsessed with a character.
              For the record, the only character I'm obsessed with is Stackhouse. You can think otherwise, but you'd be wrong.

              And I don't believe that debating a character's virtues counts as 'off-topic' when the very same character is named in the title of a thread.

              Official Member of the Fellowship of Rainbow Defenders
              ...and the Lord said, 'Let there be F.O.R.D.' and there was, and it was good...


                Originally posted by nccjones
                Yes, you are right and I apologize to everyone on this board for this. I would like to debate with posters who are not obsessed with a character.

                With that said, back on topic. I find the character Ronan to be very dull and no personality. I would rather that TPTB would have put another technical or maybe even a Marine if they wanted someone tough to be on the team. I feel like Epiphany is a good example. When McKay was running around trying to get Shepard back Ronan was absolutely useless. At least Teyla was of some help to Rodney. I found it very amusing when Rodney called them Conan and Xena.
                Being an obsessed Ronon Dex/Jason Momoa fan.. and also being a hot head sometimes.. I respect your choice not to be. Although I usually stay out of threads like these because I am a hot head, I do think that all is fair in love and war and tv shows. Not every Atlantis show will be loved, not every character will be loved...or even liked. The thread alone "Get rid of Ronon?" is a question for all to answer. Although my avvy & sig speaks volumes on how I feel on the matter...I do respect that you do not feel the same way. Who knows, at some point in the future somethings may turn to change your mind, *shrugs* and if you don't that is fine too. I will be content that you just support Atlantis, and I will support my favorite character. I responded to you because I want you to know that not all obsessed fans will attack you, not all will want to fight about it. Fighting does not solve anything, just stirs up the hornest nest, and fuels the fire. We can agree to disagree without the endless fighting, I have read all the posts here and everyone maded points here and there......
                Purple's Biggest Fan
                A Purple Creation

                Atlantis Dex Style

                Dex Devil


                  Well said. Bravo!!!


                    Ronan kicks ass, he might not be the brightest color int the crayon box, but hes hella sick, Just cuz he cant help in some of the technical things, doesnt mean he shouldnt be there.

                    I like Ford and Ronan, and Ronan wasnt created just to replace, Ford, well, sorta, in the fact that the writers replaced him, but it wasnt like on SG1 with Oneill and Mitchell, RDA left, Rainbow didnt leave, what they did on SGA was deliberate. So yea, I wish Ford was still on the show, but I dont want Ronan gone, i like Ronan a bit more than Ford, if not the same.

                    But yea, i stick with my first post, Ronan is hella sick


                      I have nothing against Ronon beyond his reaplacing Ford. In fact, I just want Ford back, we could keep them both. I think that would be amusing.
                      "I'm PMSing and I have a zat....were you're going to say something?"
                      Official F.O.R.D. Website

                      Second Star to the Right

                      One of the top ways to know you're in college: Two hours of sleep is considered lucky!
                      (That's also one of the top ways to know you work with McKay.)


                        Originally posted by CommanderThor69
                        Ronan kicks ass, he might not be the brightest color int the crayon box, but hes hella sick, Just cuz he cant help in some of the technical things, doesnt mean he shouldnt be there.

                        I like Ford and Ronan, and Ronan wasnt created just to replace, Ford, well, sorta, in the fact that the writers replaced him, but it wasnt like on SG1 with Oneill and Mitchell, RDA left, Rainbow didnt leave, what they did on SGA was deliberate. So yea, I wish Ford was still on the show, but I dont want Ronan gone, i like Ronan a bit more than Ford, if not the same.

                        But yea, i stick with my first post, Ronan is hella sick

                        Why do I love that line so much...?!(the bold in red if you don't know)

                        Now, is it because he's more attractive than most he seems dimwitted or is it the 'bam bam' complex he's been given?! Okay, I think that's one of the things TPTB has to work on....actually showing a moment at least one where the team are planning out their attack after barely escaping a planet alive. I want to see the strategy and failsafes they have in store and I want to see Ronon's input. He's no idiot he's a military specialist..and from what I remember of 'Runner' he was leading pretty well. They should bring that to life and give him some juice that way.
                        Click statement above to read article.


                          Originally posted by vaberella
                          I want to see the strategy and failsafes they have in store and I want to see Ronon's input. He's no idiot he's a military specialist..and from what I remember of 'Runner' he was leading pretty well. They should bring that to life and give him some juice that way.
                          I agree completely


                            Originally posted by Blue007
                            Being an obsessed Ronon Dex/Jason Momoa fan.. and also being a hot head sometimes.. I respect your choice not to be. Although I usually stay out of threads like these because I am a hot head, I do think that all is fair in love and war and tv shows. Not every Atlantis show will be loved, not every character will be loved...or even liked. The thread alone "Get rid of Ronon?" is a question for all to answer. Although my avvy & sig speaks volumes on how I feel on the matter...I do respect that you do not feel the same way. Who knows, at some point in the future somethings may turn to change your mind, *shrugs* and if you don't that is fine too. I will be content that you just support Atlantis, and I will support my favorite character. I responded to you because I want you to know that not all obsessed fans will attack you, not all will want to fight about it. Fighting does not solve anything, just stirs up the hornest nest, and fuels the fire. We can agree to disagree without the endless fighting, I have read all the posts here and everyone maded points here and there......
                            *Beams with pride at my Blue girl!!* Your articulation of your point was perfect!
                            I agree and couldn't have said it better myself!!
                            Last edited by purpletoo1; 23 February 2006, 07:40 PM.


                              I can't believe I've never seen this thread before...(don't fuss if I'm out of date please)

                              My ideal idea (lol) is that Ronan and Ford are BOTH on the team...why did Rainbow leave the show anyway? I liked Ford better myself...Ronan is as dumb as a block despite being quite good in a battle situation...just as long as he isn't tricked...but if I'd have to pick one I'd say Ford...however, it doesn't really look like Ford will ever be coming I hope they just improve Ronan...


                                Originally posted by vaberella
                                Why do I love that line so much...?!(the bold in red if you don't know)

                                Now, is it because he's more attractive than most he seems dimwitted or is it the 'bam bam' complex he's been given?! Okay, I think that's one of the things TPTB has to work on....actually showing a moment at least one where the team are planning out their attack after barely escaping a planet alive. I want to see the strategy and failsafes they have in store and I want to see Ronon's input. He's no idiot he's a military specialist..and from what I remember of 'Runner' he was leading pretty well. They should bring that to life and give him some juice that way.
                                Keep watching. I hear that Michael and Allies brings Dex's "smarts" out. Also Season 3 sounds promising. Of course my being "an obsessed fan of Momoa's" lol...I've never seen him as "dumb" I see him as "crazy like a fox" so don't count him out just yet.
                                Purple's Biggest Fan
                                A Purple Creation

                                Atlantis Dex Style

                                Dex Devil

