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new enemies needed?

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    new enemies needed?

    To much wraith!

    Wormhole monsters?

    People go through gate get eaten?
    The Egyptian Cat God .

    To be creative, a race of Tiger-like monsters With large crab-like pincers coming from their shoulders, four eyes and a lot of bizzare sensory organs Call em the Furlitak and say they're the Furlings who want to like a little ass.
    You go ahead, I'll be right behind you (In an F-302)
    And now for a completely unconnected series of random smilies:


      we have the genii, and maybe a few more is on the way
      The doctor told me Im insane, thank God! its so much better then being outsane!


        Half-life cross-over!

        The tear in space time created by Arcturus (Trinity) was created a weakness through which the Xen can invade this reality. Cue lots crowbar action, heroic astrophysists trying to destroy the evil they unleashed, Vortigaunt rebels, Headcrab zombies, DOG, Alyx and lots of explosions.


          Being serious here Bast is right. Ok, the Wraith are the big bad, and the Genii have caused a few problems...but there needs to be something more. Whilst we're trying to work out how to beat the Wraith, unless they bring in a few more enemies things are going to ger can only listen to McKay harping on for so long.

          Consider SG1 when the big bad was the Goa'uld, there were different enemies. Look at the first season of SGA how many enemies were there apart from the Wraith and the Genii.

          What's the harm in having standalone episodes where the team are confronted with real enemies, not just bugs that latch themselves onto someone. Surely this is what is needed to look to the future and develope fututre storyarcs. At the moment SGA just seems one-dimensional.

          Yes SG1 has had it's problems but they seem to have found a new enemy that might be the saviour of the show. Though in it's arsenal it could have pulled several enemies...the Ree'tu for example.


            Originally posted by Steve_the_Wraith
            Half-life cross-over!

            The tear in space time created by Arcturus (Trinity) was created a weakness through which the Xen can invade this reality. Cue lots crowbar action, heroic astrophysists trying to destroy the evil they unleashed, Vortigaunt rebels, Headcrab zombies, DOG, Alyx and lots of explosions.
            Hhe...Imagine giving colonel O'Neill the Gravity gun. I can see his face light up in manic pleasure right now....
            You go ahead, I'll be right behind you (In an F-302)
            And now for a completely unconnected series of random smilies:


              Originally posted by Egeria
              Being serious here Bast is right. Ok, the Wraith are the big bad, and the Genii have caused a few problems...but there needs to be something more. Whilst we're trying to work out how to beat the Wraith, unless they bring in a few more enemies things are going to ger can only listen to McKay harping on for so long.

              Consider SG1 when the big bad was the Goa'uld, there were different enemies. Look at the first season of SGA how many enemies were there apart from the Wraith and the Genii.

              What's the harm in having standalone episodes where the team are confronted with real enemies, not just bugs that latch themselves onto someone. Surely this is what is needed to look to the future and develope fututre storyarcs. At the moment SGA just seems one-dimensional.

              Yes SG1 has had it's problems but they seem to have found a new enemy that might be the saviour of the show. Though in it's arsenal it could have pulled several enemies...the Ree'tu for example.
              I remember reading somewhere that "Condemed" would be introducing some recurring enemies. Who will recur though is anyones guess - "Shawn" the Wraith, Torrell or the Magistrate(unlikely IMO)


                How about some advanced Unas' in Pegasus. Say, the ancients brought some with them from the Milky Way using them as slaves. Since the Unas were around the Ancients, they evolved more quickly with their help. So now they've advanced to where they got a fleet of ships. They're against the wraith, but they want power over the humans of Pegasus too, so they see us as a threat.They do not have bug or human DNA so the wraith wouldn't be able to feed on them. Maybe an Unas could eat a Wraith! The whole thing would probably turn out stupid, but it's hard thinking up new villains. I think I'd rather have the show the way it is than have an idea like mine take form.
                Things I've learned about the Stargate Universe:
                1. Don't kiss a goa'uld.
                2. Don't shake hands with a Wraith.
                3. Whacko! are the Ori. It's their way or the hot way.


                  Originally posted by !Dorentus!
                  How about some advanced Unas' in Pegasus. Say, the ancients brought some with them from the Milky Way using them as slaves. Since the Unas were around the Ancients, they evolved more quickly with their help. So now they've advanced to where they got a fleet of ships. They're against the wraith, but they want power over the humans of Pegasus too, so they see us as a threat.They do not have bug or human DNA so the wraith wouldn't be able to feed on them. Maybe an Unas could eat a Wraith! The whole thing would probably turn out stupid, but it's hard thinking up new villains. I think I'd rather have the show the way it is than have an idea like mine take form.
                  I just can't picture the Unas as more advanced then us lol. Its just to Trekkie.


                    For my taste no new baddies are needed yet, we even know little about the wraith! don't need new enemies, but then, this is a matter of taste.

                    It makes sense that the wraith have other minor enemies such as the Genii which might or might not be our friends. But according to what we know, the Wraith have won the battle against the powerful ancients and are spread through out the galaxy, and so confident that they can even sleep between cullings. It would be hard to explain that a new powerful enemy is out there all this time. Of course if we eventually needed some new baddies, the Orii could come.



                      Originally posted by Sabre
                      For my taste no new baddies are needed yet, we even know little about the wraith!
                      Agreed, maybe new allies are needed first, more primative than us mostly maybe one or two at our level. Maybe then we could have the wraith bring in allies, enemies we haven't seen yet.


                        How about a group of Ancients and or humans who realized that they were on the losing side and collaborated with the Wraith, or another sentient species that evolved from the Wraith bugs, or maybe a species native to Pegasus.


                          the humans would have been consumed. But another race that evovled from the bugs, maybe one that can feed on more than humans and live.


                            The people in "Condemned" didn't get consumed by the Wraith, if the human and or Ancient collaborators were valuable enough to the Wraith, the Wraith would not feed on them.


                              did u notice the huge cruiser at the end, I dont think that came for a social visit. Besides, that was one wraith and the other wraith didn't know about the mainland, they never had reason to go further. And that wraith btw did feed upon the humans, the chef more appetising than the meals he prepared.

