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Do you think Chaya/Athar is an Ori sympathizer?

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    Do you think Chaya/Athar is an Ori sympathizer?

    She talked a lot about religion and her people worshiped her. While it dose take possibly millions if not billions to make a noticeable effect, maybe she will start to get a taste of the power and align her self with the Ori.

    Also I was wondering people worship the Ori, if there are more than one Ori, which we have been lead to believe, how does the power go to each Ori? Do worshipers have different prayers to worship each one individually? If so are there rivalries between people who worship different Ori?

    That's a very good point, actually. Sadly, Sanctuary was one of those stand-alone episodes (written by a Star Trek writer) with poor characterisation and a plot only in service of the girlfriend-of-the-week which is why I wouldn't read too much into it. Also, it had been written before the writers came up with the concept of the Ori, but even at that Chaya/Athar was breaking some major galactic rules by allowing her people to worship her as we now know that the Ancients do not approve of such things.


      Originally posted by RonTheAncient
      She talked a lot about religion and her people worshiped her. While it dose take possibly millions if not billions to make a noticeable effect, maybe she will start to get a taste of the power and align her self with the Ori.

      Since the Ancients are watching her I'm sure they would stop her before that could happen.


        I don't tbelieve it's as simple as if they worship you, you get power. I think you have to willfully take that power. And that's quite a line to step over as an Ancient; not outside the realm of possibility but I don't think it's going to happen accidentally.

        I don't think the others would let it happen either.

        "You know what would make a good story? Something about a clown who makes people happy, but inside he's real sad. Also, he has severe diarrhea." - Jack Handy


          they wont let it happen now but when the Ori come they will have there hands full. and i bet Chaya has some insider information that the ori might want.


            yeah but could they really stop her like with the ORI if they acend on there own then theres nothing they can do. like if they get help its diff they can send em back but if you acend on ur own theres not much they can do
            Duct tape is like the Force. It has a light side and a dark side and it holds the universe together


              the alterrans are watching her so no she's no ori. they'd kill her or mortalize her first. then she and shepard can shag all they want

