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I think the Wraith are going to get desperate

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    We could study Asgard technology for years, and never understand it, but a fleet of O'neill class war ships would be great, the Wraith would'nt stand a chance, especially using Earth military tactics.


      Originally posted by JanusAncient
      We could study Asgard technology for years, and never understand it, but a fleet of O'neill class war ships would be great, the Wraith would'nt stand a chance, especially using Earth military tactics.
      Yeah, let's face it. The Wraith really don't have that much war experience. I mean, what, a few hundred years at most? We've got thousands of years of experience under out belts.


        the tauri are the greatest tacticians in the universe, this may simply be because we have fought so many wars on many different level( earth,sea,sky and space) over so many years and with so many different culture that our history is a database of tactical knowledge that any race should want to utilise.
        Even if we our primitve we have a history second to none, a way of thinking that unique and a way of fightng that has proved revolutionary. If we ever become an advanced race like the asgard this history will make us a very powerful force to be reckoned with.
        Lending us a technologically advacned fleet would be the most sensible option to a peaceful race, we can deal with enemys using thier fleet for them, in return we get whatever is left after the battle, including ships and technolgy etc ( from our enemy not the fleet, although a chance to study would be nice)

        so PTB when are we gunna get a chance to control the asgard fleet and kick the crap out of the wraith big time? never i spose but hey its worth a thought!
        You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
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        11000! green me


          Keep this in mind.

          Each hive ship we destroy makes the food that much more plentiful.

          Also its likely the portion of individuals on the hive ships being sent to attack atlantis may have more individuals on them some of the other hive ships.

          This about this we have tons of large boats on our oceans. Some are civilian and others are ships of war. While the ocean liners might have a few guns on board for protection the ships of war are intended for war. There are more individuals on a ship of war then on a luxury cruiser.

          So its possible that the food shortage actually gets a boost from us killing more of them in a single blow when we destroy their ships of war.


            there is no other alternative unless we kill all the humans wait it out and hit the restart button


              or use cool fleet and station one ship that is suped up with cloaks and shield and cool weapons in every system we think the wraith would be in and then blast away when their weakest.
              You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
              Stargate : Genesis |
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              11000! green me


                I think the best thing to do is just wait, build more Deadalus class ships and the hell out of them when they go back to sleep.


                  In the mean time, we can work on developing relativistic coil guns to blow the crap out of the wraith with. Then I say that we put cloaks on all of them, sneak up on the wraith, and launch simultaneous attacks on all of them at once before they have a chance to react. A few dozen relativistic coilgun shells impacting should thoroughly blow the crap out of the hiveships before they even knew what hit them.


                    i think believe it or not we have more chance of winning this war than the ancients had, which is really backward!
                    You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
                    Stargate : Genesis |
                    Original Starship DesignThread
                    Sanctuary for all |
                    11000! green me


                      I think civil war will come to them on minor levels, once they notice we are tearing their kind apart the will develop new plans to deal with us. One way or another they will end up getting a higher hand at times but it will be a long war. It sounds like we might find a few acients around who didn't support the idea of leaving all together.


                        Originally posted by immhotep
                        they wont do and unknown weapon because the ancients would have used it alredy, however if the acended ancient in the MW help out with the orii, which we know they will cos they cant do it without them, then the AA could wipe out the wraith aswell.
                        or the asgard will take a dozen highly advanced oniel class warships and go blasting wrath hive ships left right and centre!
                        u think a few dozen would work? the ancients were there for millions of years and probly had hundreds of ships about and satelites n they still lost

                        Mckay: Size doesnt matter

                        Sheppard:thats a myth

                        I like farris wheels,college football and a good cup of tea.


                          Originally posted by True!Ancient
                          u think a few dozen would work? the ancients were there for millions of years and probly had hundreds of ships about and satelites n they still lost
                          yeah but i think they just stayed put and after every attack let the wraith go and rebuild. after a while their fleet numbers dwindled and the wraith had free reign over most of the galaxy. We on the otherhand wouldn't allow that...
                          Those who know the truth must rise up boldly and be a light into the darkness, if the truth bearers stay quiet, then the lost are already gone.


                            well get as many 303s there and just hkeep them up make passes and shoot then when they start coming leave just to keep the wraith up and alert in the mean time take all the people and put them on the plantet that has defensive weapons live atlantis and have fleets of 303s protecting it.


                              Originally posted by True!Ancient
                              u think a few dozen would work? the ancients were there for millions of years and probly had hundreds of ships about and satelites n they still lost

                              Well, to be fair, during ancients time there were a lot more wraith. So even though ancient might have had more ships, the wraith/ancient ratio would still be astonishingly high. Now there are fewer wraith, and their population will decrease even more thanks to lack of food (not to mention the infighting the lack of food will probably cause). few dozen might not ended up being outnumbered as badly as the ancients did.

                              Not that it will happen though, simply due to the fact that the sfx cost will be huge.


                                WARNING MAJOR SPOILER BELOW!!!

                                This discussion reminds me of the ep comdarned which I'm really looking formward to because it sounds so good. Look at ep guide to get more info on it. In it a wraith who has been using a penal colony to feed on humans threatens the magistrate to put more people on the island or the wraith will attack their planet. It'll be interesting to see how that turns out, but it shows how desperate the wraith will get and the solutions they come up with to deal with the problem.

