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What sci-fi episode did you watch today?

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    Originally posted by DigiFluid View Post
    WHOA there fella, them's fightin' words.
    As long as he doesn't say that that last hour is the best series ending ever. Then, he would really be asking for it.


    I've watched:

    Star Trek
    "Assignment: Earth"
    "Spectre of the Gun"
    "Elaan of Troyius"
    "Dragons can't change who they are, but who would want them to? Dragons are powerful, amazing creatures."--Hiccup; Dragons: Riders of Berk

    My Books:
    Draconia: Forging Trust, Draconia: Fractured Dream, Draconia: Rehatching


      Originally posted by Cold Fuzz View Post
      Though I do like ENT, the Xindi story and the mini arcs in season 4 still doesn't trump the Dominion War for me.
      Dominion War is DS9 right? never watched it, so I cannot say if its better or not than ENT, but for a show on its own, if it were only a sci-fi show, its a really good one... "best of all treks" is not really fair of me because I have not watched DS9, VOY and TOS, sorry, but on its own yeah its awesome! And I am really curious for the it a final final or an open left final?

      Today I watched:

      The Aenar


        Originally posted by DigiFluid View Post
        WHOA there fella, them's fightin' words.
        I am not familiar with that expression, what does it mean?


          SGA: Inquisition


            Originally posted by Sp!der View Post
            I am not familiar with that expression, what does it mean?
            In terms of fandom and generalization,. ENT is considered the worst of the Treks.
            Originally posted by aretood2
            Jelgate is right


              Originally posted by jelgate View Post
              In terms of fandom and generalization,. ENT is considered the worst of the Treks.
              oh, I read of that, because of that canon thing or were there different reasons? maybe thats why I enjoyed it so much because I am not that familiar of the other trek shows that existed before.


                Originally posted by Sp!der View Post
                oh, I read of that, because of that canon thing or were there different reasons? maybe thats why I enjoyed it so much because I am not that familiar of the other trek shows that existed before.
                Well, there was absolutely the canon thing. But then the first two seasons of the show were just really, really boring. There were a few gems here and there, but by and large they were two very forgettable years.

                Season 3 was certainly a dramatic improvement, despite being based on some profoundly stupid plot points to launch the arc. For my $0.02 at least, Season 3 is the level of quality that you'd expect from a show's first year: dodgy, but positively bursting with potential. Unfortunately by that point, (as I might've posted once already in this thread) the show was already past the point of hemorraging viewers and on to life support.

                The fact that the show even got renewed for a fourth season was nothing short of astonishing, considering both the negative buzz the show had gotten to that point and the incredibly small viewing audience left. And honestly it's a bit of a shame. For all the mistakes and mis-steps that were made over the show's first three years, Season 4 was the kind of show that everyone had hoped for when the word "prequel" first appeared in Trek fandom. Season 4 is good friggin' Trek, and I think that owes in no small part to the fact that Berman and Braga stepped back to allow Manny Coto to run the show. Coto wrote some great stuff, had some great ideas, and just generally did a fantastic job running the show.

                Under his stewardship, they even had a whole set of pretty fantastic ideas brewing for the fifth season (check them out here) which I would've loved to have seen. I would love to have seen a few more seasons of the show at Season 4 levels of quality, but by the time Coto took over, Berman and Braga had already choked the life out of the show.
                "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


                  Thanks digifluid . Yes I agree expect for some parts season one and two were boring but I think the characters were likable enough to get through this seasons. I think archer is a damn fine captain. The only thing that bugged me since season 3 was the huge character change o archer in season one and two he was a sweet and nice guy but after the incident he became almost a different person ( which I prefered because it made things much more interesting) but I wished that they would have went deeper with the character development of archer it was always schrached on the surface. Sorry for the off topic stuff but I had to let that off my mind.


                    Doctor Who 3 " The Lazarus experiment"


                      Enterprise - Strange New World.

                      SGU - Deliverance.

                      Suffer the dream of a world gone mad, I like it like that and I know it.
                      - R.E.M.


                        Firefly, Serenity parts I-II

                        SGU, Deliverance


                          Chuck 4x15 - Chuck Versus the Cat Squad

                          True Blood 2x08 - TimeBomb
                          True Blood 2x09 - I Will Rise Up
                          "Captain, you almost make me believe in luck."


                            Season 3,
                            - ...Different Destinations
                            - Eat Me
                            - Thanks For Sharing



                              Twice Shy
                              Save a Man-of-War, ride a Commodore.


                                just finished Farscape season 4 and i'll watch the peacekeeper wars , yeah i and than i'll start on the comic book after the peacekeeper wars
                                May the odds be ever in your Favor ! oh and please say hello to me on Skype and Facebook

