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Sci-Fi/Fantasy Book Discussion/Appreciation Anyone..??

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    Originally posted by Exiled Master View Post
    [The title is Anathem, by the way.]
    That was the second Stephenson book I read (first was Snow Crash). I didn't get the hint at the time that he doesn't really do endings. This realization fell upon me with great force when I finished reading Diamond Age. The ending of Snow Crash wasn't unusual in it's brevity to me because most of it could be inferred.
    Hiro reunites with Juanita and gets his life on track, YT gains an appreciation for her mother, Raven escapes to likely fight another day, Rife is captured and locked up wherever Enzo and Mr Lee agree to keep him, Da5id probably gets rehabilitation,
    I have never claimed to be able to type.


      Sig by ME!!!


        Originally posted by Iffy View Post
        I love Anne Bishop!
        Anne Bishop is one of my fav fantasy authors, her black jewels books are amazing. I also love Melanie Rawn's Dragon Prince, Dragon Star trilogies along with the Exiles books. The Ruins Of Ambrai was actually the first adult fantasy book id ever read back when i was 14 lol, it was mistakenly in the horror section in the bookstore, but it sounded really interesting and totally got me hooked into fantasy in general after i read it.


          Originally posted by aaobuttons View Post
          Is anyone here a young adult lit fan? My cousins have just gotten into YA fantasy/scifi because of the Twilight books and I want to get them a bunch of books for the summer. I got them the Hunger Games books because I read those and thought they were great YA, but when I looked at Borders, everything else seems to be Vampire related. While I'm not against vamps per se... I'd rather their range be a bit broader. I've got the classics like Ender, Pern, and Heinlein already picked out. Anybody else have any recommendations? I know they tilt more towards the fantasy than the sci fi, but I'd be happy with either.
          The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman is an absolutly beautifully written book, i bought it for my 9 yr old son, but i read it myself in a few hrs it was so engaging a well written i couldnt put it down.


            Originally posted by VampyreWraith View Post
            Anne Bishop is one of my fav fantasy authors, her black jewels books are amazing. I also love Melanie Rawn's Dragon Prince, Dragon Star trilogies along with the Exiles books. The Ruins Of Ambrai was actually the first adult fantasy book id ever read back when i was 14 lol, it was mistakenly in the horror section in the bookstore, but it sounded really interesting and totally got me hooked into fantasy in general after i read it.

            Someone donated a bunch of her books to the library book sale that is how I discovered Anne Bishop.

            I found book 1 of the Wheel of Time series so am currently reading the Eye of the World.


              Originally posted by Iffy View Post
              Someone donated a bunch of her books to the library book sale that is how I discovered Anne Bishop.

              I found book 1 of the Wheel of Time series so am currently reading the Eye of the World.
              How are you finding it? i tried reading robert jordan a few years ago, could never really get into it even though i have a few of the wheel of time books.


                Originally posted by VampyreWraith View Post
                How are you finding it? i tried reading robert jordan a few years ago, could never really get into it even though i have a few of the wheel of time books.
                I've read it before a long time ago. I enjoy them . I have up to six or seven I don't remember. I could find book four in storage but not the first three, finally found them in a cupboard in the cabin where we now store hay.


                  I should try to find mine its been a awhile since i tried reading any of them. I went on a book buying spree a few yrs ago and went way overboard and accumulated hundreds of books in a relatively short period of time, so i didnt get a chance to read a lot of them, i'd buy books cuz they sounded intresting , read a few pages or skim a little, if it didnt grab my attention, id put it aside to read later, cept i ended up with soo many books i kinda lost track of what i had a where i put them.


                    Originally posted by VampyreWraith View Post
                    I should try to find mine its been a awhile since i tried reading any of them. I went on a book buying spree a few yrs ago and went way overboard and accumulated hundreds of books in a relatively short period of time, so i didnt get a chance to read a lot of them, i'd buy books cuz they sounded intresting , read a few pages or skim a little, if it didnt grab my attention, id put it aside to read later, cept i ended up with soo many books i kinda lost track of what i had a where i put them.
                    I can relate to that. I bought a whole paper grocery bag of books at the last library sale, for 25 cents a paperback, you just buy stuff that looks interesting.


                      Originally posted by Iffy View Post
                      I can relate to that. I bought a whole paper grocery bag of books at the last library sale, for 25 cents a paperback, you just buy stuff that looks interesting.
                      I ended up buying a bunch of used books from amazon, and at one point i bought soo many from so many different sellers all at once that i ended up finding one of those huge usps mail bags stuffed with packages of books sitting on my front steps lol , im really really bad i have a slight hoarding problem lol


                        Originally posted by VampyreWraith View Post
                        I ended up buying a bunch of used books from amazon, and at one point i bought soo many from so many different sellers all at once that i ended up finding one of those huge usps mail bags stuffed with packages of books sitting on my front steps lol , im really really bad i have a slight hoarding problem lol
                        I love used books. Used books stores smell so good. Yes I huff books.


                          I only liked the first few books of the Wheel of Time series and the latest one, The Gathering Storm which was taken over by Sanderson. Mr. Jordan really dragged on meaningless politics later on. I liked Sanderson's style so I read his Warbreaker which was fantastic. I'll recommend it for those that enjoy fantasy. He came up with a somewhat creative magic system.

                          I've been trying to read the Malazan series but it's so hard to read because of the massive infodump. I've read about 100 pages of the Garden one, and it's still just a massive infodump of too many different things and characters. Has anyone read it? Should I continue?


                            LOL @ iffy

                            As for the Malazan series , i've never read that one. One of the last good series i've read have been by jennifer fallon. her demon child trilogy, wolfblade trilogy and second sons trilogy are all pretty good and imo pretty fast paced.


                              Bruce Coville FINALLY released the last book in The Unicorn Chronicles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              "YOU'RE EASIER THAN THE U.S. CONGRESS."~Nikola
                              Sig by ME!!!


                                What are they about?

                                I tend to shy away from "things that get too epic too fast and throne fighting" books that are too dark and silly. I prefer some bits of humor along the way.

                                I'm probably the only person here that didn't really like the George Martin books. They're too silly with politics and dark for my taste. But everyone has different tastes.

