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Star Wars vs. Star Trek

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    Originally posted by SoulRe@ver View Post
    but that's the thing I don't recall any such instances (save one where it fired at that giant alien probe & destroyed it, Barkley had enhanced the shields to withstand the blast)
    Well that wasn't necessarily a planet killer or a solar system killer either. Although I cannot recall a instant where they demonstrated planetary destruction on the scale of a ISD. at least in most instances. A few instances have shown it, but it is not really standard.

    Originally posted by SoulRe@ver View Post
    u mean the death star ? cause an ISD never inflicted anywhere near planet destruction. merely planet surface destruction
    Which wipes out most life on a planet surface. A Federation ship has never demonstrated that capability to wipe out all life in that sort of scale. They do have megaton weaponry, which could be devastating, but they can't kill everyone on a planet surface in a timely manner.

    Species 8472 is a fairly decent example, but individual ships can't do it. They have to link up to do their planet killer.

    Originally posted by SoulRe@ver View Post
    ok but the ones in the movie were both small & slow...didn't read the novels though
    even the ones in the movie were varient in size, and the small rocks were moving fast. It was dangerous for the Falcon and the TIE fighters, because they were flying all over the place. It was hardly a static asteriod field.

    Originally posted by SoulRe@ver View Post
    but on the other hand they've also teleported through shields, be it their own or even borg shields (though the last one if utter PIS typical of the Voyager series, IMO)
    But that was based on a shield frequency exploit, which Star Destroyers do not have. Their shield is incoherent energy.

    Originally posted by SoulRe@ver View Post
    rofl the imperials' best chance of survival is the borg won't even consider their tech worth assimilating (either that, or outrunning them - then again the faster travel thing is like in SG, the difference in speed is a question of scale. basically everyone in one universe seems to move a lot faster than everyone in the other universe => difference in laws of physics. a common problem when doing cross-series versus threads)
    Well we know that Star Wars FTL is faster, and they can course correct just like Warp drive. (despite a recent trekkie claim the Empire was incapable of course changes in mid hyperspace jump). However, even if the Empire can run, it is likely their big weapons would decimate a borg ship.

    Originally posted by SoulRe@ver View Post
    the borg will do what they always do, they will adapt & soon the empire's shields & weapons will be useless. remember it took an ancient alien species from another completely exotic universe to really challenge the borg
    The borg do not always adapt. They could not adapt to Species 8472, they also could not adapt to physical attacks like bladed weapons. The Borg have a good adaptation skill, but it is not a handwave to say they will defeat the Empire.

    Originally posted by SoulRe@ver View Post
    no it just means there's a lot less technobabble in the SW universe :| and just 'cause the shield tech is different doesn't mean it's superior, it could be inferior for all we know. we never hear of shield frequencies in the Enterprise series either, and yet this series takes place 2 centuries prior to TnG...
    Although this can be taken to understand that the enterprise, not having shields of their own, did not understand shields or their technology. Instead they had polarized hull plating.

    Originally posted by SoulRe@ver View Post
    also the borg's adaptation ability is more than just a frequency thing (cf. Dark Frontier )
    Well, they can adapt if they have a good knowledge of the technological base, but that does not mean they have a inherent ability to immediately understand technology. It will take them a while to adapt, and even adapted, cannot withstand raw firepower. They are not immune when adapted, it just takes massed firepower.

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