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Minority Report (FOX) General Discussion/Appreciation (SPOILERS)

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    Minority Report (FOX) General Discussion/Appreciation (SPOILERS)

    10 years after the end of Precrime in Washington DC one of the three PreCogs attempts to lead on a normal life while still suffering from visions of the future. Will they be able to hold it together or mentally breakdown and give up? (From IMDB)

    I am enjoying the show, but I've heard it is not doing well in the ratings.

    I suspect it will be a one season wonder.


      Originally posted by bearfax View Post
      I suspect it will be a one season wonder.
      From what I was reading Fox reduced their order to 10 episodes. They didn't cancel it right out...but that is pretty much a death sentence. Too bad.


        Its not Almost Human but I don't mind it, and would like to see more than just 1 season
        Last Movie Watched
        X-men - First Class

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        Life is Strange


          Originally posted by mr_kennedy View Post
          Its not Almost Human but I don't mind it, and would like to see more than just 1 season
          Mr. Kennedy...I agree. I loved Almost Human. It seems Fox is making another snap decision. I hope it doesn't totally go away.


            Originally posted by LtColCarter View Post
            From what I was reading Fox reduced their order to 10 episodes. They didn't cancel it right out...but that is pretty much a death sentence. Too bad.
            Pretty much. If a fall show isn't getting the 9 episode back order than its cancelled 9 times out of 10.
            Originally posted by aretood2
            Jelgate is right


              I know it's most likely going to get canceled, but I'm enjoying this show so far. It's pretty fun to watch. It kind of reminds me of Almost Human, but I liked that show a whole lot more. I think I'd like this show more, if it wasn't a case of the week type show, since, for the most part, I'm finding the stuff going on in the background with Agatha and Arthur more interesting than the weekly cases with Vega and Dash (which is the majority of the show).


                Originally posted by VampyreWraith View Post
                I know it's most likely going to get canceled, but I'm enjoying this show so far. It's pretty fun to watch. It kind of reminds me of Almost Human, but I liked that show a whole lot more. I think I'd like this show more, if it wasn't a case of the week type show, since, for the most part, I'm finding the stuff going on in the background with Agatha and Arthur more interesting than the weekly cases with Vega and Dash (which is the majority of the show).
                I know what you mean about "case of the week" type of shows. However, some good shows started out that way, Supernatural, for example. They started out with the "big baddie of the week" formula, but moved away from that.


                  Well, I'm enjoying this show still. Now that Dash is out and about and helping with the cases in the open it is pretty cool. Even his brother isn't as much of a male body part as I though he was in the first couple episodes.


                    Originally posted by LtColCarter View Post
                    I know what you mean about "case of the week" type of shows. However, some good shows started out that way, Supernatural, for example. They started out with the "big baddie of the week" formula, but moved away from that.
                    Unfortunately, I don't think this show will get the chance to move away from the case of the week formula. I don't have much of a problem with case of the week shows in general, but the leads have to have good chemistry. I really don't think that Dash and Vega have good enough chemistry to carry the show (IMO). I think this show would have worked better if it had started out as more of an ensemble with a serialized format. I like the show well enough to keep watching though, and I'm looking forward to seeing how things develop.


                      Dash has a vision that Vega is going to be the next victim. So, they go to talk to someone who Vega thinks played a role in her father's death. I was surprised to find out who the real murderer was.


                        I enjoyed the most recent episode. It was nice to see all of the pre-cogs working together again.


                          Well, I actually earned some appreciation for Arthur in the most recent episode. It was also nice to see a little of what the precogs went through after pre-crime was dismantled.


                            The appreciation I earned for Arthur in the previous episode was knocked down in this episode. It was quite enjoyable and the show is starting to not feel like a "drama of the week" type of show. Sad that it is ending.


                              Well, we've had our last episode...but it was called a season finale...not a series finale. According to this article...Fox hasn't decided if the show will be renewed or cancelled...yet.

                              'Minority Report' Season 1 Cancelled By FOX? Fans Believe It Should Be Renewed

