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Will Ronan Do For Teylay What Jonas Did For Teal'c?

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    Hmmmm you make some good points, I never thought of it that way, but either way Teyla need to have more lines/things to do.



      woops i guess i didn't finish my post up there

      Season 1 = Teyla was sort of like Teal'c in that they were 'aliens' but she was also like Daniel in the peacekeeping way. Ford was just extra material cuz Teyla represented two people.
      Season 2 = Teyla is now more like Daniel because Teal'c = Ronan.
      Hallowed are the Xander. Love, Worship, and Rep/Green your all-powerful, omniscient God!


        Originally posted by Madeleine_W
        I SO hope not.

        Teal'c's sixth season was the one in which he had the least to do. In s1-5 he'd had a couple of episodes that centred around him each season, and in most of the rest he had an equal share of the story to carry with his co-stars. I'm not talking the amount of dialogue, but the extent to which the story depends upon him. In s6 he had only one story to hinself (and that was the one CJ wrote) and after the opener there were no 'team' stories where he had a significant load to carry. He was Jonas's mentor, but the focus was all on Jonas, and when the two of them were doing their stuff it was generally jonas who did most of the doing.

        I think Jonas gave TPTB an excuse to let Teal'c be even more underused in the main storylines because of this subplot of Teal'c-Jonas. Hey, we've given him a conversation with Jonas this week, and he's given someone a scary look, that's his bit done for the episode, we'll leave fighting the Replicators/Goa'uld/Invisibles/Hibernians to the other three.

        I did like the Teal'c-Jonas scenes. I just feel that Teal'c lost out a lot because of them. I'd like Teyla to get some reasons to be in the stories, not to stand outside the stories giving sage advice to a newcomer who does get to be in the stories. So I really really hope she doesn't get Teal'c's s6 role now.
        I agree completely. Unfortunately, so far this season, Teyla seems to be less noticeable than ever......she seems to be placed in a scene either as window dressing or to place a hand on someone's fevered brow. She deserves more.
        On fighting:
        Farrah: "A swordsman does not fear death, if he dies with honor."
        Dr. Who: "Then he's an idiot."


          Well, about the Teyla-Daniel comparison, it was mentioned that Daniel was naive enough to keep trying to see the good in people, while Teyla was quick to judge, that the Wraith couldn't be reasoned with. Ofcourse Teyla has a strong opinion about the Wraith, as she has grown up with fear and losses because of them. I'm sure Daniel would realise, that any creature that cares solely for feeding of humans, so they can survive, can't be dealt with in a diplomatic way. So I do think Daniel and Teyla can be compared, as the other roles are taken - Ronon is Atlantis' Teal'c.

          Now, to the original question. Yes, I think Ronon would help to develop both his and Teyla's characters, and make for an interesting relationship.


            Originally posted by Lida
            I agree completely. Unfortunately, so far this season, Teyla seems to be less noticeable than ever......she seems to be placed in a scene either as window dressing or to place a hand on someone's fevered brow. She deserves more.
            You're right, Teyla's underused in the current season. But I hardly noticed because she was underused in the first season, too. "Letters From Pegasus" was the only pre-Wraith telepathy episode that I gave a damn about Teyla in. The show is very much McKay's and Sheppard's (and occasionally Weir's). Even Dex has been pushed to the background a bit as he acclimates to being a member of the team under Sheppard and not a lone wolf. At this point, even the Teal'c/Jonas dynamic of just having them get together in a few quiet scenes to talk about their roles as the two token aliens would be an improvement over what Teyla is getting and has gotten from SGA, in my opinion.
            Thornbird: I'm Major Robort Thornbird. And you are?
            Jack: Captain James T. Kirk of the starship Enterprise.
            Thornbird: Your dog tags say otherwise.
            Jack: ... They're lying.

