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All nine chevrons lit up!

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    Bruce Woloshyn DID say there was an explanation, so we aren't needlessly chasing our tails.


      I think all nine cheverons were lit up because the gate was in space so you could see it. It was even lit up when the gate wasn't on so it seems to make sense. (I didn't read the replies so someone probably mentioned it)


        That's a good theory, too.


          " The purpose or function of the ninth chevron is still unknown. "

          this was taken from the offical website (


            Someone suggested that the ninth symbol would be used for parallel universe travel. Defiantly a good possibility.
            My theory is that the ninth symbol dials up gates in the realm of the ancients.


              The nineth chevron does not open a wormhole to the ancients realm...
              The nineth chevron does not open a wormhole to space...
              The nineth chevron does not open a wormhole to another universe...
              The nineth chevron does not open a wormhole through time...

              The nineth chevron does in fact do sod all. The ancients put it on for future use but never got around to assigning a purpose to it. Either that or it is a REALLY long distance measurement like 1 billion lightyears +, since Atlantis is 8 symbols and is 300 million light years away. Just one problem with that idea... What would the ancient need since a long distance measurement for? Surely they haven't exploded that far out??? But then again... How did they know the Pegasus galaxy was void of life before they arrived?

              Is it possible the Ancients are migrates from a distance galactic empire very very very far a way and not native to our part of space? Hmmm worth thinking about? I can see a really interesting twist here.


                “The nineth chevron does not open a wormhole to the ancients realm...
                The nineth chevron does not open a wormhole to space...
                The nineth chevron does not open a wormhole to another universe...
                The nineth chevron does not open a wormhole through time...”

                Gee!, thanks for clearing that up for all of us! I’m certain we can all rest easy now.
                I did not read in any of the pervious posts, where anyone was stating as “a matter of fact” what the ninth chevron does, only their thoughts as to what the ninth chevron might be used for.

                “The ancients put it on for future use but never got around to assigning a purpose to it.”

                Well, I guess one could say that the ancients, in this case, are the screen writers. And if screen writers decide at some point to define the use of the ninth chevron, we will all find out what its use is.

                “Is it possible the Ancients are migrates from a distance galactic empire very very very far a way and not native to our part of space?”

                Please define “native to our part of space”. Since space is relative, one could consider the entire universe as our space.


                  Sorry I thought I would just state what the gate as been said by the show as not being able to do. And yes you can replace "Ancients" with "Producers" in the context of what the 9th Chevron can do. Basically I haven't a clue nor do the producers/writers. I guess it MAYBE addressed in the Atlantis series or it just might have no function whatsoever. After all humans when designing stuff alway, ok sometimes, leave room for upgrades and addons in the future. Its possible the 8th chevron also had no function initially when the gates were first built since did they see the need for extra-galactic travel? When the gates were first made it's likey the Ancients were only a inter-stellar civilization and not a inter-galactic one. So they would of only needed 7 chevrons, but for later addons they put 2 extra ones on to allow upgrades in the future.

                  Earth as the oldest recorded Stargate at I think 60 million years old. And that as 9 chevrons, so its safe to assume it was designed like that from the start.

                  As for the migrate idea... I know a lot of people including myself are somewhat puzzled by the origin of the Ancients, a UBER race that apparently appeared from nowhere with a heavy tech lead and then vanished equally as mysteriously around the time the Goauld occupied Earth. What puzzles me is not the vanishing part but the appearing part. The fact the first evidence of the Ancients appearence was by a Stargate, as in the one found at the South pole. Huh? Where the hell? I know that at one stage the south pole was a tropical island, but come on! Everything we have seen of the Ancients is Advanced, here is nothing that says oh this is where we started and this was our next step, its all like this is the final product.

                  Now some argue that it means that the Ancients started on Antarctica and there civilization was overwhelmed by ice. But I don't buy that for a second... For god sake they could of terraformed the damn island, or the planet for that matter to deal with the ice. I think perhaps they didn't come from Earth, but Earth was something very special to them. I can't shake the feeling that the fact there was a Stargate on Earth that was 60 million years old, and that dinosaurs died out from a comet/meteorite strike 65 million years ago is simply a coincedence.

                  I think their origin has been discovered yet because either it has been destroyed or it isn't around our group of galaxies. What I was thinking is that either the fire planet in TLC was their original home which got wasted by their sun going into it last days of life or they moved here in Atlantis from a far off galaxy as colonists for a massive multi-galactic empire. And upon arriving here decided not to associate with their home any longer. Think religious migrates travelling to the Americas here. It would explain there UBER tech, their god like superiority and attitude to other lessor races.

                  The likeihood is they simply evolved in our galaxy but that their homeworld get destroyed because of X, Y, or Z. So they built Atlantis and travelled around a lot. I hope at some point the writers address this, and I hope for their sake its an interesting answer and not a lame one.

                  Ancient - "Oh we evolved on Earth millions of years before you"

                  Human - "Oh yeah then why is it that the only evidence that we have discovered of Ancients being on Earth is the Stargate and a outpost?"

                  Ancient - "Well after we decided to leave we take everything with us or destroyed it"

                  Human - "WHAT? You destroyed evidence of a galactic wide empire from Earth, thats a bit hard to believe!"

                  Ancient - "We used a plasma-shredder to get rid of the evidence, it also hoovers up any left over waste that might reveal our existence."

                  Human - "...................................................................."

                  Ancient - "? You don't believe me?"

                  Human - "Errr ..................... No!"


                    Originally posted by jpf190279
                    Ancient - "Oh we evolved on Earth millions of years before you"

                    Human - "Oh yeah then why is it that the only evidence that we have discovered of Ancients being on Earth is the Stargate and a outpost?"

                    Ancient - "Well after we decided to leave we take everything with us or destroyed it"

                    Human - "WHAT? You destroyed evidence of a galactic wide empire from Earth, thats a bit hard to believe!"

                    Ancient - "We used a plasma-shredder to get rid of the evidence, it also hoovers up any left over waste that might reveal our existence."

                    Human - "...................................................................."

                    Ancient - "? You don't believe me?"

                    Human - "Errr ..................... No!"
                    Lol...that made me laugh. Well who knows what the ninth chevron is for...but I'm sure it will have to tie in with the end of some universe spanning chevron area code or something...or it will be just one more thing revealed at this season's end.


                      Originally posted by jpf190279
                      The nineth chevron does not open a wormhole to the ancients realm...
                      The nineth chevron does not open a wormhole to space...
                      The nineth chevron does not open a wormhole to another universe...
                      The nineth chevron does not open a wormhole through time...

                      The nineth chevron does in fact do sod all. The ancients put it on for future use but never got around to assigning a purpose to it. Either that or it is a REALLY long distance measurement like 1 billion lightyears +, since Atlantis is 8 symbols and is 300 million light years away. Just one problem with that idea... What would the ancient need since a long distance measurement for? Surely they haven't exploded that far out??? But then again... How did they know the Pegasus galaxy was void of life before they arrived?

                      Is it possible the Ancients are migrates from a distance galactic empire very very very far a way and not native to our part of space? Hmmm worth thinking about? I can see a really interesting twist here.
                      Unless your last name is Wright, Cooper, etc, you're not in a position to say definitively what it does or doesn't do, m'kay?


                        Originally posted by ThatGuyPSU
                        Unless your last name is Wright, Cooper, etc, you're not in a position to say definitively what it does or doesn't do, m'kay?
                        It obviously doesn't work with time. They had to build a time machine for that.

                        It obviously doesn't work with AU's....that's what the mirror did.

                        It's probably just 'reserved for future use'....too bad they're all dead.


                          it would be cool if there was a show like timegate sg1 where they used the 9th chevron, but, thats not an option.
                          ROFLMAO Check This Out!!!


                            Originally posted by lionel_pendergast_rocks
                            it would be cool if there was a show like timegate sg1 where they used the 9th chevron, but, thats not an option.
                            You're right, it's not.


                              who says that the 9th chevron doesn't open to outer space? what proof? I bet that's exactly what it was for. maybe the open end is caught between at the lagrange point of several stars or between a star and a planet.

                              and damn it. earth is not the origin/ruling center of the ancient milky way empire. atlantis was the place where the stargates were invented that's all! we know from jackson that the lost city is the origin of doorways and a place of great power (although that could mean vishuban). there's no reason that the Ancients couldn't evolve somewhere else, their civilization explores the galaxies using hyper hyperdrive and one branch of their civilization namely terra atlantus devises the stargates much later in their civilization


                                Originally posted by terraatlantus
                                who says that the 9th chevron doesn't open to outer space? what proof? I bet that's exactly what it was for. maybe the open end is caught between at the lagrange point of several stars or between a star and a planet.

                                and damn it. earth is not the origin/ruling center of the ancient milky way empire. atlantis was the place where the stargates were invented that's all! we know from jackson that the lost city is the origin of doorways and a place of great power (although that could mean vishuban). there's no reason that the Ancients couldn't evolve somewhere else, their civilization explores the galaxies using hyper hyperdrive and one branch of their civilization namely terra atlantus devises the stargates much later in their civilization
                                Atlantis is 'new' on the Ancient timeline.

