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Mass Effect universe discussion thread

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    The ME 3 trailer looks sweet as well. I wonder how much time in London there will be. I am assuming at least some to recruit the sniper.


      Originally posted by hart37 View Post
      The ME 3 trailer looks sweet as well. I wonder how much time in London there will be. I am assuming at least some to recruit the sniper.
      I really hope they don't blow up the Big Ben. That poor clock tower's been destroyed enough times in disaster movies.


        Originally posted by Crazy Tom View Post
        I really hope they don't blow up the Big Ben. That poor clock tower's been destroyed enough times in disaster movies.
        I wouldn't mind seeing buchanan palace destroyed, take that royalty


          Originally posted by Crazy Tom View Post
          I really hope they don't blow up the Big Ben. That poor clock tower's been destroyed enough times in disaster movies.
          Oh, I dunno...what's a few more times?
          And better if it's done to the music of Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture.

          That and I'm sure they can always rebuild it...heck, it'd probably be cool to see London flattened w/ only St. Paul's standing (kinda like that old WW2 image), and then show them rebuilding during an epilogue.

          As for recruiting the sniper: I hope that's the case. More NPCs would be nice. Maybe collecting survivors, or something like that, from various continents on Earth? British sniper? German machinegunner? Asian communication expert? Australian tank commander? Etc...


            Originally posted by hart37 View Post
            I finished it for the first time a couple of days ago. The last boss was a bit of a let down but the rest of it was pretty good. Personally I like ME 1 better, it just felt bigger.
            I've said it before in this thread, I think it's the difference between a jug of juice and a package of juice concentrate. ME1 was big and sprawled. ME2 was essentially the same volume of awesome, just held in a smaller container.
            "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


              Originally posted by DigiFluid View Post
              I've said it before in this thread, I think it's the difference between a jug of juice and a package of juice concentrate. ME1 was big and sprawled. ME2 was essentially the same volume of awesome, just held in a smaller container.
              And each certainly has its merits. The first game just had this sense of wonder to it that the second lacked, but the second had so much more of an epic feel to it, like you were really getting into the realities of the galaxy and not just the sheen the higher-ups wanted you to see.
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                Originally posted by s09119 View Post
                And each certainly has its merits. The first game just had this sense of wonder to it that the second lacked, but the second had so much more of an epic feel to it, like you were really getting into the realities of the galaxy and not just the sheen the higher-ups wanted you to see.
                Agreed all around.

                Sidenote, I hear that the PS3 release of ME2 (coming out next month) will be using an early version of the ME3 engine rather than the ME2 engine the rest of us played it with. Apparently it'll also include all DLC to date.
                "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


                  Originally posted by s09119 View Post
                  And each certainly has its merits. The first game just had this sense of wonder to it that the second lacked, but the second had so much more of an epic feel to it, like you were really getting into the realities of the galaxy and not just the sheen the higher-ups wanted you to see.
                  I think that's because we knew what to expect. The first game was new and broke so many barriers, while the second, while still brilliant in so many ways, apart from the surround sound issues, most of it carried over from the first game. There were certain things in the first game that were done better than the second and vice versa. I missed the armour and toggle for the helmet, wish the helmets were like the jaffa that retracted into the neck. I liked the squad controls of ME2 better than the first though, the interaction to the crew, engineers, cook,etc was cool and the resource gathering and upgrades I liked as well.



                    Love how Wii is the Renegade, PC is the Paragon. And the third panel is so ME1.


                      Some spiffy good new on the new Mass Effect comic, Mass Effect: Evolution. Apprently it will be avaible to download in digital for, for payment of course, from the Dark Horse comics website. Which is handy for me cause getting hold of the previous comic book was diffilcut, no comic book store round here and Amazon UK didt stock it for months.


                        I never got the first comic as individual issues. Missed out on the collected hardcover, too. The TPB's ok, tho'.
                        As for ME:Evolution, I've placed a 'subscription' for 'em at the local comic store. Hopefully they arrive in time (along w/ the Farscape comics... ).

                        I decided to start a new ME2 playthrough, this time w/ Renegade Vanguard ManShep (haven't really done Renegade, yet...not sure if I'll bother w/ an ME1 Renegade playthrough for one, tho'. Haven't really played w/ a biotic-heavy character, either. ).
                        Does Meer sound better as a Renegade? Or was that supposed to be FemShep who sounds better as Renegade? (I forgot where I read something to the effect of one of the voice actors sounding better as Renegade, and the other sounding better as a Paragon)


                          That new comic is out today, I think I'll get it tomorrow. Also someone has put the PS3 comic on youtube. Come and see the train wreck that is someone trying to summaries a 30+ hour videogame full of choices in 15 minutes. I'm glad that they can expand the Mass Effect series to the PS3, making the verse more popular than ever, and getting Bioware more money for project when they net another 2 million sold, however I'm glad I play on pc, because this more than ever confirms that we have the superior experience.


                            Originally posted by The Mighty 6 platoon View Post
                            That new comic is out today, I think I'll get it tomorrow. Also someone has put the PS3 comic on youtube. Come and see the train wreck that is someone trying to summaries a 30+ hour videogame full of choices in 15 minutes. I'm glad that they can expand the Mass Effect series to the PS3, making the verse more popular than ever, and getting Bioware more money for project when they net another 2 million sold, however I'm glad I play on pc, because this more than ever confirms that we have the superior experience.

                            Wow I'm only a quarter of the way through the first video upon posting this and man, this is painful.


                              All I have to say is get that up console gamers.
                              So glad I played ME on PC


                                Originally posted by hart37 View Post
                                All I have to say is get that up console gamers.
                                So glad I played ME on PC
                                I think my new sig says it all.

