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Mass Effect universe discussion thread

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    I have two Sheppard's but even with the more renegade one I can't seem to bring myself to pick the renegade options all the time, especially when it comes to ragging on my own teammates just for the sake of being an *******. A lot of the renegade ones seem to boil down to that unfortunately, acting like an ******* just because and not for any particularly advantageous reason.

    I was splitting my sides with laughter when my semi evil femshep made that Batarian bartender drink his own poison though.


      I've never had enough reneagde points for that bit. i always get the turian to plug the bugger. What happens to the Batarian?!?!
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        Exactly what you'd expect.
        he gags up some green stuff and falls over dead behind the bar


          Ah. I was wondering if there was anything else to it that made it entertainng. Owell.
          Last edited by Stewart5; 27 April 2010, 03:03 AM.
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            Originally posted by Dhar Slaa View Post
            The man has a point though, i found that if you didn't go all good or evil half the content remained locked there was no middle ground this annoyed me a little bit unlike compaired to previouse games like KoToR where there was more of a personal thing as opposed to oh which one gives me the most points to make me able to unlock this bit of dialoge :/
            True, but in the first game it was a little harder to have an even middle ground, you know, what with the fate of the glaxy in the balance! But I see where you are coming from Dhar
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              Apparently DARPA is working on developing its own Thanix cannons.
              All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing-Edmund Burke

              The question which once haunted my being has been answered. The future is not fixed, and my choices are my own... and yet, how ironic! For I now find, I have no choice at all! I am warrior... let the battle be joined.-Dinobot-Code of Hero

              Don't blame me, I voted Cthulhu


                Originally posted by jds1982 View Post
                Apparently DARPA is working on developing its own Thanix cannons.
                That would be sooo cool!!!! Add that to the Railguns that are currently under development, and we rock!!!
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                  Originally posted by Garrowan5th View Post
                  Ah. I was wondering if there was anything else to it that made it entertainng. Owell.
                  Oh don't worry, it's plenty entertaining. The way it all plays out is hilarious.


                    Too true.


                      I saw it. Got my renegade points up especially. hahahahahaha
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                        So I heard about the Equalizer DLC... And I think Ill have to nominate it for the most shameless ripoffish DLC yet.
                        Big RPG revival, going through well-known RPGs one by one.
                        Done: Fallout 1/2/3, Icewind Dale 1/2, Baldur's Gate 1/2, Neverwinter Nights 1, ME1/2, DA:O, The Witcher
                        To Do: Neverwinter Nights 2 (+MotB, SoZ), KotOR 1/2 (If I get it to work.)
                        Favs: F2 (for its humour) PS:T (for being the best story reliant RPG)

                        Oblivion isn't going to be done ever, I just can't force myself to play it.


                          I bought it, but I haven't played ME2 in weeks now lol
                          "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


                            Originally posted by Xarn View Post
                            So I heard about the Equalizer DLC... And I think Ill have to nominate it for the most shameless ripoffish DLC yet.
                            That's the one where they want me to pay for new headgear right? Yeah, no. I've kind of taken a break from ME for the time being as well and that's not the sort of thing likely to bring me rushing back to it.

                            The Overlord DLC looks more interesting, though I suppose that like all those proceeding it, will be completely devoid of any new voiced dialog for Sheppard or the other main characters, or any further actual plot development.


                              Originally posted by Ouroboros View Post
                              That's the one where they want me to pay for new headgear right?
                              Yup, that's the one. Bonus points for some of the new stuff being in collector's edition. (No, you don't get discount.)
                              Big RPG revival, going through well-known RPGs one by one.
                              Done: Fallout 1/2/3, Icewind Dale 1/2, Baldur's Gate 1/2, Neverwinter Nights 1, ME1/2, DA:O, The Witcher
                              To Do: Neverwinter Nights 2 (+MotB, SoZ), KotOR 1/2 (If I get it to work.)
                              Favs: F2 (for its humour) PS:T (for being the best story reliant RPG)

                              Oblivion isn't going to be done ever, I just can't force myself to play it.


                                Well, I've just played through both again, and I know I am about to blaspheme, but I still prefer the first game, and I wonder where many of these ridiculously dreamy reviews come from.

                                There is no denying that some elements of the game are vastly improved. Combat and Inventory cha nges being the best. But then we lose some of the drama of the story. I felt there were just too many personal stories going on (that needed completion to get the dsired ending) for me to concentrate on the Collector threat, which was, in my opinion, one of the coolest in recent games.

                                I wasn't fond of the level-up system, I didn't like the change in the ability to answer paragon or renegade relying totally on your paragon level took away some of the choice, as after half a dozen play throughs, there is no way that I could achieve a level where I was ACTUALLY given a choic ein my reply. In the 1st game, you could be a total paragon, but occasionally, when the need arose, be harsh. Gone.

                                And the vehicle sections; I have mixed feeling on these. In-level, they were pretty damn good. As exploration, not so much.
                                I've seen some reviews that said the first game had a weak plot - DID THEY PLAY THE FIRST GAME?!?!? It was far better than this one. I understand it's the midddle story, but come on. The ending was so...meh. I struggled through all those personal stories to get the ending I wanted and......not much else.....yawn.

                                Now, the amount of personalisation was good, getting to know all the characters better, but there was almost too much, as I have alluded to before. Also, you tread a mighty fine line between paragon answers, and flirting with every character available.......why? I want this one, so why does being nice to this one mean I am chatting her up too?

                                In the end, still a damned fine game which I will continue to play again and agaian, but I juts don't think it's quite worth the praise everyone has given it over the original.....
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