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Back in the day seasons lasted 26 episodes...

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    BBT is a highly rated show, I bet they get some premium money for advertising and squeeze in as many commercials as they can.


      Originally posted by unknown_k View Post
      BBT is a highly rated show, I bet they get some premium money for advertising and squeeze in as many commercials as they can.
      Makes me wish they would add the extended episodes onto the discs...


        Originally posted by SaberBlade View Post
        Any idea how long the DVD run times are? I'm curious whether this is an attempt by the network to just squeeze in more adverts or if it's actually filmed like that.
        Don't know. I don't own the DVDs. Since I watch Community live instead of BBT, I download the torrent for BBT and watch it on my computer.
        With all the commercials removed, for the last 2 seasons they've been about 19-21 minutes.

        Originally posted by Gen. Chris View Post
        Makes me wish they would add the extended episodes onto the discs...
        I'm sure there aren't extended. As someone said, it's a popular show so they would GLADLY exchange episode time for ad-money time. Like with Mad Men and AMC - the network wanted the writers to cut the show down by like 6 minutes for this upcoming season so they could have more ads. The show writers fought hard, and the network caved a bit, thankfully.
        CBS won't cave like that.


          Originally posted by Morbo View Post
          Don't know. I don't own the DVDs. Since I watch Community live instead of BBT, I download the torrent for BBT and watch it on my computer.
          With all the commercials removed, for the last 2 seasons they've been about 19-21 minutes.

          I'm sure there aren't extended. As someone said, it's a popular show so they would GLADLY exchange episode time for ad-money time. Like with Mad Men and AMC - the network wanted the writers to cut the show down by like 6 minutes for this upcoming season so they could have more ads. The show writers fought hard, and the network caved a bit, thankfully.
          CBS won't cave like that.
          What I meant is, most shows always have some scenes they need to cut...Even a show like Big Bang should have even a minute of footage cut in each episode. They should add that back in to every episode.


            Originally posted by Morbo View Post
            But, I could get behind a 13 or 16 episode season if they aired consistently, and since we had shorter seasons, they ran consecutively, with no repeats, and the schedule was balanced by other 13 episode series. So networks would have a fall series, spring series, and maybe even summer series.
            This doesn't really work if you're only watching one show. Of all the current TV shows today, the only one I have any interest in is Sanctuary. 13 episodes goes by too fast, and the wait is so long that I've forgotten about the show by the time the next season starts up.


              Originally posted by Snowman37 View Post
              This doesn't really work if you're only watching one show. Of all the current TV shows today, the only one I have any interest in is Sanctuary. 13 episodes goes by too fast, and the wait is so long that I've forgotten about the show by the time the next season starts up.
              Ok, but the thing is again, most people aren't doing that. Most people watch more than one show. I'm not saying you have to like any other shows yourself mind you, what I am saying however is that companies will do what profits them. And what profits them is rather than doing expensive 24 + episode long seasons, instead they do shorter seasons, while they are happy in the knowledge that most of their fan base will go off, watch some other shows for the rest of the year, then come back to watch the next season of their show.


                I guess this all stems from over-saturation.


                  Speaking of shortened episodes, I'm watching Justified season 2 right now, and episode 6 clocks in at 38:45...That's terrible.


                    Originally posted by Gen. Chris View Post
                    Speaking of shortened episodes, I'm watching Justified season 2 right now, and episode 6 clocks in at 38:45...That's terrible.
                    Not really the best example, since most episodes of Justified have a running time of over 40 minutes. They also have quite a lot of leeway, some episodes have about 40 minutes runtime, some 43 or 44 minutes and the first ep of season 2 has a run time of 47 minutes. Also you're watching it online, which cuts out a minute or so of credits. With credits every episode is over 40 minutes long, which is about the norm for shows on channels with commercials.

                    The average episode runtime for Justified and other FX shows is about 43 or 44 minutes, which is actually better by a couple of minutes than most shows with commercials. Stargate never normally had episodes longer than 42 minutes, and that was with a couple of minute of credits included.


                      Originally posted by Snowman37 View Post
                      This doesn't really work if you're only watching one show. Of all the current TV shows today, the only one I have any interest in is Sanctuary. 13 episodes goes by too fast, and the wait is so long that I've forgotten about the show by the time the next season starts up.
                      well it's obvious you need better taste, then, and to subsequently expand your watchable catalogue.


                        I like light-hearted TV shows. There's really nothing on TV anymore that's light hearted except for Sanctuary and a few cop shows such as Bones and Castle, but neither really draws me in. Procedural cop shows are OK for a few episodes, but I'd get bored quickly.

                        Why do I need to expand my watchable catalogue? I watch an 1-3 hours of TV a day (Netflix or DVD's). That's plenty enough!


                          Originally posted by Snowman37 View Post
                          I like light-hearted TV shows. There's really nothing on TV anymore that's light hearted except for Sanctuary and a few cop shows such as Bones and Castle, but neither really draws me in. Procedural cop shows are OK for a few episodes, but I'd get bored quickly.

                          Why do I need to expand my watchable catalogue? I watch an 1-3 hours of TV a day (Netflix or DVD's). That's plenty enough!
                          Did you try warehouse 13 or eureka? I think those shows you would like..... Your missing on a whole lot of shows though...!


                            Originally posted by Sp!der View Post
                            Did you try warehouse 13 or eureka? I think those shows you would like.....
                            I've seen an episode or two of both. I didn't like either show. Both ignore realistic science in favor of total fantasy with science-fiction window dressing. I like realistic science-fiction. For Sanctuary, the lack of realism isn't an issue. The Abnormals instantly make the show a fantasy, so I just let my imagination fly for this particular show.

                            Originally posted by Sp!der View Post
                            Your missing on a whole lot of shows though...!
                            Netflix. The older, episodic, lighthearted shows appeal to me more. However, I'm digging Surface. NBC made a stupid move in cancelling such an awesome show.


                              The problem with NETFLIX is you can do 3 x 1 hour shows in about 2 hours (no commercials) so you fly through everything they have online in a couple years (old shows). What do you do after you seen everything once?

                              I was shocked how fast I seen all of SG1 (200+ episodes in a matter of months).

                              Once you have seen the old stuff and nothing new is that interesting then what?


                                I have 29 shows in my queue. Some are miniseries, others are so I can watch the missing seasons of shows I have partially collected on DVD. As for blowing through three episodes, yikes, no! I like to watch two at a time, but that's more than enough for the day. I'll only watch more if I'm trying to resolve a small story arc, like a trilogy for example.

                                Right now, I'm watching Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (Season 3), Star Trek: Voyager (Season 3), Stargate SG-1 (Season 4), and Stargate: Atlantis (Season 3) on DVD and Surface via Netflix with my mom. I've seen all of these shows before on TV except for Surface. I've also 34 episodes of Sanctuary to catch up on.

                                I think six shows is enough for now, don't you?

