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A World Gone Mad: Rant Here!

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    You know, that has been raised before so far as the environment is concerned. Back in the 70's, Carter banned the construction of new Nuclear plants because of the risk of leaks. He felt the waste to be terrorist attacks as well.
    Despite the fact that the Beamer cores would extract 95% of the efficiency of uranium, giving the depleted uranium a half life of a few hundred years (meaning we can seal the nuclear waste in another mountain and not have to worry about it being environmentally dangerous to do so, like Yuca Mountain.

    And with our Nuclear Plants already showing the signs of age...

    Going back to the Environmentalists, I wonder what they'd do if they could. Do they realize the environmental impact destroying dams would do? Or that the dams are the cleanest form of energy that we can find and generates zero radiation? The concept of dams has been around for a long time, a long LONG time.

    The reason you should vote Republican in 2010.


      For those who truly think that Terrorism is something new: Jihadism is not a reaction to American, Israeli or Australian foreign policy. It is organic, a conventional and historic reading of the Koran as understood by many imams. Jihad is one of Islam’s authentic traditions, predating the birth of America and Israel. They seek to conquer, to create a global Islamic caliphate. Our survival depends on their defeat, total defeat. This will be accomplished not by the professional negotiators and liberal sociologists but by the force of an army, a courageous and unfettered military.

      Alarmed by newspaper reports that a hurricane memorial in St. Bernard Parish will feature a cross bearing a likeness of the face of Jesus, the American Civil Liberties Union of Louisiana is reminding parish officials of the Constitution’s separation of church and state. ..Never one to back down, Parish President Henry “Junior” Rodriguez has a simple reply: “They can kiss my ass.”

      “The ACLU of Maryland is heartened that the high court agrees that prosecuting drug-dependent pregnant women is not what the state of Maryland considers good policy,” said David Rocah, staff attorney for the ACLU of Maryland. “We believe that using criminal law to regulate a pregnant woman’s conduct on the theory that it might harm a fetus or her newborn child is counterproductive, illegal, and, ultimately bad for children and society.”

      I can’t believe Peter King (R-NY) said this:

      “I've known Senator Clinton for a number of years and we may have differences on this or that issue but I would never question her patriotism, question her integrity or her absolute commitment to winning the war on terrorism. Whatever differences we have are honest and to me you should never question, certainly not Senator Clinton's integrity.”

      We should and must question every elected official and hold them up to the highest standards lest they not learn the lessons of bribery, collusion, and other nefarious amoral behavior.

      I’ve read that:
      Hillary fell miserably short on her 2000 campaign promising to create 200,000 new jobs (She was over 300,000 jobs short).
      Does this mean NY has lost 100,000 jobs on her watch, (Hmm…considering her husband, you’d think Billary was good at getting the pork), and if so what does she have left to run on, her support of the war? I don’t think so. She’d get the Lieberman treatment for sure, but for some strange reason she’s looking at an easy re-election in the fall. Go figure.

      "We'll keep the light on for you."


        Why don't we shift the discussion away from politics gone made to network executives gone mad. SciFi has once again pulled their usual crap of bad executive decisions then cancelling a show as if the show were to blame. I want to smack them. I wont deny SG1 is nowhere near as good as it used to be, but that's not why the ratings are low. It's SciFi's stupid decision making.


          Originally posted by walterIsTheMan
          Why don't we shift the discussion away from politics gone made to network executives gone mad. SciFi has once again pulled their usual crap of bad executive decisions then cancelling a show as if the show were to blame. I want to smack them. I wont deny SG1 is nowhere near as good as it used to be, but that's not why the ratings are low. It's SciFi's stupid decision making.
          Hmm...I may not be up to speed on the subject, as I'm not one to go "behind the scenes" to look for anything, but I did find another thread that suggests the end of SG-1. Is that what you're talking about? I too know that this season may not be up to par yet, but we're talking how many shows now, four? (I don't count "200" as that show was done for pure fun and really for those who've been along since the beginning. I watched it again for the 3rd time though and still laughed out loud. The same goes for the Inside SciFi preview of that episode. Loved AT's comments and accents: "The men cheered, the women fainted and the children waved multi-colored flags." What a hoot!).

          "We'll keep the light on for you."


            It's not politics , but I am tired of the perv and the Jonbonet Ramsey case. How can this story that isn't really a story yet, because nothing is proven, with the exception that this molester is also a known liar, just bump off the real news of the world that should have our attention focused on the middle east? Is our attention span that short? If so, it's a shame as we let this one case take our eyes off so many more important things. The trouble with a 24 news our cycle is that most things are not new anymore, but with ever increasing tensions and the nuclear issue with Iran in the offing, the sex perv is getting way too much press, when there's been nothing new about it for days. Who cares what he ate or drank on the plane?!!!!! Don't report back to me until the DNA is done and his fame and glory-seeking lies are exposed!!!

            And I was willing to let the politics drop for a time until I came across these quotes, something I'm sure most conservatives knew about, but also something that should cause Dems some concern:

            "American supremacy is the greatest threat to the world today."
            George Soros,'s billionaire benefactor

            "Now it's our party! We bought it, we own it!"
   leader, Eli Pariser referring to the Democratic Party.

            "We'll keep the light on for you."


              "The stage is set.
              The band starts playin'
              Suddenly your heart starts swayin'
              Wishing secretly you were a star"

              ....STYX Album: Grand Illusion...appropriate for the following:

              To get an idea the lengths to which Palestinians have gone to manufacture sympathy for them and outrage against the Jewish state, consider a production from April 28, 2002. During a funeral procession, the stretcher carrying the “victim” was dropped. Oops. No problem, though, as the “victim” sprung up quickly and was able to shake it off.

              The only reason the public learned of the funny, phony funeral was because it was captured on video by an Israeli drone. Given that almost everything done by the Palestinian propaganda machine is for the media, why did it only come out after the Israeli government released its grainy footage? Good thing for the Palestinians, though, that productions for Western consumption typically have gone much smoother
              Last edited by Ancient 1; 23 August 2006, 07:32 AM.

              "We'll keep the light on for you."


                AC was in rare form today; getting the facts out without too much sarcasm.

                And I can only hope this article is true. Their wall is working.

                "We'll keep the light on for you."

