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Importance of ZPMs in S2

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    Importance of ZPMs in S2

    As we know, atlantis will be getting a ZPM in the The siege part 3. everyone immediately assumes its all good, but is it?

    Janus mantions that atlantis was designed to run on 3 ZPMs in parallel, not just one, one would probably be able to supply adaquate power for necessary funions Stargate Operations, Jumperbays, Lifesupport, but would it not be better if the team kept up the search for a ZPM to restor full functionality to the city, perhaps there is a dron manufatory somewhere, or more PJs or somthing.

    Here is the question, is one ZPM enough? Should they continue looking for more ZPMs?

    QCQ welcome (that is to say questions, comments, queries)
    why does McKay pronounce it Day-ta and not Data?
    Or why loootenant and not lieutenant?

    Well surely it would be still important to get as many ZPMs as possible, but it may no longer be the main priority. Also, if the SGA are apparantly going to try and keep as low a profile in S2 then it will become more difficult to go searching for ZPMs as openly as they have in the past (IMO that is)

    As regards the 3 ZPMs running in unison, well there's obviously something powering Atlantis before they recieve the new ZPM (I can't remember if this is a nearly wasted ZPM or a load of Naquad'ah generators hooked up) so surely the could simply add the new ZPM into the mix? and still run the city in a reduced state of power.

    The priorities of power distribution should be (IMO)

    The shield (not always active, but always ready to be activated immediately)

    Long range sensors

    power to systematically go through the entire city's inventory/unknown systems (who knows, there could be the ability to build ZPMs or drones?)
    We are the Wraith who say NI!!!


      I just assumed there would be another ep about them looking for ZPM's on the other worlds on old Weir's list.



        I'm certain the search for ZPMs won't be completely abandoned, it just won't be such high priority. They have to know that Atlantis won't run forever on just one...though it could become a big plot hole I guess...

        I think it will be more a case of when they stumble upon one, rather than continually searching...

        ~*Beanie*~ | No mountain too high, no gutter too low... | Ar scáth a chéile a mhairimid uilig...
        "It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt."


          The ZPM will be a great addition to the mix but its not the be all and end all, sure we can dial earth, use the shield, power all the city for a thousand years, fight the wraith.
          The search for ZPM's is going to still continue and having 3 will secure us from anything, and will enable us to really fight back, possible even using the city as a battle crusier.
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            I was considering the possibility of using the city as a dreadnaught/battleship but what kinda put that idea in uncertain waters (no pun intended lol) was this... does the shield extend around the entire city, both above the waterline and below it, or is it only semi-spherical in nature (is that even a real term? )

            If the latter is the case then surely if the city was taken into space then the underneath of it would not only be the blind side (not accounting for sensors that is) but would also be unshielded, so the wraith would simply have to bombard that side of it and it would be helpless (it's only my theory though)
            We are the Wraith who say NI!!!


              the city was a spaceship, it travel million of lightyears through space and for all we know travels as a battle ship year before that, there are 2 options, either the shield is top side only, but extends over the space between the arms and under the central tower, or is just a normal shield and will alter its shape when it takes off.
              You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
              Stargate : Genesis |
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              11000! green me


                Im sure the shield covers underneath the city. Probally when its in flight only though.


                  No...I think it always does. I think its like this shape |). The right is the top and the left is the bottom. Otherwise the Wraith would make subs and bomb Atlantis .

                  I like donuts and good rep . P.S. If you send me good rep, I send it back . If you send me Donuts...I'll...umm...*Silence*


                    The Ancients would probably have some sort of protection underneath to protect from big sea monsters(just kidding i think). They probably have undersea veichles and could most likely win at undersea battles.
                    I doubt my sanity; then again I doubt yours as well!


                      Originally posted by sandyer
                      The Ancients would probably have some sort of protection underneath to protect from big sea monsters(just kidding i think). They probably have undersea veichles and could most likely win at undersea battles.
                      The puddle jumpers are probably able to fly underwater, since they seem to be the Anceints main type of ship.


                        Yeah the shield covers both topside, and the bottom of Atlantis, check out Rising part 1, when they first leave Antarctica, it shows the shield covering all of Atlantis.


                          1 zpm can power the entire city id say they dont need a new zpm for a few thousand years, they dont need the shield unless underattack. if they really wanted they could use hundreds of naquadah generators to power atlantis, and i do believe that the puddle jumper can be sea worthy, it does seem to be their only ship, other than a war ship.


                            Originally posted by Acropolis
                            1 zpm can power the entire city id say they dont need a new zpm for a few thousand years, they dont need the shield unless underattack. if they really wanted they could use hundreds of naquadah generators to power atlantis, and i do believe that the puddle jumper can be sea worthy, it does seem to be their only ship, other than a war ship.
                            One ZPM can apparently keep the shield up for 3.3 thousand years, but we don't know what kind of power the other primary systems require to function.
                            Jarnin's Law of StarGate:

                            1. As a StarGate discussion grows longer, the probability of someone mentioning the Furlings approaches one.


                              well life suport doesnt need to be on we have a breathable enviorment, power off ligts in sect we arent using, so basically lights and comp. and shields and weapons when necessary and what ever else we need. it can work longer than 3.3 thousand years if we conserve the energy right. but its not a big deal. by then we could have searched every planet and look for the ZPM energy signiture that they were talking about in moebius pt 1 . theyd have enough time.

