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Lexx Discussion/Appreciation

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    I think it was stupid idea to bury Kai on this garbage planet. If they stated he is really dead, they should froze him again and wait until they find some other, more appropriate planet.


      I agree. They should have kept him in the cryopod and searched for a solution. The cryo malfunctioned and froze him solid. The satellite worms of the planet Klaagyia reanimated him with an enzyme. They rejected him as a host since he's dead. He was able to rescue Stan and Zev again...
      Crowley: ‘Give Me Coffee or Give Me Death.’ It’s a funny name for a coffee shop.
      Nina: Everything else was taken.


        Originally posted by geekywraith View Post
        I agree. They should have kept him in the cryopod and searched for a solution. The cryo malfunctioned and froze him solid.
        I think it's rather Stanley woke him up in wrong way... But I may be wrong, I haven't seen Eating Patern for long. It isn't my favorite episode.


          Stan did wake up Kai the wrong way with disastrous consequences in S2 "Terminal" and the teenagers in "Wake the Dead". I've seen Eating Pattern many times even if it’s not the best movie in S1. I'm sure that Kai was frozen solid. He was and unresponsive and Stan touched Kai’s face and it was frozen. The cryopod malfunctioned probably due to Stan’s incompetence... I like Rutger Hauer and it was fun to see him as a really nutty character. The Wist character had a really nice outfit. Beware of her kiss. She'll infect you with a parasite worm that'll control your brain.
          Crowley: ‘Give Me Coffee or Give Me Death.’ It’s a funny name for a coffee shop.
          Nina: Everything else was taken.


            Originally posted by geekywraith View Post
            The Wist character had a really nice outfit. Beware of her kiss. She'll infect you with a parasite worm that'll control your brain.

            She was hot. She could be love slave...


              Yeah she was pretty hot and yes she could be one. I prefered her outfit in comparison to Zev/Xev's costume. She kept saying: "Do you like me?" Of course Stan didn't mind right up to when the worm infected his brain and turned him into a mindless servant. She also kissed Kai but she was repelled by him being dead. Kai felt rejected: They rejected me because I turned out to be dead...

              Last edited by geekywraith; 01 May 2011, 05:06 PM. Reason: added pict
              Crowley: ‘Give Me Coffee or Give Me Death.’ It’s a funny name for a coffee shop.
              Nina: Everything else was taken.


                Wist is pretty and her acting was good. I like her more than May. In one of the interviews, Xev said that she got the job because May didn't want the job.

                Originally posted by geekywraith View Post
                The first release on DVD had special features. Last years re-release didn't have the special features and it was cheaply packaged...but it was at an affordable price at least. I have no idea if the new box set release has anything different on it.

                just an FYI. This year release has all the features. It says on the box: making-of videos, cast & crew interviews, on set footage and stills gallery. it's been 3.5 weeks and I haven't opened the boxset yet
                "The center of every man's existence is a dream." - G.K. Chesterton


                  That's great.
                  Crowley: ‘Give Me Coffee or Give Me Death.’ It’s a funny name for a coffee shop.
                  Nina: Everything else was taken.


                    Originally posted by GWF View Post
                    Wist is pretty and her acting was good. I like her more than May. In one of the interviews, Xev said that she got the job because May didn't want the job.
                    I confess secretly that I have weakness for May
                    What do you mean by that Xev got the job instead May? Does it mean that May could be a love slave in third season?? or in the whole show, after Eva's leaving?


                      Anna, who played May, was Paul Donovan's first choice to be a love slave after Eva's leave. She didn't want the job so Paul offered the position to Xenia.

                      I remembered someone asked about Mantrid's voice, Michael (Kai) said in one of the interview chats that Dieter (Mantrid) had a cork between his teeth to create his distinctive voice. I'm not sure if this is true because I have not seen any Dieter's works other than Lexx.
                      "The center of every man's existence is a dream." - G.K. Chesterton


                        I do remember that Anna was Donovan's first choice. I've never heard of the cork thing about Dieter's voice. It's possible... Dieter really had a distinctive voice and face. Mantrid is a memorable character.

                        Some people here on this thread have seen one on his movies "The Human centipede". I would be curious to know if he had the same voice in that movie as well. In the episode Mantrid he did a funny thing with his tongue when he spoke to Zev.
                        Crowley: ‘Give Me Coffee or Give Me Death.’ It’s a funny name for a coffee shop.
                        Nina: Everything else was taken.


                          Nevermind, I watched part of The Human Centipede just now and his voice is the same

                          although just to make Mantrid special, I say he talked slower with stronger Z and R in Lexx ...ok ok I know I'm being bias here.

                          Mantrid - Best quotes and clips
                          Last edited by GWF; 04 May 2011, 02:24 PM. Reason: vids
                          "The center of every man's existence is a dream." - G.K. Chesterton


                            My favorite quote

                            Mantrid: "Should snake venom swell your limbs to bursting, should spider poison
                            cause your brain to explode, should your bodily fluids slowly drain out through
                            postulant sores, none of this is enough- you deserve worse, far, far worse.”
                            Crowley: ‘Give Me Coffee or Give Me Death.’ It’s a funny name for a coffee shop.
                            Nina: Everything else was taken.


                              Originally posted by GWF View Post
                              Anna, who played May, was Paul Donovan's first choice to be a love slave after Eva's leave. She didn't want the job so Paul offered the position to Xenia.
                              I didn't know that. Thanks for explanation, guys
                              I also have impression that if Anna would be love slave, relations between Kai and Xev could be little diffrent


                                some of my favorite conversations:

                                Mantrid: Blithering interloper! I am the greatest Bio-Vizier of all times! That ever was, and all that will ever be!
                                Brizon: You, my friend, are the collected sewage of ten billion dynasties! Your legacy has been flushed out!
                                Mantrid: You, my friend, are a leaking boil on the anus of a cancerous rodent, squeaking from a damp corner of oblivion!
                                Brizon: Gas bag!
                                Mantrid: Phlegm sack!
                                Brizon: Sycophant!
                                Mantrid: Midget!

                                in K-Town
                                Zev: And who are they?
                                Mantrid: They are downstairs, so they must be - the people who are downstairs

                                moments later
                                Stanley: It's the downstairs people!
                                Mantrid: Except now, they are upstairs.

                                I couldn't stop laughing watching Mantrid in his new self in K-Town.

                                One of my favorite Lexx scenes is when Mantrid leans over Kai in gives an eerie feeling (and somewhat homoerotic ) to it...
                                Mantrid: Hello, Kai.
                                Kai: Hello, Bio-Vizier.
                                Mantrid: Yes, yes. You belong to me.

                                Mantrid's famous quote "I am the greatest Bio-Vizier who ever lived!" is my favorite quote.
                                "The center of every man's existence is a dream." - G.K. Chesterton

