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Stargate Atlantis Teams?

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    Stargate Atlantis Teams?

    I don't know if this has been mentioned before, I have searched the forums as specificaly as I could and I din't see anything like this so, I apoligize if there are threads similar to this, I would not mind if this one was merged with another.

    Has anyone been watching epsiodes of Atlantis and stop and think, wait a second, these teams don't even have designations, and the only real team that they have mentioned is Sheppard, Ford, Mckay, and Teyla. Does anyone have any suggestions for team designations, or possibly other teams.

    Please no SGA: 1, SGA: 2, etc., come up with something original.

    Owen Macri

    PJ 1, PJ 2, etc...

    good old fashioned team 1, team 2, team 3, etc.

    i really don't know
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    Servatis a periculum, Servatis a maleficum


      Various sources say they were going to be Atlantis Recon: AR-1, AR-2, etc. They never got around to that, though. All we know for sure is that Major Sheppard and Sergeant Stackhouse lead teams ('Suspicion'); Bates may also lead a team ('Underground').

      a time to mourn


        They mentioned that Stackhouse had a team, right around when Ford said his bit about naming planets, it was in Seige I, or maybe Letters from Pegasus. At least, I remember it was when they were talking about ptoential Alpha Sites. Stackhouse was the one killed in "Brotherhood", right? Anyways, that implies that teams are refered to be team leader.


          I think right now teams are refered to by the team leader but I think eventually they will come up with designations.

          Owen Macri


            i think they just go with the leaders name for the team name. i.e. Sheppards team, stackhouse's team, bates team, etc


              That makes it to much like a civilian operation. I know, the expedition is run by a civilian but they are still military teams.

              Owen Macri


                I think that is one of the biggest problems with Atlantis. There is no sense of teams, just people thrown together in an "alien" city.


                  I think that is partly because the commanding officer is a civilian and most of the people who live there are scientists.

                  Owen Macri


                    I noticed that in some fanfics, Shep's team is refered to as AT-1 or AG-1...

                    Which actually don't sound too bad. But I think the way they do it now is fine enough - after all it's a civilian operation, not a military one.

                    ~*Beanie*~ | No mountain too high, no gutter too low... | Ar scáth a chéile a mhairimid uilig...
                    "It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt."


                      Technically it is a military operation that has a civilian commanding officer. There is a possibility that they will use those.

                      Owen Macri


                        In my opinion it is just as much a civilian mission as military. The purpose of the mission was to learn of the ancient technology which requires scientist.

                        As far as the teams go I am fine with them being referred to by the team leaders name. Atlantis seems to be less formal which I like.
                        "Embress your life, find what it is that you love, and pursue it with all your soul. For if you do not, when you come to die, you will find that you have not lived."

                        A character from the novel "Chindi" by Jack McDevitt

                        Remember always that you not only have the right to be an individual, you have an obligation to be one.
                        'Eleanor Roosevelt'
                        Individuality is freedom lived.
                        'Janis Joplin'


                          I think I could live with something simple like Atlantis-1 or something military-ish.

                          I AM SUPREME COMMANDER THOR


                            I'm pretty sure in one of the episodes Miller has a team too, but I can't remember which one.... 2nd half of season? *goes to investigate*
                            It's beer o'clock. Now where the HELL is my riot !?!


                              I agree the teams need a name military-ish, I actually like it more "formal"(militarily structured).

                              Owen Macri

