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Wraith Origin - Theory, Spoiler, Crazy... something

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    Wraith Origin - Theory, Spoiler, Crazy... something

    The Wraith are the result of Ancient/Insectoid meeting. The Ancients were in Pegasus for several million years. They built a lot of gates and seeded a lot of civilizations before the war with the Wraith began. We know that the insectoids share ancestry with the Wraith. My theory is that we'll find that the Wraith also share some ancestry with the Ancients.

    I don't postulate that this was in any way a purposeful creation by the Ancients. I've read plenty of theories that the Ancients created the Wraith to fight the Go'auld, or vice versa, but those seem a little beyond farfetched and don't fit the timelines very well. We do know that when those nasty insectoid buggers bite, there is some DNA funkiness that happens. I think it is entirely plausible that an Ancient stumbled onto that same planet millions of years ago, was bitten, removed the insect and left it behind.

    Millions of years is plenty of time for an advanced race to evolve given the right conditions, and especially given an infusion of advanced DNA. I think this would make a fabulous story arc, explain a lot about the "powers" of the Wraith, and also clear up the lingering question of how the Wraith could have become so advanced before the Ancients arrived, and at the same time so stupid that they ate all their food and had to become dormant. That seems kinda like the doomsayers that say in 2050, at this rate, we'll slaughter the last cow on Earth... I mean what idiot would actually look at the last cow in existence, say "this will make some tasty burgers" and kill it. I can't see a civilization with the brains to create high technology doing something even more insane by killing every source of food they had. I prefer to think that the Wraith were simply not there before the Atlantians arrived.

    Now, there are some difficulties with this theory. The most obvious to me is how/why the Ancients would allow the Wraith to develop, being such a nasty species and all, without wiping them out early in their development. I guess it's possible that the Wraith didn't draw much attention to themselves at first, avoiding the Ancients. Even the Pegasus galaxy is pretty dang big after all. The holo-chick's message about awakening a sleeping enemy is another difficulty. Does this mean explicitly that the Wraith were already in Pegasus, dormant, before the Atlantians arrived? It definitely could, though I still think a race so stupid that they ate themselves out of food would have otherwise blown themselves up somehow. The message could be more cryptic (wouldn't be the first time, after all), referring to the intellectual and technological awakening of the Wraith as a species thanks to the Ancient DNA, or perhaps reffering to something else entirely (lots of room for TPTB to play).

    Several million years is a lot of time to play with. The Ancient holo-chick says something about the vast numbers of Wraith, but this does not explicitly say that there were that many when the Ancients arrived. Perhaps it was how large the Wraith had grown when they finally left 10,000 years ago. There is reference to the arrogance of the Ancients and the overestimation of their strength. What would be more arrogant than letting your worst enemy develop right under your noses, because you were unconcerned with their level of technology or even too busy doing pure research and kicking back on the balconies taking in the sun and great ocean view to even notice?

    It all makes sense. With Atlantis's Shield, the Ancients didn't really need to care about anything, and if your civilization does that for a few million years, it would naturally stay like that.


      I'm pretty sure they explicitly stated that the wraith are human/bug hybrids in one of the episodes
      and judging by spoiler from conversion, the early wraith are most likely humans who survived the bug attack
      , and not ancient/bug hybrid.

      Now, the wraith creation could be accidental, ancients dump humans on bug planet, their DNA combines. Or it could be an experiment by the ancients or renegade ancient scientists. Another thing to consider is that wraith's language is based off from ancients. Which I think imply to some degrees that ancients technology played a factor in the rapid advances that wraith has made.

      One thing with the wraith is that their society development seems to be extremely unbalanced. While they have great technology in weapon, space travel, genetics, etc. They seem to be missing some of the fundamental technologies every other civilization has, like agriculture. (I’m sure it is far more efficient to just grow humans in test tubes ala matrix style then waiting for the population to slowly go up in period of thousands of years). Not to mention their entire social model seems to still stuck in the hunter/gatherer stage.


        hmm... I thought I remembered them saything something like that as well, but wasn't sure. Either way, the main point is that the Wraith weren't really "slumbering" when the Ancients arrived in Pegasus... they didn't yet exist. Whether it was Ancient/bug or human/bug (very close to the same thing, as Ancients seeded human populations, and humans seem to be quite close genetically to Ancients), we don't have to worry about what the Wraith ate before humans showed up. However, if it was a group of Ancients who were bitten and then survived to become early Wraith that would very neatly explain why the Wraith language is based on Ancient and where much of their technologocial and biological sophistication comes from.


          The Wraith could also have acquired Ancient language and technology through feeding off of captured Ancients, since they do gain some knowledge and emotion through that process.

          Not quite as intriguing of a storyline though.


            Most of this was covered in the ep 'The Gift'
            gumboYaYa: you are all beautiful, your words and openness are what make that shine. don't forget how much talent love and beauty you all have.
            so for now, peace love love love more love and happy, and thank you, thank you, thank you
            love Torri


              Originally posted by Orii
              The Wraith could also have acquired Ancient language and technology through feeding off of captured Ancients, since they do gain some knowledge and emotion through that process.

              Not quite as intriguing of a storyline though.
              I think the ancients are stronger than that! mentally i mean

              Heru'ur is a God, he will rise and take revenge

