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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Erised
    I think you've read that interview with Torri as well. It was posted on LJ.. I don't have the link. She says that she needs someone to cheer her up, and, well, someone probably will! It'd be stupid for someone not to! *cough*John*cogh*

    I may be remembering wrong though
    I think that sounds like an awsome idea Erised!!!!!!!!!! Sparky forever!!!


      Originally posted by SallyLizzie
      Where did you here this?

      Guys, just bc Shep gets the odd bit of female interest etc, it doesn't make him a nymphomaniac
      Totally agree, he can't even look at a woman these days without people screaming *kirking* in outrage.

      Originally posted by SallyLizzie
      From when are refering to Teal'C from? Not a lot of people liked Teal'C in the first few seasons. It's only since around S5 that they started to really lighten his character up, and giving him more lines has really helped his character become more likeable.
      Uhmm, i still don't like Teal'C *at all*, i find him so dull, totally lacking of any remotely interesting trace (and why does he wear make up?, that's always puzzled me). He's actually the reason why i stopped watching SG1 during season eight, there was too much of him, and i found the show incredibly mindnumbling. I never disliked Teyla that much, i didn't care for her in the very beginning, but by the end of season 1 i already liked her. Thinking about it, what really bothered me was that horrific wig, it wasn't even her, LOL.

      Originally posted by SallyLizzie
      On this instance I'm agreeing with the Sheyla's and all the others that thhink Sparky is cliche. Bc it is. In a variety of ways;

      -Two leaders forged together in the heat of battle to become 'King and Queen' of Atlantis,
      - Flyboy and professional Diplomat fall for each other despite their opposing backgrounds.

      It may not often be seen in a series, but it's still cliche. Everything is a cliche these days. You'd be hard-pressed to find a pairing that wasn't, especially when you have to chose from your leads.
      Sheyla is a cliche, Sparky too, and Spanky. You're right, if you think about it, almost (if not all of them) every pairing you find not just on SGA, but on every fandom can be considered a cliche. It's really though for tptb to find something that hasn't been done before.
      I've lost track of the times i discussed this same issue with the HP shippers, Herons saying H/Hr was cliche, so it had to be R/Hr, but the pumpkin piers also used this same argument on their favor, for them R/Hr was the cliche, LOL. And the Harry/Luna shippers claiming R/Hr, and H/Hr were both the cliches so the most original way would be H/L, :headdesk: If you think hard almost absolutely every possible ship can be considered a cliche, so this "they can't go with So/So because it would be a cliche" is kind of useless.
      Shep/Teyla is a cliche, yes, but Shep/Weir is too.


        Peeking in for "Inferno" spoilers. Not much yet?

        When all else fails, change channels.


          Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
          Peeking in for "Inferno" spoilers. Not much yet?
          I'm wondering about this myself, what has happened to our dear spoiler bearers? huh?. Bad eppy?, did Sheppard and Teyla kiss and every fellow sparky who's seen the eppy died a painful dead?, LOL.


            Originally posted by Luz
            I'm wondering about this myself, what has happened to our dear spoiler bearers? huh?. Bad eppy?, did Sheppard and Teyla kiss and every fellow sparky who's seen the eppy died a painful dead?, LOL.
            I thought I posted Buggy's comentary *goes to check it again*


              Originally posted by Melyanna
              Are you talking about the possible scene in Season 3?
              Torri said in an interview recently that she and Brad Wright had talked about Elizabeth having a conversation with General Landry about how this leadership business kind of sucks. It'll be good for both their characters, as both of them went into things expecting exploration and science and diplomacy, and both encountered more enemies instead.
              Yeah, maybe. But we're allowed to be optimistic, aren't we? Anything is possible, I certainly hope there will be some heart-to-heart chats between John and Liz in the future!

              Anyway, as Erised said, Inferno was awesome.

              It was a teency bit predictable, but definitely a good ep.

              There were two giant eye-sex scenes, one at the begining where Shep comes into Liz's office and does the whole "your office is my office" bit, and he tells her that Rodney's into the alien girl:

              Shep: "He seemed..."
              Weir: "Smitten?"

              And then they give each other the BEST look! And as he's walking out the door he looks at her and gives her a huge eyebrow, complete with a wiggle.

              The scenes in between are all angsty on the part of Weir, with her on the balcony looking up at the stars and sighing and wondering if Shep is still out there. She still has hope though, she says to Caldwell, "Stay as long as possible".

              In the last scene they're all together again and they're having a chat about how they're going to defend Atlantis. Rodney is losing hope, and Weir is trying to stay realistic. Then she looks at Shep and they have at least a solid second of eye-contact (aka EYESEX!).

              Then it fades out to black. (A friend of mine has assured me several times that when a scene fades out to black with two people in one room, they have sex. I think I like that theory. )
              Last edited by Buggy542; 23 January 2006, 07:13 PM. Reason: ack, my grammar bad.
              Fugly Space Babes: Spork one for Weir!
              Hussy of Babylon ~ Member of UHM


                Originally posted by Luz
                I'm wondering about this myself, what has happened to our dear spoiler bearers? huh?. Bad eppy?, did Sheppard and Teyla kiss and every fellow sparky who's seen the eppy died a painful dead?, LOL.
                LOL!!! Sorry, I neglected to post right after the ep had ended. Erised posted my play-by-play from MSN, I think...

                I went off and watched the elections.

                ETA: There must be *someone* else around here who lives in Canada! Or am I the only one?
                Fugly Space Babes: Spork one for Weir!
                Hussy of Babylon ~ Member of UHM


                  Originally posted by Erised
                  I thought I posted Buggy's comentary *goes to check it again*
                  Found it, thanx :huggles Buggy:, so no Sheyla kiss?, phew, lol. And we are *so* long overdue on some good Sheppard angst :eyes guests:.


                    Originally posted by Buggy542
                    ETA: There must be *someone* else around here who lives in Canada! Or am I the only one?
                    I live in Canada, but don't get TMN. It is sad I know, but I'll have the episode tomorrow to watch. Late is better than never. I'll be sure to post after I've watched it. The anticipation is killing me.


                      Originally posted by Luz
                      Sheyla is a cliche, Sparky too, and Spanky. You're right, if you think about it, almost (if not all of them) every pairing you find not just on SGA, but on every fandom can be considered a cliche. It's really though for tptb to find something that hasn't been done before.
                      I've lost track of the times i discussed this same issue with the HP shippers, Herons saying H/Hr was cliche, so it had to be R/Hr, but the pumpkin piers also used this same argument on their favor, for them R/Hr was the cliche, LOL. And the Harry/Luna shippers claiming R/Hr, and H/Hr were both the cliches so the most original way would be H/L, :headdesk: If you think hard almost absolutely every possible ship can be considered a cliche, so this "they can't go with So/So because it would be a cliche" is kind of useless.
                      Shep/Teyla is a cliche, yes, but Shep/Weir is too.
                      Oh, yes the HP shippers. I don't suppose you're aware of Emerson and Mugglenet and the delusional H/Hr shippers? Oh, well, this isn't a HP shipping thread so I'll move on.

                      Yes, it is true that most everything is cliche now. But, I don't see what's wrong with that. Sure, if everything were cliche and predictable, it wouldn't make for a very good show, but a little doesn't hurt. Especially if you have to go way out of your way to find something new. I'm not a big supporter of cliches, but I think this fear of cliches is a little misplaced.

                      I'd have to say though, if I picked on ship that was more cliche it would be Sheyla. So maybe it's not being cliche that matters, but how much. I wish I new the link to a fanfic I read once that I think demonstrated this pretty well. It was the rest of the main cast watching Shep and Weir dancing (I think... could have been just talking, not sure) and they were basically saying something like if it had been Shep and Teyla, it would have been really cliche, but since it's Shep and Weir, it's only a little cliche.

                      I think I may have set a record for how many times you can use the word cliche in a post.

                      Time to go to bed. This week I'm going to my friend's house, so I'll get to watch on friday with the only friend I have that's truly as obsessed as me. YAY!! And thurday's her birthday, too.

                      So, tomorrow!
                      Last edited by La'rosh; 23 January 2006, 07:13 PM.
                      Stargate Addicts - a podcast for the obsessive Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis fan
                      My new podcast with Merala Anewan, come check it out. It'll make us happy.

                      Today is the tomorrow we worried about yesterday.

                      Lovely sig by Blue Banrigh, thanks again. As for Atlantis X-Treme, that came from my own loopy mind.


                        Okay, there's like seventeen things I want to comment on right now, and I don't know where to begin.

                        The Teyla talk. Now, I'm sure most of you know that I'm a pretty big Teyla fan. If you aren't familiar with that, I am. A big one. Always have been, from "Rising" (despite the Gawd-aweful Cave scene that made me feel like something was being forced down my throat). Like I've previously said, I wasn't a S/W shipper until a couple of episodes later, but that cave scene did nothing to sway me towards S/T (even though that was my original intention - not because I saw any chemistry or liked what they were doing, it was more that I wanted to enjoy the show, and if S/T was the way they were going to go [and it was obvious to me that they were], then I might as well jump on board and enjoy the ride.) Obviously, this attempt on my part felt like pulling teeth, and I quickly realized I couldn't even fake enthusiasm for this obviously pre-conceived ship.

                        Yet, I still liked Teyla. But I'm not quite sure where the argument is coming from where she was so complex, that the writers couldn't handle it. I actually think the opposite is true. Her character didn't have enough to do, and became rather one dimensional - a fault more of the rather unimaginative writers than the character, I think. Her development got off to a good start in "Rising," with a solid foundation that had potential. My only complaint was that they tried to ship her with the dashing hero in the very first episode - a disservice to the characters and the audience’s intelligence at large. Like everyone here, I didn’t like being told with the subtlety of a sledge-hammer that this was the pairing to ship for. It irked me (but I note that I still was willing to give S/T a shot - it was only latter, after several episodes, that my “disinterest” in the ship hardened into “dislike.”)

                        But, despite that one cave scene that had me rolling my eyes, I was still rather impressed with the potential this character had. She was a strong, independent women that showed compassion and intelligence . . . and could kick ass to boot (and I’m not ashamed at all to say that this had it’s appeal). Although, when originally watching the Pilot episode, I did find the similarities between her character and Teal’c a little too blatant for my liking. But I let Sheppard pass (who at the time seemed a far bigger rip-off of Jack), so surely I could be lenient with her too. I wasn’t coming into a spin-off show and expecting originality - which was, on a side note, why I was pleasantly surprised by Weir. She was the most original and un-cliched character I had seen on SGA, perhaps with the exception of McKay (maybe). A liberal idealist woman, in charge. She couldn’t fight (which defied the norms for science fiction leading ladies, Teyla included), and was above all characterized by her maturity and intelligence . . . What a woman!

                        Anyway, I got side-tracked there - I was trying to talk about Teyla, not Weir. Back on topic.

                        So, I further got to see her development, when she struggled with loyalty in “Suspicion,” and that’s where, ladies and gentlemen, the writers started hitting their heads against the wall when writing her character. Her development stopped dead at this point, and was only picked up loosely in “The Gift.” In between “Suspicion” and “The Gift,” she was delegated to the position of alien chick with super-fighting-powez! As a Teyla fan, I freely admit it. Her character became rather extraneous, especially during brief scenes at the beginning, where she was solely there for eye-candy and/or contrived ship. As a Teyla fan, I was *pissed* at what the PTB were doing (or failing to do) with her character. I’m sure, as Weir fans and Sheppard fans here, we can all relate to that to some degree or another. We’ve all been displeased with the ptb’s vision for a character or a story-arc. Sheppard’s lack of back-story and recent forays into Kirk-dom, comes to mind. Basically, I couldn’t believe that they were screwing with a character that had so much potential. She just stagnated, completely, for more than like ten episodes!!

                        Again, the PTB’s fault, more than Teyla’s. The fact that their writing for Teyla has improved this season, and suddenly more people are liking her, is a clear indication of that. This season, the PTB really got the act together. They finally realized Teyla’s potential to a better extent (still quite not fully there, though), and a big chuck of that is because of Ronon. Even S/T people admit it! Ronon allowed her the chance to flourish, and I’ve seen the most staunchest of S/T fans say they don’t mind if Teyla’s scenes with Ronon continue. We all know, over in the Teyla appreciation thread, that when Ronon entered, the number of people that started liking Teyla skyrocketed, and it was no coincidence. (Yet, I think it would be a disservice to say her appeal this season solely depended on Ronon, because her standout performances in “Critical Mass” and “Michael” had nothing to do with Ronon at all.)

                        Wanna sig? Ask me. I'll probably make you one.
                        I would also like it noted that in The Long Goodbye,
                        Weir asked John to be her husband, and he said yes!! HA!!! LOL!


                          Originally posted by GateByte
                          I live in Canada, but don't get TMN. It is sad I know, but I'll have the episode tomorrow to watch. Late is better than never. I'll be sure to post after I've watched it. The anticipation is killing me.
                          Ah. That sucks. But yeah, later is definitely better than never! And it's great to see another Canadian!

                          Anyway, this was a bit off-topic... so here:

                          And I'm off to bed. I have to get in a pool in approximately 5 hours...
                          Fugly Space Babes: Spork one for Weir!
                          Hussy of Babylon ~ Member of UHM


                            Originally posted by La'rosh
                            Oh, yes the HP shippers. I don't suppose you're aware of Emerson and Mugglenet and the delusional H/Hr shippers? Oh, well, this isn't a HP shipping thread so I'll move on.
                            OMG don't go there, LOL, two of my closest friends stopped talking to eachother because of *that* interview. At that moment i was *so* glad i wasn't a shipper on HP, and could just watch safely from the outskirts of HP-land.

                            I'd have to say though, if I picked on ship that was more cliche it would be Sheyla. So maybe it's not being cliche that matters, but how much. I wish I new the link to a fanfic I read once that I think demonstrated this pretty well. It was the rest of the main cast watching Shep and Weir dancing (I think... could have been just talking, not sure) and they were basically saying something like if it had been Shep and Teyla, it would have been really cliche, but since it's Shep and Weir, it's only a little cliche.

                            I think I may have set a record for how many times you can use the word cliche in a post.
                            Definitely a record, LOL, Shep/Weir is a cliche, but he's hot, and she is hot, and more importantly they're impossibly hot together, so who cares? .


                              hello im still fairly new around these parts whats up

                              so what about the kiss of john and elizabeth!!!!!!!!! cant wait sooooo cant wait!!
                              well folks i cant wait for the upcomming eps

                              I'm a doctor.. a medical doctor. I break things like this.. "beckett season one episode one of atlantis"


                                What happened in "Inferno" for the Spark ship.... *crosses fingers*
                                ..::!SAVE DR. ELIZABETH WEIR!::..

