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Ancient weapon on Dakara?

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    to get the weapon to work they would need to have a complete understanding of wraith physiology to get it to target only the wraith.

    They were able to get the weapon to work on the replicators because they had the disrupter to work from.


      The kiron pathways that the Dakara weapon disrupted were unique and vital to the Replicators. In order for the weapon to work on the Wraith, they would have to alter it so that it disrupts something unique to the Wraith, it also has to be something essential to their survival.


        Originally posted by Schrodinger82
        THOR: It seems to have permanently disrupted communication between the individual cells, rendering each one inert. We explored such a technology in the past with no success.
        That was the disrupter from New Order, not the Dakara device. The Dakara device was capable of breaking down matter to it's base components.
        Link to transcript.
        Originally posted by "Threads"
        JACOB: Sam? (Sam looks up from the generator.) You might wanna hold off on that for a minute. If I’m reading this screen right, the weapon uses an energy wave to reduce all matter to its basic molecular elements. It’s not strong enough to disintegrate an entire planet, but it will wash away everything on a planet’s surface and everything in the surrounding space.
        CARTER: Sounds bad.
        JACOB: I know – but it also sounds like it does it much the same way your disrupter technology works on the Replicators – by separating the individual components.
        It used a similar technique to the disruptor weapon to seperate matter, thus why they were able to modify it based on what they knew of the disruptor's energy wave.

        The device could be reattuned to specifically wipe out the Wraith, but not by effectively programming it to "wipe out only Wraith". They'd have to find something that we could attune it to that's unique to the Wraith. Perhaps instead of trying to take out the Wraith, their ships could be targetted. They'd certainly be quite limited in what they could do if they had no space travel capabilities. Not to mention everything seems to indicate they haven't a single world of operation and rather operate from space. Thus a significant majority of them, if not all of them would get "spaced" as a result.

        Of course, this requires that such a device even exists in Pegasus, that the Pegasus crew find out how to dial all gates at once, and that they find out how to attune it to something from scratch.
        Last edited by uknesvuinng; 27 July 2005, 10:20 AM.
        Cogito ergo dubito.

        "How happy are the astrologers if they tell one truth to a hundred lies, while other people lose all credibility if they tell one lie to a hundred truths." - Francesco Guicciardini

        An escalator can never be broken, it can only become stairs. You never see "Escalator temporarily out of service." It's "Escalator temporarily stairs. Sorry for the convenience." - Mitch Hedberg


          Well if SGC shares that knowledge then that's the ticket to rid the Pegasus of the Wraith.

          However, they will have to find that device first, since the Ancients populated the Pegasus Galaxy, there must be a device somewhere unless it was destroyed by the Wraith.
          Go SG-1! Go ATLANTIS!

          <<Amanda Tapping's the only sweet hunny bunny for me>>


            that device is too powerful. One smart move and bye bye galaxy. Plus is it ethical to distroy all the race. Yes I know they trample life uncaringly but would that put us at their level.
            Tis No Fool to lose what He can not keep, To gain what he will never Lose


              Well, SG-1 was willing to wipe out all of the Goa'uld with a virus at one point, so genocide isn't exactly unprecedented.
              Thornbird: I'm Major Robort Thornbird. And you are?
              Jack: Captain James T. Kirk of the starship Enterprise.
              Thornbird: Your dog tags say otherwise.
              Jack: ... They're lying.


                maybe there's one hidden in pegasus


                  Wasn't that just the system lords and not all Gou'ald.
                  Tis No Fool to lose what He can not keep, To gain what he will never Lose


                    Heres one for you. Back in Atlantis from last season...they found that energy creature that the ancients were studying regarding ascension. If they got the info on that like they did the reps, could they use such a weapon to kill ascended beings without killing living things. Its just a thought. If it worked on the Reps. why not the Ori?


                      What aspect of the Wraith could be uniquely targeted? How about their telepathy?

                      It hasn't been explained how Wraith telepathy functions. What if it were possible to attack this aspect? Perhaps the Wraith could suffer a disorienting blast. Perhaps a wraith could be driven insane. Perhaps the entire wraith telepathic network could be disrupted.

                      One has to wonder how much individual inititive and cooperation a wraith outside of telepathic contact with the others shows. The keeper and steve-like individuals are likely highly motivated, but what about the grunts?
                      Last edited by LiquidBlue; 27 July 2005, 07:02 AM.


                        Originally posted by uknesvuinng
                        That was the disrupter from New Order, not the Dakara device. The Dakara device was capable of breaking down matter to it's base components.
                        Link to transcript.
                        The device on Dakara was configured to become a disrupter. Same explicitly mentioned that unless every replicator was hit the same time, they'd adapt to the device on Dakara just like they did to the disrupter technology that Jack built. As one poster brought up, the only way that the Wraith could be possibly hurt is by finding how their telepathic network works and disrupting that technology, but it's possible the Wraith can disable their telepathy much like Teyla can. Their telepathy doesn't seem to be crucial to their survival while a Replicator's Kiron technology was crucial to their survival.


                          Originally posted by DetriusXii
                          The device on Dakara was configured to become a disrupter. Same explicitly mentioned that unless every replicator was hit the same time, they'd adapt to the device on Dakara just like they did to the disrupter technology that Jack built. As one poster brought up, the only way that the Wraith could be possibly hurt is by finding how their telepathic network works and disrupting that technology, but it's possible the Wraith can disable their telepathy much like Teyla can. Their telepathy doesn't seem to be crucial to their survival while a Replicator's Kiron technology was crucial to their survival.
                          I fail to see what new info you were adding in light of my post, other than the fact that the replicators could adapt if not all hit at once. That really hasn't much to do with this discussion.

                          I still say disintegrating their ships would be a very effective way of wiping out a mostly space-based race. Unless of course they can survive the near vacuum of space. After the crew took out the their ships, they'd would have a good bit of time to play around with the device and mess with the psychic network of whatever Wraith were left.
                          Cogito ergo dubito.

                          "How happy are the astrologers if they tell one truth to a hundred lies, while other people lose all credibility if they tell one lie to a hundred truths." - Francesco Guicciardini

                          An escalator can never be broken, it can only become stairs. You never see "Escalator temporarily out of service." It's "Escalator temporarily stairs. Sorry for the convenience." - Mitch Hedberg


                            Originally posted by oragans
                            the weapon in Dakara was destoyed it was said at the end of threads - plus if the weapon could kill the wraith it likely it will kill us aswell. And i to am interested in seeing the origin of the wraith.
                            They refered to that in season one, when they (don't remember who) said that the wraith used to be ancient colonists that settled on a planet where those bugs that leeched onto sheppard were. thus creating the life sucking wraith as we know them.

