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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by tsaxlady View Post
    If you go to Gateworlds homepage you will find a new video clip with Amanda in the Gateworld Play Video Player - title Phenomenon: Amanda Tapping
    Ohhh, don't you just love her? That part about being serenaded, hehe, she really thinks too little about herself.


      Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
      Ohhh, don't you just love her? That part about being serenaded, hehe, she really thinks too little about herself.
      lol, that was hilarious
      Would've loved to have seen the expression on her face lol when that happened


        Which Atlantis episodes did Amanda do commentary for? Do any of these have Martin Wood with her?

        In memory of Deejay.
        May we all be so well loved.


          Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
          Which Atlantis episodes did Amanda do commentary for? Do any of these have Martin Wood with her?
          I have not received my box set yet... It's on a truck somewhere on the way here But according to those that do have their box set, Amanda does have commentary with Martin Wood I just don't know which episode(s)


            Four and a half more hours for the voting; HOT, COLD, COMFY, UNDECIDED. We have:
            15 HOT Samandans
            only 5 COLD Samandans (where are you and are you surviving the apparent ICE AGE
            down under?)
            12 still COMFY Samandans and
            1 undecided

            Next survey: How much Snow have you experienced where you live?
            0 = SNOW??? Never seen the stuff!!!
            1 = Oh yea, you mean that white stuff that fell from the sky.....ONCE.
            2 = Sure, I've seen it. I just use a broom to dust it off the sidewalks couple of times a
            3 = My Lord, yes. Really messes up the roads and sidewalks and makes everyone late for
            work every couple of weeks during the winter.
            4 = Oh sure, great stuff for skiing, snowshoeing, snowmobiling, snowboarding, making
            angels, sitting around the fire with a hot cup of chocolate in hand.
            5 = MY GOD WE'RE BURIED IN IT!! SEND HELP or a DOG TEAM to rescue us!!!!!!!

            I'll start out with NUMBER 5!!!!!!!!!!!!! That was the Winter of 2007-2008 with over 100 inches in southern Wisconsin NOT known for deep snow pack.

            And for all those Samandans out there worrying about Edb and her mental state. No need. All's fine except I'm not home in my cozy house, in my cozy chair, with my cozy remote in hand in front of my cozy TV set with its hook up to our cozy satellite dish which just so happens to get the SCI-FI channel which has Amanda on tonight!!!!!!!!!
            I'm taking care of my DAD, a sweet man, who just so happens to NOT HAVE A SATELLITE DISH WITH THE SCI-FI CHANNEL ON IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HHHHHHEEEELLLPPP. That's why I'm talking to all of you.

            By the way, you may begin voting on the SNOW survey any time.


              Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
              Whoo hoo! Lovely Sam and Amanda spam!

              An Amanda photo I've never seen before? How is that even possible? Dude!

              Wait, Rocky is a guy!? Um... I think I knew that...

              When I was first on the internets, people always thought I was male.
              Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
              I know sweetie. And I'm sure we all feel the same

              This one is from the same shoot

              You can find more of those pics here- Amanda's gallery And NZNeep, you think you knew I was a guy? It's okay though, it's all good. And SJ thanks for the sweet words.

              Originally posted by tsaxlady View Post
              If you go to Gateworlds homepage you will find a new video clip with Amanda in the Gateworld Play Video Player - title Phenomenon: Amanda Tapping
              Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
              Ohhh, don't you just love her? That part about being serenaded, hehe, she really thinks too little about herself.
              Wow, what a great Amanda interview, she was so funny when she kept saying how she was "younger" and what not . Don't worry Amanda it'll be a loooooooong time before you're old, and besides you only get more beautiful with age.

              I loved the way she made those hilarious facial expressions while taking about Carter and O'Neill . And how she talked about S9 and how she looked after having Olivia, than saying "Pre" Olivia, can this woman be anymore cute? But it was so sweet when Amanda started talking about meeting her fans , Amanda look so honored to meet the fans, and how she said they cry when they meet her, and then she cries, awesome woman. And how those boys serenaded her, aww, and how she said Carter was sexy Awesome interview, I could listen to Amanda talk all day, BTW, when was the made? Not too long ago probably.


                Haha, the boys in NZ serenading her *was* 6 years ago. Awesome memory, with all the conventions she has done Spacegirlnz was at that convention, but I didn't know how awesome geekdom was back then

                I had always hoped to see Amanda, Teryl and Don together at some stage... such goofs.
                Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                  lessee, snow. when i was little, we had 3 feet on the ground at once. Last winter we had 3 inches, then a near blizzard that dumped 9 more, then another storm that dumped a couple, then it got really cold (we had the storm on thanksgiving) and we had other storms and pretty much had snow on the ground for a whole month and a white christmas.

                  defintely not as impressive as others but...dude, we do not have lengthy storms and snow. we usually have 2-3 inches at a time that melts in a few days. not a month's worth.

                  and in jan 2007, we actually had snow all the way across the state, which also rarely happens
                  Where in the World is George Hammond?



                    For the snow survey

                    I'm a zero - it doesn't snow where I live, I have to travel long distances if I want to ski. And seeing as I hate the cold I don't ski often.


                      For the snow survey - does it count that I used to live in a #5 place? That would be Juneau, Alaska. My family moved there a long time ago (I don't live there anymore), and the first winter we were there, the total accumulation of snow for the winter was well over 150 inches. Even the snow plows couldn't get around very well that year. In spite of that, it was great!

                      Where I live now, we had a bit of snow last winter, but it never lasted more than a day.


                        I just watched Atlantis Search and Rescue ... Premiere for S5
                        The episode was pretty good. There were some good Sam moments. Shep saying she was the best commanding officer he ever served under... and Rodney's saying how great she did her first year. Sam taking charge was nice to see. There was the first all female SG team it appeared like. The Teyla/Shep shippers will have a few good scenes to talk about... Rodney is still funny. I can't imagine him delivering my baby.

                        The ending has the potential to be the worst I have ever seen in the series. Depends on how they play it next week... and how they play it when Amanda comes back and if she is able to come back with her schedule. If they play it like the IOA did an underhand trick which is the feel I get then it just goes to prove how corrupt they are... and the audience is supposed to hate Woosley even more. I could live with that... still leaves a sour taste in your mouth... If they never discuss her leaving again then it was horrible ending. However, since they want her to come back and are hoping she will be in the season ender I have hopes that Sam will tell Woosley off and the corrupt IOA is uncovered.

                        And for the snow survey: I'm a 2 and I love snow ... It was a 4 where I used to live
                        Last edited by ann_sgcfan; 11 July 2008, 07:19 PM.


                          Originally posted by Edb View Post
                          Hello All. Just some interesting facts about the two temperature scales we use, F and C.
                          100 F = 38 C
                          80 F = 27 C
                          40 F = 4 C
                          32 F = 0 C
                          -20 F = -28 C
                          -40 F = -40 C The two scales are equal at this point.
                          -60 F = -51 C

                          -79.8 F = -62 C (coldest temperature in US, Alaska, 1971)
                          -128.6 F = -89 C (coldest temperature on Earth, Vostok Station, Antarctica,
                          -128 Remind me never to live in Antarctica.

                          Originally posted by Edb View Post
                          Four and a half more hours for the voting; HOT, COLD, COMFY, UNDECIDED. We have:
                          15 HOT Samandans
                          only 5 COLD Samandans (where are you and are you surviving the apparent ICE AGE
                          down under?)
                          12 still COMFY Samandans and
                          1 undecided

                          Next survey: How much Snow have you experienced where you live?
                          0 = SNOW??? Never seen the stuff!!!
                          1 = Oh yea, you mean that white stuff that fell from the sky.....ONCE.
                          2 = Sure, I've seen it. I just use a broom to dust it off the sidewalks couple of times a
                          3 = My Lord, yes. Really messes up the roads and sidewalks and makes everyone late for
                          work every couple of weeks during the winter.
                          4 = Oh sure, great stuff for skiing, snowshoeing, snowmobiling, snowboarding, making
                          angels, sitting around the fire with a hot cup of chocolate in hand.
                          5 = MY GOD WE'RE BURIED IN IT!! SEND HELP or a DOG TEAM to rescue us!!!!!!!

                          I'll start out with NUMBER 5!!!!!!!!!!!!! That was the Winter of 2007-2008 with over 100 inches in southern Wisconsin NOT known for deep snow pack.

                          And for all those Samandans out there worrying about Edb and her mental state. No need. All's fine except I'm not home in my cozy house, in my cozy chair, with my cozy remote in hand in front of my cozy TV set with its hook up to our cozy satellite dish which just so happens to get the SCI-FI channel which has Amanda on tonight!!!!!!!!!
                          I'm taking care of my DAD, a sweet man, who just so happens to NOT HAVE A SATELLITE DISH WITH THE SCI-FI CHANNEL ON IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HHHHHHEEEELLLPPP. That's why I'm talking to all of you.

                          By the way, you may begin voting on the SNOW survey any time.
                          The snowiest here in SE Michigan was 74", though in Northern Michigan where mom is at they regularly get over 100". All that lake effect snow.

                          Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
                          I have not received my box set yet... It's on a truck somewhere on the way here But according to those that do have their box set, Amanda does have commentary with Martin Wood I just don't know which episode(s)
                          Lifeline with Martin Wood and Amanda Tapping
                          Tabula Rasa with Alan McCullough, Martin Wood and Amanda Tapping
                          Quarantine with Martin Wood and Amanda Tapping
                          Trio with Martin Gero, Martin Wood and Amanda Tapping
                          Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
                          William Shakespeare

                          Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


                            Oh God, I just found a clip from S&R, and now I'm sad Beware of spoilers--

                            Sam & Rodney, Bags & Flowers


                              First the snow survey...hehe. Can't believe we're talking about the weather here.

                              I'd say where I live, last winter we were about a 4 bordering on a 5 at some points. On average the last few winters have been getting worse and worse in terms of snowfall and we had many white out days when it was/near blizzard conditions. Winter totally lasted forever too. Even though the calendar was saying it was officially spring, it sure didnt feel like it. We had snow all the way up to April which kinda sucked. I love winter, but when it's time for warmer weather to come in, I'm usually more than ready for it by this time.

                              Spoilers for SGA Season 5 Search and Rescue
                              Just finished watching the premiere of Season 5 of SGA. I'm not the biggest fan of this series and mostly just watched to see Sam in command. This ep was supposed to be BIG and I couldnt resist watching to see how she would be written out of the series. I had *hoped* it would be good, but I could have cried in frustration at how it was done. *shakes head*

                              I think Sam was pretty much surprised by this change of events given the shocked/surprised look on her face when she was told by Woosley. The IOA simply felt her command of Atlantis was not up to par and felt somebody better was suited to command. Basically, she was returning to earth for a review by said organization and even before she got out of the gateroom, she was told the news. TPTB totally disappointed me as I had hoped Sam's stepping down would have been voluntary first and foremost and because something better was in the works for her. Not this nor this way. They didnt give her 11 year career justice and imo they totally disrespected her and the fact of all she has done.
                              Last edited by Celandine; 11 July 2008, 07:38 PM.


                                Originally posted by Celandine View Post
                                Spoilers for SGA Season 5 Search and Rescue
                                Just finished watching the premiere of Season 5 of SGA. I'm not the biggest fan of this series and mostly just watched to see Sam in command. This ep was supposed to be BIG and I couldnt resist watching to see how she would be written out of the series. I had *hoped* it would be good, but I could have cried in frustration at how it was done. *shakes head*

                                I think Sam was pretty much surprised by this change of events given the shocked/surprised look on her face when she was told by Woosley. The IOA simply felt her command of Atlantis was not up to par and felt somebody better was suited to command. Basically, she was returning to earth for a review by said organization and even before she got out of the gateroom, she was told the news. TPTB totally disappointed me as I had hoped Sam's stepping down would have been voluntary first and foremost and because something better was in the works for her. Not this nor this way. They didnt give her 11 year career justice and imo they totally disrespected her and the fact of all she has done.
                                I disagree. The best way to respect Sam, given what they had, was to have her coldly discarded by the IOA (who everyone already hates) and leave us (and Atlantis) feeling the loss. Had she gone voluntarily, only us Sam fans would have felt anything. But seeing the loss and hurt on Sam's face? Only violent Sam haters could not feel for her then! And we've seen how well she's done, how hard she's tried, how much respect she's earned and received, so the only disrespect is coming from the IOA, who disrespect everyone.

                                900th post...woot!

                                ~Friendshipping (among others) the two most awesome women of Stargate.
                                ~My Stargate fanfic can be found on my Livejournal

