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A World Gone Mad: Rant Here!

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    A World Gone Mad: Rant Here!

    This is a flame retardant section. People will not get flamed for having an opinion in here. At least they shouldn't:

    I'm so tired of the "Politcal Correctness" in these days of such a "Progressive" society. Why are we so afraid to call things by their proper name? One example is the term "illegal alien." The words are part of written law, but now the liberal elite wants us to call them "undocumented workers." Just today, in the irony of creating this thread, I heard them referred to as "undocumented border crossers." I saw a show last week where some latino gentleman was trying to make the point that "illegal alien" was an ethnic slur. WTF? In reality we should adopt Mexico's policy on illegal immigration. Their military is sitting on their southern border, and what's good for the goose....

    Now it's time to confirm a new man, Gen. Hayden, to run the CIA. Sounds good to me, but for liberals it's a bad idea to put a military person in to head up a civilian agency... unless there's a democrat in the white house doing the appointment. People act like this is some sort of moral/mortal sin...not that they have any morals to begin with. In Hollyweird, it's "trendy" to have a marriage last only an average of 3 years, or be gay, or spend any number of stints in rehab. That's our "progressive" society for you.

    Now these same people are afraid that our civil rights might be being violated because the phone companies are providing telephone numbers to the government. Where were these people when these phone companies were selling my phone number to the damn telemarketers? At least the government won't be dialing my number when I sit down to eat dinner...Only those with something to hide should be worried about this terrorist-defeating tool. It makes me wonder if these critics, along with the ACLU, aren't already in league with the terrorists. Now, just like the parasites they are, the lawyers are talking about class-action lawsuits against these phone companies. I have a case against the telemarketers or my phone comapny? Better call Duey, Cheatam & Hough!

    In one of the cruelest twists of irony, the 1st Amendment is being used to supress the freedom of expression and free speech of others. Just take a closer look at what FOX calls The War on Christmas. When I was in elemetary school I was charged to make a Christmas sign to hang over the classrom door. (Imagine that! Where was the ACLU?) Not being enthusiastic about the assignment and in a hurry to go outside for recess, my sign simply said: Merry X-mas. In a personable and unintimidating way my teacher took me aside and said that the sign was nice but when you take "Christ" out of Christmas it loses its meaning. Even though I do not attend church regularly/hardly ever, I had to agree. I spent the rest of recess remaking it better; the way it was intended.

    Self-Absorbed Senators: I wish I was qualified to be in a position to get some sort of cabinet appointment. It would only take one question from the woman killer from Mass. to get me disqualified. I think it would go something like this:
    After one of his 20 minutes stumps full of non facts, innuendo and fake poll numbers, that was supposed to be a question, I would love to get up in front of the full senate and reply: "Well senator, I guess we'll just have to drive off that bridge when we come to it."

    WOW! That felt good. Next? Anybody? Name your subject and go!
    Last edited by Ancient 1; 14 May 2006, 12:40 AM.

    "We'll keep the light on for you."

    First off, did you call out Kennedy?

    Second, I hate the fact that the ACLU is becoming the very thing they are attempting to destroy.

    The reason you should vote Republican in 2010.


      I dislike the whole "if you aren't doing anything wrong you have nothing to hide" idea. It's often a favorite justification for the creation of a police state. I don't like the idea of being treated like a potential criminal merely because I exist.

      Political correctness, on the other hand, is a factor of a major decline in society. It's just a continuation of this whole idea pervading America that everything should be molded to our will and we shouldn't have to deal with the harsh reality that not everything goes our way. It starts early in life with things like "scoreless" sports (God forbid the children are faced with a realistic assessment of their abilities). We constantly revise the school system to coddle the children and hide them from the "horror" of failing. It continues into adulthood with political correctness. Heaven forbid someone be offended because of some subjective connotation exists for them in some term. We are told the world and people are supposed to shape themselves into whatever we want. And without properly experiencing the harsh reality of not everything going our way, many people react by becoming petulant when life disagrees. Fandom provides many examples of this.
      Cogito ergo dubito.

      "How happy are the astrologers if they tell one truth to a hundred lies, while other people lose all credibility if they tell one lie to a hundred truths." - Francesco Guicciardini

      An escalator can never be broken, it can only become stairs. You never see "Escalator temporarily out of service." It's "Escalator temporarily stairs. Sorry for the convenience." - Mitch Hedberg


        And on the subject of the article you posted: I find it kinda funny that there's a (presumably) rehab wing named "Kennedy." And the fact that a Kennedy just checked into it? Hilarious.
        Cogito ergo dubito.

        "How happy are the astrologers if they tell one truth to a hundred lies, while other people lose all credibility if they tell one lie to a hundred truths." - Francesco Guicciardini

        An escalator can never be broken, it can only become stairs. You never see "Escalator temporarily out of service." It's "Escalator temporarily stairs. Sorry for the convenience." - Mitch Hedberg


          I think Political Correctness is the root cause of everything that's wrong in western society

          For example...a drug addict mugs and severely injures an old man...the junkie gets community service and counselling as well as help in finding accomodation...extra benefits and free public transport...because they're just 'poor misunderstood souls' who live in a bad area...Most people in bad areas aren't junkies...are they? I know I'm not!

          Someone attacks an intruder in their home...intruder takes them to court...homeowner goes to jail for aggrivated assault.

          Just a couple of examples of what's wrong with the world.

          In my area, drug addicts and criminals get better housing, free transport and all their prescriptions paid for...bad tennants get repairs done by the council quicky and get their houses decorated for them because 'they just can't manage'...good, hardworking tennants get absolutely nothing.
          Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


            I dislike how the media has to show any bias at all. Here's an idea, tell the frakking news, the honest frakking truth, not the sick, twisted, politically biased crap and cut out all opinions whatsoever. I don't want to know what you think, that's not what the news is about. I don't want to hear, well, I this is not news. The moment you say I think, it goes from being news to editorials!!! I don't frakking care what you frakking think about the frakking world. Just report the damn news.

            The reason you should vote Republican in 2010.


              Originally posted by rarocks24
              First off, did you call out Kennedy?

              Second, I hate the fact that the ACLU is becoming the very thing they are attempting to destroy.
              Yes, I did. If you, me or any other "Joe Shmo" would have done what he did, we'd have been sent to jail. Vehicular Homocide carries a minimum 4 year stint here in PA. Drunk or sober. We would not have become a US senator who also came dangerously close to winning the Democratic nomination for president. Kennedys = Camelot? Where the hell did that ever come from? There's a good reason the Kennedys have a "Compound" but sometimes they get loose anyway.

     seems my sig pic was a bit too much for the MODS. Screw them too! (Just kidding Skydiver. I knew my graphic might have been ....well....graphic) For the record: I thought the twins were covered enough for this forum.

              "We'll keep the light on for you."


                Originally posted by sueKay
                Someone attacks an intruder in their home...intruder takes them to court...homeowner goes to jail for aggrivated assault.
                Can you believe that a rancher/farmer in Texas lost his home to an illegal alien who was crossing his land? I guess this Texan was a little too rough in defending his own property, but still how does one get a ruling like that???

                The Dems would put more of these sympathizer judges in the higher courts. That's the only reason the senate left tries not to ever vote on the Bush nominees. They are afraid they will actually follow the law; not try to legislate from the bench.

                "We'll keep the light on for you."


                  Originally posted by rarocks24
                  I dislike how the media has to show any bias at all. Here's an idea, tell the frakking news, the honest frakking truth, not the sick, twisted, politically biased crap and cut out all opinions whatsoever. I don't want to know what you think, that's not what the news is about. I don't want to hear, well, I this is not news. The moment you say I think, it goes from being news to editorials!!! I don't frakking care what you frakking think about the frakking world. Just report the damn news.
                  Are you crazy?! They cant do that! It encourages independent thinking!
                  Last edited by iLemon; 14 May 2006, 03:15 AM.

                  Gate City - My humorous Stargate site made when I was young, enjoy!
                  Previously known as False hope who was previously known as McKay's girl


                    Originally posted by sueKay
                    I think Political Correctness is the root cause of everything that's wrong in western society

                    For example...a drug addict mugs and severely injures an old man...the junkie gets community service and counselling as well as help in finding accomodation...extra benefits and free public transport...because they're just 'poor misunderstood souls' who live in a bad area...Most people in bad areas aren't junkies...are they? I know I'm not!

                    Someone attacks an intruder in their home...intruder takes them to court...homeowner goes to jail for aggrivated assault.

                    Just a couple of examples of what's wrong with the world.

                    In my area, drug addicts and criminals get better housing, free transport and all their prescriptions paid for...bad tennants get repairs done by the council quicky and get their houses decorated for them because 'they just can't manage'...good, hardworking tennants get absolutely nothing.
                    I completely agree with your statement. PC is - has brought - Britain to its heels and so has 'Human Rights'. Such is the case where criminlas have their 'Human Rights' put before the safety of the population. WTF? What 'Human Rights'? These people committed a crime and so should pay for it! Not have their 'Human Rights' put above the safety of the public, re: a rapist released from jail because his 'Human Rights' were infringed. He killed a woman.

                    So what about the 'Human Rights' of this woman? Oh, sorry, she is innocent so naturally she doesn't have any rights, however, if she was a criminal she would.

                    Same for people protecting their home - they get jailed for self-defence while the criminal walks free!

                    Again immigration - we get nothing they get everything.

                    Oh, and as long as you are not a Christian you are allowed to preach your Faith - even if it preaches intolerance, violence and death against your nation. But the mintue you protest this injustice you are lambasted as being intolerant! Sorry, we can't call Christmas 'Christmas' becuase that is offensive to those aren't Christian. Yet these other religions can call their festivals whatever they want! WTF? How about it being offesive to Christians? The gov says we must be tolerant, PC and unoffensive. How? When WE are being prosecuted? If people are offended then get the hell OUT!

                    Is it any wonder that the Eastern world laughs at the West when PC and 'Human Rights' wins above justice and morality and right?

                    I have information for you politicans: this sort of bitter feelings, double-standars helped the Nazis rise to power, and you doing a good job of driving people to vote for similar parites.

                    Screw PC! Lets calls things by their proper name! 'Homosexual' is offensive? Huh? When I told a homoseuxal this he was astonsihed! Nice to know he's being informed what is offensive and what isn't.

                    A blackboard is black ... hence the term blackboard. Baa baa black sheep has a black sheep in it ... hence the name. Where exactly is this racist?

                    And while we're at it what on Earth is offensive with 'mankind'?!?

                    This sort of thing breeds contempt and is aimed at the gropus we're meant to be PC to: unfair but unfortuantely that. Nice world we're living in. Again, any wonder why the Arab world holds us in so much disgust and hate?


                    Ancient 1, thank you for the therauptic thread!
                    The man who opened the way.

                    The man who led the way.

                    "It will take you a million light years from home. But will it bring you back?" Stargate the movie

                    A mystery ... a secret ... a threshold ... to the future. Stargte the movie

                    The perfect SG-1 team: Colonel Jack, Daniel, Major Ferretti and Jonas


                      Originally posted by uknesvuinng
                      Political correctness, on the other hand, is a factor of a major decline in society. It's just a continuation of this whole idea pervading America that everything should be molded to our will and we shouldn't have to deal with the harsh reality that not everything goes our way. It starts early in life with things like "scoreless" sports (God forbid the children are faced with a realistic assessment of their abilities). We constantly revise the school system to coddle the children and hide them from the "horror" of failing. It continues into adulthood with political correctness. Heaven forbid someone be offended because of some subjective connotation exists for them in some term. We are told the world and people are supposed to shape themselves into whatever we want. And without properly experiencing the harsh reality of not everything going our way, many people react by becoming petulant when life disagrees. Fandom provides many examples of this.
                      Ah, yes, heaven forbid we are told reality - after all it may just make us strive that much harder to attain our goals. I was told the truth at school and I certianly do not wish to be mollicodled now in Uni. How am I supposed to learn and grow if I am never told the truth or have to compete?

                      Fandom is one of the many exapmles of people being unable to deal with an opposing opinion or harsh truths. And so society declines. Our forefathers would be ashmed of us.

                      Can you imagine the Greek and Roman Empires (for example) ever achieving their grandur, knowedgle without accepting the truth and working damn hard to ensure certian ideals were enforced and/or kept? Where would be if we didn't ask and question oursleves or ideas? Nowhere that's what!
                      The man who opened the way.

                      The man who led the way.

                      "It will take you a million light years from home. But will it bring you back?" Stargate the movie

                      A mystery ... a secret ... a threshold ... to the future. Stargte the movie

                      The perfect SG-1 team: Colonel Jack, Daniel, Major Ferretti and Jonas


                        They have ham flavoured baked beans now. A world gone mad I tell you.
                        (and those others points too)


                          At whoever mentioned civil rights in Britain. Did you know that this one farmer had his home broken into over 200 times in one year. It ended when he took a shotgun to the gypsie that kept breaking in. They arrested him and charged him with murder. Of course, the case drew so much attention from the American Rifle Association-International Firearms Coalition thingy that they dropped the case. The grand state of Texas even said they'd go so far as to extradite him.

                          I've heard anti-hand gunners claim that "a woman raped and strangled is morally superior than a woman with a dead rapist at her feet and a smoking gun in her hand." This beyond anything pisses me off. Honestly, a woman would be more morally superior to fire the damn gun and prevent the rapist from raping and killing her and doing the same to other women.

                          The reason you should vote Republican in 2010.



                            Hijackers' Asylum Victory
                            Updated: 11:32, Wednesday May 10, 2006

                            Nine Afghan asylum seekers who hijacked a plane to Britain have won a High Court battle with the Government as part of a fight to enter the UK.

                            The men had appealed against a failure to grant them formal permission to come into the country as refugees.

                            They made worldwide headlines in 2000 when they fled the Taliban by hijacking a Boeing 727 on an internal flight from Kabul and forcing the crew to fly to England.

                            Armed with guns and explosives, they held the plane at Stansted Airport for 70 hours before giving themselves up to police and SAS.

                            They were convicted of charges including hijacking, false imprisonment and possessing firearms in 2001, but the convictions were later overturned.

                            The nine and their families have for years been living in the London area, with restrictions on their movements.

                            In July 2004 an immigration adjudication panel ruled that they could not be sent back to Afghanistan because it was "unsafe" and they would be at serious risk of harm.

                            Unable to deport them, the Government left them in limbo by failing to formally permit them to enter the country.

                            The nine are not allowed to work, but instead depend on state hand-outs and report regularly to the immigration authorities.

                            The cost to the taxpayer of the whole affair has been unofficially estimated at around £10 million.
                            Some justice system! Cant even persecute those who deserve it yet those who dont are jailed quicker than you can say 'I'm innocent'

                            Gate City - My humorous Stargate site made when I was young, enjoy!
                            Previously known as False hope who was previously known as McKay's girl


                              I can understand certain limits on self-defense. Generally the law expects you to do no more damage than what is necessary to disarm them. However, not everyone is a trained marksman or fighter, so not everyone is going to employ the precision necessary to not cross the line. Especially when most people are purely in "fight or flight" mode. There needs to be some leniency in those cases.

                              Of course, there's a question of whether killing the invader was necessary in the case of the farmer. You can always load a shotgun with rock salt.
                              Cogito ergo dubito.

                              "How happy are the astrologers if they tell one truth to a hundred lies, while other people lose all credibility if they tell one lie to a hundred truths." - Francesco Guicciardini

                              An escalator can never be broken, it can only become stairs. You never see "Escalator temporarily out of service." It's "Escalator temporarily stairs. Sorry for the convenience." - Mitch Hedberg

