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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by WitchBlade007
    Ok put my vote in for the TWIX...I love that one......

    Oh i like Storm and Wolfie...but then again i kind of have a free for all with that fandom.......I like everyone but Jean....don't ask why...I don't know....

    but back to Shep and Teyla...I like has a nice ring to it....

    I also like the 'Hail Mary' reference...
    Jean (thankfully dead and probably won't come back for a very very very very very very long time---the rule is you kill'em they stay dead) and Rogue hater..if Rogue is evil (I adore her, but if she's good, she's the bain of the comic world!)

    Can't you just hear it now...Witchy:

    What's up?
    I have something for you!
    Really? What is it?
    Hands him Twix...
    Hail Mary! You got me, TWIX!
    : Shhhhhhhhh.....Do not say it so loud?
    In walks...
    Say what so loud?
    Seeing the TWIX bar....
    Am I seeing what I think I'm seeing?! You know I'm hypoglycemic?!
    : Damn it, John!
    Walks away in a tuff....
    I think she's been spending too much time with me!
    Grabbing the opened bar and munching away....
    : I could 've told yah dat! (between chews as he looks at Teyla stomping off)


    Okay so I am certifiable!! You guys love me anyway!
    Last edited by vaberella; 13 March 2006, 01:58 PM.
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      Originally posted by CeeKay Sheppard
      Something based on "Hail Mary" (Personally, I like "Hail Mary," but DM says it's too long.)
      I like Hail Mary too, but it's just about the same length as writing John/Teyla, and wasn't the point to come up with something well as catchy?


        Twix sounds nice.

        Or, as I realized earlier, we could use the quote from Farscape that seems to have generated two other SGA monikers: "Sparky, Spanky, Fluffy, Buckwheat the 13th..." John Crichton singsonged.

        LOL. Just kidding. Don't think I want to call JT Fluffy or Buckwheat.

        LOL. I'm just as happy writing JT.


          Originally posted by Doxymom
          Twix sounds nice.

          Or, as I realized earlier, we could use the quote from Farscape that seems to have generated two other SGA monikers: "Sparky, Spanky, Fluffy, Buckwheat the 13th..." John Crichton singsonged.

          LOL. Just kidding. Don't think I want to call JT Fluffy or Buckwheat.

          LOL. I'm just as happy writing JT.
          And who wants to add further connection....we're so much sweeter candy!! Hahahaha!! And I maybe the only one...but I hated FARSCAPE, if I did watch it, was for that alien that looked like he sat on a dinner plate? That small thing that looked like a muppet..yeah he made me laugh. And I like Chiana or Chiara..but overall hated the show....sorry Vala/Cam! Wasn't a fan.

          Long Live Shep/Teyla, sheyla, Shepmagan(dreaded), MASTS, Hail Mary, EAGLES, Snickers, TWIX, any other's I'm missing?! To make it legal--->
          Their lovin' it!

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            Originally posted by SnoggingPicard
            I love that the
            implicit trust between Sheppard and Teyla was really brought to attention in "Allies". We haven't seen as much of this bond displayed between them lately (the cast has become very segregated, but that's for another day...), and it was great to see that brought to the forefront. Sheppard immediately knew that she was unhappy with their decision, but instead of letting it go, he wanted to see if he could somehow fix that. I wonder how much of this reaction was also due to her recent experience with Michael. Sheppard clearly knows what needs to be done for the good of Atlantis, but I love that he also wants to make sure that everyone else -- especially Teyla -- can leave with their plan.

            Seriously, nothing would make me happier if we see a follow-up scene in the next episode or two. Teyla made it very pointedly clear that the only reason she is going along with this is because she put her trust in HIM, not in the expedition, but in Sheppard himself. The trust that the two of them share is one of the most interesting things about their relationship; it is so strong and seemingly so baseless since it was present from day one. I would love to see that called into question in both the next part of this episode and in a future story arc. Seriously, Teyla's trust in Sheppard is one of the main reasons why she chose to stay with the expedition, and I would love to see her eventually question if she made the right choice.

            I think that Sheppard is also having difficulty in having to choose between his need to make decisions for the base and expedition and his relationship with those on the base, particularly Teyla. While the others have all had at least some experience dealing with the ways of Earth and the military, Teyla is the exception. Even though Ronon isn't from Earth, he is also military and might have an easier time understanding some of the difficult decisions he has to make. Teyla is the one that he feels he has to convince and keep on his side, both personally and as a member of his team. Her trust and friendship clearly means a great deal to him, and I think that an episode between them a la "LFP", which strains their relationship and makes them reevaluate each other is long overdue.

            HAY MAMA MIA! Mira lo que ella escribe en tan pocas palabras! Por eso es que la quiero tanto!


              Okay, all this talk of chocolates, popcorn, milkyway, buttercrunch, M&M's, three musketeers, puddings, and banana splits...and what not, is reallly giving me a sugar headache!


                How about Ferris Wheels..? get away from the chocolates..slowly..move away from them...


                  I'm back!!!!!!! I've been gone for about week. I have a lot of catching up to do, I'll probably read everything tomarrow. Its great to be back.


                    OH, I just of know

                    John - ohn + Teyla - eyla + TWIX -TW = JTIX

                    Huh, do I deliver or what?


                      Welcome BACK Mishy....


                        hi guys


                          I kinda like Twix. I think there's a law in the Shipper's Handbook against naming a ship after a sports team. Even if you do manage to find it romantic it's really rather controversial. Not only could some people hate that team (eye twitches at memory of someone mentioning 'Cowboys') but it's just not Universal-International friendly and won't make sense to someone who doesn't already know. Since we're talking about food this isn't a suggestion but Shep and Teyla kinda reminds me of when I was a kid there was this fast food place in town and whenever I got ice cream there I always got twist. Which was chocolate and vanilla together. That was a really good flavor. So, um, not to be off-topic...I really am working on a vid....*wanders off muttering to herself* Oh, is Ritter better yet? I heard he was sick


                            MELITA IS HERE?

                            *BANG! Camy passes out*


                              Originally posted by Camy
                              How about Ferris Wheels..? get away from the chocolates..slowly..move away from them...

                              I did think about that..but felt it was cheezy (sorry about the food) and a bit corny...oky I can't move away. We could do better and it's not very simiple is it?!
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                                Originally posted by mishy91
                                I'm back!!!!!!! I've been gone for about week. I have a lot of catching up to do, I'll probably read everything tomarrow. Its great to be back.
                                Hiya...welcome back MIshy you've been missed!!! They missed you too!!

                                Join the fun and donate a name for the Shep/Teyla nickname-athon!
                                Click statement above to read article.

