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Terminator TV Show - "The Sarah Connor Chronicles" - "SPOILERS FOR ALL EPISODES"

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    Time travel can cause an alternate reality by reshaping one that already exists. Time travel does not create a parallel universe, the two have nothing to do with each other. Using time travel to alter reality is no different than going up stream, building a dam, and then diverting the stream elsewhere. Doing so doesn't create a parallel stream, it just changes the existing one. Changing the past would have the same effect on the timeline. You can only have one timeline at a time.


      What i mean is more than one reality can exist at the same time (it works for Stargate , i haven't said anything about Parallel universes. One reality is the events that took place before Reese was sent back in time that reality still continues but it's not the one the movies follow. Obviously that means there could then be an unlimited amount of realities existing. I agree there can only be one timeline but numerous realities exist within that timeline. The problem is various movies and tv series have many different examples of what can happen with timetravel and there is never one that gives a completely satisfactory answer. I do disagree with your dam explanation, i feel another reality has to be created otherwise a paradox would occur.


        Originally posted by Dumper View Post
        What i mean is more than one reality can exist at the same time (it works for Stargate , i haven't said anything about Parallel universes.
        You just did. If you have more than one reality, that's parallel realities. That has nothing to do with time travel.

        One reality is the events that took place before Reese was sent back in time that reality still continues but it's not the one the movies follow.
        By this logic, Reese went to parallel reallity, not the past. That doesn't make any sense, because in the movie, he goes back in time, not to another reallity.

        Obviously that means there could then be an unlimited amount of realities existing.
        As I said, this has nothing to do with time travel.

        I agree there can only be one timeline but numerous realities exist within that timeline.
        What? That doesn't make any sense. If there's only one timeline, then all of the realities would have to be absolutely identical to be within the same timeline. That doesn't match your propose theory of going back in time to another reallity and then messing up that one. The way I see it, there can be multiple realities, but each reallity can only have one timeline at a time. In other words, if you go back in time, you're going back in time in your own universe. If you alter the timeline, the previous one ceases to exist in that it is reshaped into the new reallity. As I said, it's like going upstream and changing the stream's coarse with a dam and a new trench. This does not create a parallel stream, it simply alters the existing one.

        The problem is various movies and tv series have many different examples of what can happen with timetravel and there is never one that gives a completely satisfactory answer.
        I don't mind different movies and TV shows having their own take on time travel. With a movie series, it's usually consistant from one movie to the next. Unfortunately, in TV shows, due to having multiple writers and only the occasional time travel episode, the time travel logistics becomes inconsistent.

        I do disagree with your dam explanation, i feel another reality has to be created otherwise a paradox would occur.
        What's wrong with having a paradox?


          I don't class an Alternate reality and a Parallel universe as exactly the same thing. I see an Alternate reality as something that was created from our own reality, and a Parallel universe was not created from our reality.

          I did not mean that Reese traveled back to a Alternate reality, he went back to our/his reality in 1984 but the moment he arrived he created a new reality.

          If you alter the timeline, the previous one ceases to exist in that it is reshaped into the new reality.

          I see it differently, if you travel back in time and alter the timeline the original timeline still exists, if it didn't then you wouldn't of been able to travel back in the first place. But by travelling back in time you create a new reality so if you then went forward in time you would go forward in this new reality not the one you originally came from.

          By creating a new reality every time you travel in time it shouldn't create a paradox like the grandfather paradox, well i hope anyway.


            Parallel Universe - An alternative reality similar to this one in which a person makes different critical choices, and goes in different directions as a result.

            So you are wrong.
            Last edited by Oreo; 27 November 2007, 08:06 PM.


              Originally posted by Oreo View Post
              Parallel Universe - An alternative reality similar to this one in which a person makes different critical choices, and goes in different directions as a result.

              Parallel universe or alternate reality in science fiction and fantasy is a self-contained separate reality coexisting with our own.

              So you are wrong.
              Maybe you should have read the whole paragraph from Wikipedia instead of the first sentence.

              It reads,

              Parallel universe or alternate reality in science fiction and fantasy is a self-contained separate reality coexisting with our own. A specific group of parallel universes is called a multiverse, although this term can also be used to describe the possible parallel universes that comprise physical reality. While the terms "parallel universe" and "alternate reality" are generally synonymous and can be used interchangeably in most cases, there is sometimes an additional connotation implied with the term "alternate reality" that implies that the reality is a variant of our own. The term "parallel universe" is more general, without any connotations implying a relationship (or lack thereof) with our own universe.

              I'm afraid you are wrong.


                I'm afraid you are wrong, just read my first part.


                  well the first ep leaked online and it was better than i thought it'd be i cant wait to see the next ep but boo that wont be til jan


                    Originally posted by Missster.Freeman View Post
                    So the series won't acknowledge T3 and T4 through to T6 will be a new trilogy? Ack! This is all too confusing. Enough to make me want to tune out altogether.

                    The Terminator story is all over the place


                      Originally posted by Daniel Jackson View Post
                      In the new future, we don't know Skynet will be defeated. We only know that a Terminator was sent back to 1999 to assasinate John Connor. Cameron was also sent back to 1999 to protect him.
                      Why send a Terminator back in time if the Resistance does not win? If Skynet is not defeated then why bother sending a terminator across time to assassinate a leader of a resistance movement that eventually proves to be ineffectual?

                      Originally posted by Daniel Jackson View Post
                      Exactly the same? Impossible, since the timeline was altered in 1995. EVERYTHING that happens after that will happen differently. There could be a Kyle Reese, but not the sane as the Kyle Reese featured in T1. You say he would be exactly the same, then you say in the next sentence that he could be older... if he's older, he's not exactly the same.
                      Ok... I think we might have two different definitions of same/different. For I consider if Kyle goes back in time as a slightly older individual, he is still the same person with the same experiences all that has changed is his age. There is also the possibility, like I stated before, that John defeats Skynet quicker and Reese is exactly the same age with the same experiences during the war.

                      I understand where you are coming through with the timeline... in one aspect it makes sense. However from a stylist artistic one I think I prefer John having to send Reese back in time just as he was meant to in the 'original' Future War scene in T2 before it was cut.


                      P.S. Sorry I'm so late in responding
                      Last edited by Ace; 08 January 2008, 09:13 AM.
                      "Good Morning Dr. Silberman. How's the knee?" - Sarah Connor 1994


                        Originally posted by daniel9 View Post
                        well the first ep leaked online and it was better than i thought it'd be i cant wait to see the next ep but boo that wont be til jan
                        Just saw the first episode too. Soo fregging awesome. Cant wait for more.
                        Deffinatly like this more then T3 film version.
                        We are born capable of greatness... If we are to be who we are, and what we are; if we are to accomplish great things, then we must learn the heart's most essential rule:


                          Originally posted by Missster.Freeman View Post
                          So the series won't acknowledge T3 and T4 through to T6 will be a new trilogy? Ack! This is all too confusing. Enough to make me want to tune out altogether.
                          It's not so confusing, there's just two timelines to follow. One timeline features the three movies. When they say the next three will be a whole new trilogy, they mean thematically. They will be set in the future instead of the present and likely drop the time travel element. T4-6 will be a continuation of T1-3. A second timeline features the first two movies and then diverges with the TV show.

                          Timeline 1
                          The Terminator
                          Terminator 2: Judgment Day
                          Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines
                          Terminator Salvation: The Future Begins

                          Timeline 2
                          The Terminator
                          Terminator 2: Judgment Day
                          Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
                          Last edited by Daniel Jackson; 03 January 2008, 05:35 PM.


                            Connor To Go Online

                            Fox will post the pilot episode of Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles exclusively on Yahoo! for 24 hours beginning Jan. 4 at 9 p.m. PT/12 a.m. ET. The commercial-free premiere will also feature an exclusive introduction by star Lena Headey (Sarah Connor).

                            The rest is here.



                              It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.


                                Did anybody else watch the episode online at yahootv? What do you think?

                                I personally was surprised so many scenes had been changed or added since the leaked version. I liked it all but I suppose I prefer the final scene in the leaked version versus the one they have now.

                                My opinion was it was just more poignant with the "family" cleaning the guns then Sarah to say it was going to be a dogfight. Rather than them standing by a swingset while she said the same thing. It just seemed a little off to me...

                                "Good Morning Dr. Silberman. How's the knee?" - Sarah Connor 1994

