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    Just started here in Australia. Looks good with memories of THE BIRDS. Animals start acting atypically, many attacking people, that were tame Zoo animals. The implication is that the animals have 'had enough' and are rebelling against human dominance and activity.

    First episode was quite chilling with up to half a dozen lions in Africa suddenly attacking a tourist site and then tourist van, while two lions raised from birth in a zoo and quite tame suddenly attack their trainers and escape killing people in alleyways in a major US city. Then all the cats start disappearing.

    Great to get away from zombies, ghouls, spectres, vampires, werewolves, superheroes and bad acting and into a story about normal people in abnormal situations. I think it is with CBS and started in the Sates on 30 June. Worth a look. I enjoyed the first episode and look forward to the next.

    I missed this- had to work. I hope to catch the first episode on demand before Episode 2 airs this Tues. here in the U.S.


      I just finished watching the second episode; I like this series so far.


        yes I like it too, caught up on the first and watched the 2nd last night.
        As bearfax said nice to have something different.
        Will see where it goes.


          ZOO is developing into a fine adult SciFi. Its only got one premise, the change in the behaviour of animals, and its developing this theme sensibly allowing the suspense and questions to form. No super heroes, no supernatural themes, just good old ordinary people in extraordinary situations, a style best seen in the works of Wells, Wyndham, Stewart, Christopher etc. Handled sensibly and broadly, I think its got a season or two of good story telling ahead of it if the produces continue in the present manner.


            Its developing quite well. Latest episode with the wolf prison break in was clever. Bit troubled by this secret organisation that has gathered the experts who have seen the animals misbehaviour, and somehow knew where to pick them up each time. I always wonder about these 'organisations' and what their agendas are and who is financing. Hope there's a good explanation because the series has me hooked at the moment.


              Does anybody know if this will be broadcast in Germany???
              CARPE DIEM

