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Terminator TV Show - "The Sarah Connor Chronicles" - "SPOILERS FOR ALL EPISODES"

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    Originally posted by vaberella View Post
    Your link as well can be entirely wrong, since there's an "I think" element involved in his statement and hence the reason I said I heard something similar from the actor. I don't think your guy is an exec to know for sure either.
    For sure. My link is by no means anything official only a rumor at this point. But unless things are really grim for a show filming dates are always set even if they aren't going to be used. I heard from an interview with BAG that Terminator was tentatively set to start filming again in June as early as the beginning of March.

    As for Cameron's model, that is largely a mystery for now but we can be pretty sure she's not a T-888. Vick scanned her way back in the second episode and declared her an "unknown cyborg" and all T-888s have had red vision and red eyes but Cameron's vision is very different and she has blue eyes.
    Last edited by GatetheWay; 18 March 2008, 07:55 AM.

    5th Season of Supernatural Premiering September 10th!


      Originally posted by GatetheWay View Post
      For sure. My link is by no means anything official only a rumor at this point. But unless things are really grim for a show filming dates are always set even if they aren't going to be used. I heard from an interview with BAG that Terminator was tentatively set to start filming again in June as early as the beginning of March.
      That's basically what I was saying. But the interview I saw was with Thomas Dekker.

      Originally posted by GatetheWay View Post
      As for Cameron's model, that is largely a mystery for now but we can be pretty sure she's not a T-888. Vick scanned her way back in the second episode and declared her an "unknown cyborg" and all T-888s have had red vision and red eyes but Cameron's vision is very different and she has blue eyes.
      This is what I figured. There was too much said in the nine episodes which led one to believe she was not a T-888. I already listed why I figured she was far removed from the T-888 and she herself even stated she was different.

      Do you know the episode where JC mentions the "singularity effect"? That was the episode that totally told me that this robo-girl was completely different from others and was definitely giving me the impression she's an upgraded model. The way she looked towards JC and SC while JC was talking about it, and of course the fact in like episode 8 she is lacing up her shoes to practice ballet. I can't see a robot needing to practice ballet. It's too contradictory a set up.

      Original Sentence: Didn't Arnold's version have the blue eyes in T2? I thought the blue eyes was to say you're a good guy versus the red which means enemy and out to kill. (only adding it because it was quoted).

      Restructured: As for the vision thing, if that's true (since I could be wrong, but thought in T2 Arnold had blue eyes too), then that's a definite tell tale sign.
      Last edited by vaberella; 18 March 2008, 12:20 PM. Reason: fixing and compacting my sentences
      Click statement above to read article.


        Originally posted by vaberella View Post
        Didn't Arnold's version have the blue eyes in T2? I thought the blue eyes was to say you're a good guy versus the red which means enemy and out to kill.
        Yep, it's simple symbolism, nothing more.


          Originally posted by ChocolateLovingEntity View Post
          Ok woo the show's really kicking along.

          We've just had the episode where they rescue derek Reese..

          Cameron has fight with a T-888

          Questions for me abound.

          What model is Cameron? A T-888 sounds like a model prior to the T-1000 that tried to kill John Connor in the past or do the numbers not matter. Will we ever see a T-1000?

          Also with that fight. Do we know how they disposed of the terminaotr body? I mean when the feds show up it's nowhere to be found.

          Was that robot at the chess fair making friendly with Cameron?

          And another question as an interesting side topic. Why can't they just say dump one of the dead terminators on Ellison's doorstep? Surely he'd make a great ally. Would it be that damaging to hiistory to then go public and warn people about these things running round rampant?
          I'd thought I'd throw in a few answers to your questions as well.

          1. I don't know, although another poster said she was a T-888, everything else on the show has said she's far removed from a T-888. She's faster than them, based on where you've gotten too, you'll see her sensibilities are different. Plus in episode 3 (I believe) John mentioned the singularity effect, which I think directly relates to her and we all know from Episode 1 she's different and can eat human food. None of the other robots have needed or appear to need it. This is slightly shown in a later ep you haven't seen with a wine glasses-- and the robot's wine glass is filled and untouched but the other persons is being refilled.

          2. I think it's unlikely we'll see a T-1000. We have to understand that the timelines are being affected. A lot of people seem to forget that each time someone goes back and JC lives or SC lives or something alters because of the robots or someone coming back to the past then the future completely alters.

          In the first film SC lives and ends up giving birth to JC. Robot then fails in his mission and JC lives until T2, and he wasn't in the house when his foster parents died. T-101 (I think that's the model of Arnold at the time) comes back reprogrammed by JC to protect him. Already, it's established that the timeline in T1, has been altered but the threat of Judgement Day still exists.

          The TV show takes up after T2 and dumps T3 (as it should) but it does touch on T3 lightly by mentioning the fact that SC dies of cancer. Now that being said, since they were able to kill the T-1000 in T2 and JC and SC both live---there T-101 has completed his mission---timeline shifts once again. Another aspect to know the T3 element is dumped and here is no Kate Brewster (since that timeline was fake anyway)----SC and JC make it 8 years into the future where he's 15-16, when he should have been 24 as he was in T3 (this is mentioned in either ep 3 or 4). Making him non-existent in the 8 years in the future as an adult.

          So the T-1000 becomes sort of null and void at the moment, and opens the doors to two things. Before I go into the two things, lets say Cromartie, Cam, and the resistance fighters showed up at the same time---or even at different times of the same time period (since Cam and Derek know each other) the future has completely altered so far as we know it and since they are still trying to stop the beginning of Judgement Day (remember the last films (including T3) have shown Judgement Day deferred not altered) most of what we've seen in the last two films in regards to robos will be continously altered. Cromartie will always pose a threat for however long it lives, not counting the already premade new cyborgs (albeit not to their best currently), and of course Cam.

          Going back to the two things, we have to alternatives, Judgement Day doesn't last to the extent it was believed to survive for the new T-1000 to come about. Or eventually we will eradict all of the robots---this includes Cam (she might be killed in the future).

          3. Well I don't know if you've seen it or not but Cammy takes it home. Then she uses thermite--it's an incendiary chemical that burns at 2500 C was used to liquify the endoskeleton (ie. get rid of it for good). They were still missing the hand though. Although a hand was left over for Ellison to find (this later gets taken care of by Mommy Dearest = Sarah Connor).

          4. Well yes, it makes friendly with all things that appear to fit a humanoid feature.

          5. Uh no. Remember what happens in the course of history. I don't know if you've seen the ep yet or not. But Cam talks about it and this has been discussed in T1-T3, but paticularly T2, if any of the endoskeletons stay around then it hasten the likely hood of Judgement Day. Humans like show and tell. We would have government scientist on that endo skeleton doing tests we don't know about in the name of national security and then boom, we have Judgement Day all over again. Ellison can only do so much at a given time. I think he has the capabilities to warn, but better for us is that he has the governmental connections we need to get things done on the inside and he's become more familiar and aware of what's going on and by episode 9 he's definitely on top of what's going on. He's going to prove useful...but it's too early now to be warning against anything especially since we can't trust our military intelligence to care about the future when all they care about is the present. Then they'll think they'll be able to create robos that care about us and then we see them going crazy and think on their own like in I-Robot.

          At the moment to go on a rampage telling people will make them sound like cooks and end up where the good doctor has ended up and where Sarah was chillin' for a good couple of years. Who wants four white walls keeping you company when there is a potential of a war up ahead and you could be next on the hitlist.
          Last edited by vaberella; 18 March 2008, 12:33 PM.
          Click statement above to read article.


            Originally posted by vaberella View Post
            I don't know about the star... I don't think the show would be the show without the other minor characters like the man Sarah was macking.

            My favorite is between Derek and John to tell you the truth although I love Cam. I think Cam is important to John and basically when John and or one of the characters mention something that is human or the development of the robot into humanoids----then she plays a vital character to John and understanding John----this is especially seen in eps 1, 4, 6, 7---paticularly 7, 8, and 9.

            I'm starting to think more and more in understanding John then we need to grasp her importance. But overall---she's not the main. I find Sarah is the main and everything revolves around her. I'm just more interested in the others around her but like Sarah's character a lot.
            Cameron is the show. If she should go missing for 2 or 3 episodes you can kiss TSCC goodbye. The other characters are neither interesting or likeable.


              Says you. Cameron isn't all that intersting to me. For me, if Reese is to die I probably wouldn't conitue watching for much longer.

              5th Season of Supernatural Premiering September 10th!


                I was just flickin the channels on my tv and i stubbeled across it, i saw an advert for it so i watched it and i think its quite good. i really liked the fact that Summer Glau was in it
                Class of 2004-2009!!


                  I'm not as sold on Derek as it seems most people are. I don't know why really. I did start to warm up to him in the last episode, but he's still not my favorite.

                  I do love Charlie though. I hold my breath through every episode because I think this is going to be the episode where they kill him off.

                  Cameron's great because she's not predictible. You don't know what's going on with her.

                  I like John because of the times you can see the leader inside the teenager, like in the second-to-last episode when he slapped Sarah and Derek down.

                  And I like Sarah too, because of her struggle to keep her son safe and yet not become what they're fighting.

                  And I like Ellison because of his quest to find the truth, and I'm really curious to know what's going to happen to him now.
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                    Originally posted by Krichton View Post
                    Cameron is the show. If she should go missing for 2 or 3 episodes you can kiss TSCC goodbye. The other characters are neither interesting or likeable.
                    That's your opinion and thank God it probably can't be said about the millions of other viewers watching the show.

                    I for one think Cam's great, but she's NOT the show.

                    Originally posted by GatetheWay View Post
                    Says you. Cameron isn't all that intersting to me. For me, if Reese is to die I probably wouldn't conitue watching for much longer.
                    Agreed to the first part and I think I'm a John, Cam and Ellison fan. Ellison taking a minute lead. Basically I think the cast was chosen well and like all the characters as they've developed quite nicely.

                    Shoot, I'm starting to even appreciate Cromartie.
                    Click statement above to read article.


                      I'm a Cameron, Sarah, Chromartie, Ellison fan...... I haven't quite warmed up to John yet. He to be honest he irritates me sometimes.
                      Last edited by Coco Pops; 18 March 2008, 05:33 PM.
                      Go home aliens, go home!!!!


                        For some reason Derek irritates me. It's like he carries this aura of arrogant jerkiness around with him, and I don't like that. I'm not sure whether it is the actor showing though the character, or a purposeful choice, but he just rubs me the wrong way (I've never seen him in anything else, so it isn't personal bias against the actor on my part).

                        I've been slightly disappointed by Summer Glau's acting (again, that style could be a purposeful choice, but I don't like it), but I love the character. I'm never quite sure what's she's going to say or do, and there is always a feeling of menace coming from her. It's like she's always half a step away from killing the person standing in front of her. It's creepy, and I like it.

                        I'm iffy on both John and Sarah's actors. To be decided. I'm not too hot on John's character so far, but I like Sarah's.

                        Acting wise I like Ellison's actor the best. I've thought that he did a fantastic job in every scene he was in. And while I don't appreciate his strong religious take on absolutely everything, I imagine that some people probably like that about the character. All in all, I'd say he's probably the best of the bunch.


                          Ellison is definitely my favorite so far on this show. I really like where they've taken his character.
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                            Originally posted by gopher65 View Post

                            Acting wise I like Ellison's actor the best. I've thought that he did a fantastic job in every scene he was in. And while I don't appreciate his strong religious take on absolutely everything, I imagine that some people probably like that about the character. All in all, I'd say he's probably the best of the bunch.

                            I hadn't noticed that. Do you mean the actor is religious or his character because I haven't noticed that at all. How would finding terminators cast religious thoughts into one's mind?
                            Go home aliens, go home!!!!


                              I just had a brainfart regarding Cameron.

                              Ok she says she's a terminator, but what if she's actually some new kind of enhanced human with a metal body like a regular terminator but human inside like with a brain and all?

                              Maybe not but worth a thought.
                              Go home aliens, go home!!!!


                                I can't imagine why Derek would come off as arrogant. He more comes off to me as a slightly crazy and off centered guy who's been through a lot and loved his brother.

                                5th Season of Supernatural Premiering September 10th!

