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2001: A Space Odyssey - Discussion thread

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    Originally posted by neurophobic_and_perfect View Post
    It was made in the 60s (speculating about the future) and is officially the first full leangth film of that type: the others were fantasy based with sci fi twists to them.

    This isn't the main point of the thread - we are here to discuss the contents of the film.
    I know its not the main point of the thread, but when someboby makes a claim like that I'd like to know there reasoning why. (words like true and official don't do much to make your case)

    Besides, wouldn't talking about whether or not 2001 is the first Sci-Fi film fit under the topic of 2001: Discusssion?

    I still have no idea what you mean by not including the other films because they are 'fantasy based with sci fi twists' (even though, you already said that 2 films that predated it are sci-fi), you could just as easily say that about 2001, but whatever. It's a great film.


      Originally posted by Randy_Watson View Post
      I know its not the main point of the thread, but when someboby makes a claim like that I'd like to know there reasoning why. (words like true and official don't do much to make your case)

      Besides, wouldn't talking about whether or not 2001 is the first Sci-Fi film fit under the topic of 2001: Discusssion?

      I still have no idea what you mean by not including the other films because they are 'fantasy based with sci fi twists' (even though, you already said that 2 films that predated it are sci-fi), you could just as easily say that about 2001, but whatever. It's a great film.
      To save arguments I will change it. happy?
      Beckett: What shall ah say?
      Ford: Uh...Uh... I miss you... I wish you were here?
      Beckett: I wish who was here?
      Ford: Uh.... I dunno who do you wish was here?
      Beckett: Nobody I wish I wasn't bloody here.


        Originally posted by neurophobic_and_perfect View Post
        To save arguments I will change it. happy?

        JK, Nothing wrong with a little conversation. But what do you mean by one of the best sci-fi movies to date?


          its the first true science fiction film in terms of science fiction, it stands up today still as an incredibly realistic and logical approach in its depiction of space travel, basically Kubrick was a master at what he did.

          as for the ending, the books de-mystify alot of the reasoning behind it all there is so much more detail to try to put it on film would have made it ten times longer!

          but from what i understood he literally lived out the rest of his life in that construct room and then was evolved to the next stage in human evolution by the monolith builders, not to their level but to be used as their eyes and ears in the universe, as i said alot more is revealed in the books.
          To the Mandatorium!!!!!


            Originally posted by neurophobic_and_perfect View Post
            It was made in the 60s (speculating about the future) and is officially the first full leangth film of that type: the others were fantasy based with sci fi twists to them.
            You know, some of us have actually seen a number of the aforementioned films. I'd suggest you do the same before making things up.

            They are 'science-fiction' films, and they did come before 2001. I'll not deny that 2001 was monumental to the genre, but you're just wrong.
            "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


              This aspect of the thread has been about semantics, which I think Neurophobic and Phantom Limb have managed to clear up. Telling someone "you're just wrong" because they had difficulty defining their terms is treading into flaming rather than debating.

              The story of my life. I finally find a city like this, intact, deserted for ten thousand years, probably contains hundreds of patents that I can exploit--and I'm going to die. I can appreciate dramatic irony as much as the next person, but this is pushing it a bit. --Max Eilerson, Crusade "War Zone"

              Mess with me, you mess with my whole family. --Max Eilerson, Crusade "Ruling From the Tomb"


                Originally posted by Wordsmit2 View Post
                This aspect of the thread has been about semantics, which I think Neurophobic and Phantom Limb have managed to clear up. Telling someone "you're just wrong" because they had difficulty defining their terms is treading into flaming rather than debating.
                Neurophobic just gave up and Phantom Limb just repeated the idea (unless he was suggesting that realistic space travel is the definition of sciencefiction), neither one cleared anything up.

                I don't think you can say this is flaming, yeah, DigiFluid said "you're just wrong", but he also gave examples of why. Seriously, this was labeled a discussion thread...Maybe it should just be a Praise Only thread instead. I myself am just curious as to why people consider this the first.


                  If I remember correctly, the last line in the book is that the star child appears and blinks and all the weapons of earth are silenced.....

                  So it's sort of a peace, love and joy and drug dreams yields world peace theme, I suppose..

                  I thought it was very profound when I was young. The last time I saw it, I enjoyed the ambiance and the science, but the pace and the symbolic "message" were garbage. Dave and Hal are the real "heart" of the film, containing all its pathos and humour. Once Hal is shut down, the movie really loses focus.

                  I'd give it 2.5 / 4.0 stars..... Want a better film on the downside of fiddling with human intelligence to create a superior intelligence? Serenity......


                    I have a query about the story by Arthur Clarke, in which a large crystal/monolith is placed outside the village of ancient humans, several million years ago.

                    Then they begin to evolve intelligently.

                    Does anybody have related info.




                      I LOVE this movie! I remember seeing it on TNT every few months back in the 90s. The history of human evolution depending on an alien device prompting us kill our own kind, the realistic portrayal of near-future space travel, HAL, the monolith itself... Nothing short of brilliant.
                      Of course, it's also a wonderful movie because the conflict between Dave and HAL really has nothing to do with the 'main' mystery of the movie: the monolith. Two SF concepts in one! I've always wondered if the monolith was responsible for HAL's breakdown.
                      Still, one of my top 10 movies!
                      More fun @ Spoofgate!


                        Originally posted by DigiFluid View Post
                        I'm a little ashamed to admit ...
                        I'm not ashamed to admit that like DigiFluid, this film is just a total nod-fest for me.

                        In my time on this planet I have attempted to watch it - both very deliberately on VHS/etc, and by catching it one night at random - no less than 3-4 times, and each time I'm away to the land of Zzzz's, often before a single line of dialogue has been spoken, and if not by then, then soon thereafter, cos whilst you think the lack of dialogue, til they actually start talking and it's all so dull...

                        The latest attempt was just last weekend. I remembered the Apes, so tried to pay extra attention to the symbolism there... (and almost unheard of - didn't have the laptop/iPad in hand whilst watching)... I did my best to enjoy the epic space shots (and wow, shot of a guy, asleep... and a steward... stewarding... without a sound...) But after (Dave?!) sits down to talk to... the people... at the table... with the really awkward chairs... I was at least googling the movie's Wiki page to try encourage me to pay more attention to the film's nuances... before multi-tasking a game of Clash of Clans... and ultimately turning the movie off before I'd even managed to hear "I'm sorry, Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that".

                        In fact - that line... and others... are why I guess I originally was keen to listen to it, because when I got my first computer, I had a large collection of movie quote sound files, including some from 2001. From those bites, I was expecting a great action packed movie... but instead I am expected to sit through some art house flick where I'm expecting to appreciate the fact that the homicidal computer is apparently more emotive than the droll humans...

                        If I feel a bit HAL-ee, then I go for the Simpsons Halloween version...

                        Or this... It was a bug, Dave...

                        back on YouTube -
                        "How Doomsday Should Have Ended!" • "Bigger on the Inside?" • "The Doctor Falls - With Hartnell!"
                        "The War Games - In 10 Minutes" • "Announcement of Jon Pertwee's death" •
                        and lots more!


                          If you don't mind a suggestion..
                          I would suggest reading the books (2001, 2010, 2061 and 3001) in order to gain a more complete understanding of the entire story being told and the universe it is set in.

                          It might make the events of the film a little easier to follow.


                            Open to suggestions

                            I may try, as - I do like the concept - as far as I know it... It's just the method of storytelling that I struggle with. I did 3 years at uni studying film/tv, and sat through all kinds of movies during that time - even (most of) Wavelength... I can handle slower movies... older movies... This one just remains elusive to me...
                            back on YouTube -
                            "How Doomsday Should Have Ended!" • "Bigger on the Inside?" • "The Doctor Falls - With Hartnell!"
                            "The War Games - In 10 Minutes" • "Announcement of Jon Pertwee's death" •
                            and lots more!


                              I can understand that others think the film is boring, but for me it's still the best SF film to date. It was the very first film review I posted on my site over fifteen years ago -

                              As to whether is was the first true SF film, that is preposterous, but it's still the best. Another that no one else in this thread mentioned is Forbidden Planet from 1957.


                                Ok, so, seems the first page really mostly just was a.. debate... about semantics...

                                I've got - Kubrick's vision of the future was very accurate, thus making it a good, if not indeed the greatest, sci-fi film. By that, I gather we're talking the mise-en-scene? Silent space shots, zero gravity, artificially spinning gravity, AI computer system/s, space travel, etc etc...? All shown in a very realistic manner, must/most of which holds up to today's science? Ok, yes - I'll give it a 9.5/10 for that (from what I've seen/remember through foggy eyes).

                                What else?

                                (I ask this honestly, openly, not attempting arrogance or anything negative...)
                                back on YouTube -
                                "How Doomsday Should Have Ended!" • "Bigger on the Inside?" • "The Doctor Falls - With Hartnell!"
                                "The War Games - In 10 Minutes" • "Announcement of Jon Pertwee's death" •
                                and lots more!

